“7 Surprisingly Quick And Easy Ways To Feel Happier”


 “7 Surprisingly Quick And Easy Ways To Feel Happier”

It seems like an unfounded misconception that in order to feel happier, you have to drastically change your life.
Think about it, though. Why should we begrudge ourselves the ability to enjoy small moments of joy? Why not take control of our happiness and find new ways to feel better every day? We’ve put together a list of simple things you can do today that are surefire winners for improving your mood:

- Spend a few minutes playing with your pet. 
- Call up an old friend or distant relative who makes you laugh. 
- Turn on some music and dance like nobody is watching.
- Write down 10 things you’re grateful for.
- Hold a positive thought in the back of your mind as you go about your day. 
…and so on. The possibilities are endless, but now that you know what to do, it is up to you to make the most of them!
The title of this article is actually a little bit of a misnomer; I was originally going to call it “7 Surprisingly Quick Ways To Feel Happier” and use that title in certain contexts throughout this article (since, at the end of the day, feeling happy is pretty much unavoidable). However, when I wrote that title down on a piece of paper, I realized it would be better to say “7 Quick And Easy Ways To Feel Happier”. Hopefully now you see why I had to change the title!
Also, in case it wasn’t immediately clear, all seven of these tips are things you can do right this very minute (hence the term “quick”). None of them require you to go out and buy some complex piece of machinery or invest a lot of your time.
Beyond that, we recommend that you try to do them all at least once (unless one or more don’t really appeal to you), because they are so easy and simple. It’s just a matter of taking a few minutes out of your day to do something that can make you feel instantly happier!
Now that that’s settled, let’s do a rundown of all the tips for feeling happier!
1) Spend some time playing with your pet
If you have a dog or cat, chances are you don’t need this tip. You know how much fun it is to play with your pet! But even if you have allergies or just don’t like animals, this tip can still work for you. Pets aren’t the only thing that can make us happier. Human beings tend to be more stressed out when we are surrounded by human beings than by other animals, so we recommend that you spend some time alone with your pets and see what a difference it makes.
2) Call up an old friend or distant relative who makes you laugh
There are a lot of reasons why we might not want to call an old friend or relative, but the fact is that there are always going to be people in our lives who make us laugh, and the world would probably be a much nicer place if everyone spent more time laughing with each other. So don’t be afraid to make a call, because we promise you that it will make you feel better in the end!
3) Turn on some music and dance like nobody is watching
While this isn’t exactly a quick and easy way to feel happier, you can always get the same effect by simply dancing whenever the urge strikes. Just dance like nobody is watching, and after awhile the music will help you to feel happier anyway.
4) Write down 10 things you’re grateful for
We truly believe that gratitude is one of the most important micro-habits of all time. It improves relationships, leads to healthier people, and ultimately makes you happier! For more information about the benefits of gratitude, check out our free e-book .
5) Hold a positive thought in the back of your mind as you go about your day.
Every time you think a negative thought throughout your day, try to replace it with a positive one instead. We’re not saying that you should be suppressing your negative thoughts; merely substituting them with something better.
6) Play a sport, take a walk, or go shopping
Taking time to do something that you enjoy is obviously going to make you happier, but it can also have other benefits. For example, playing sports can be a great way to relieve stress, and exercising has been proven to improve both your mental and physical health. Take some time for yourself today and do something that makes you happy!
7) Meditate or pray
You don’t need an expensive machine or lengthy practice sessions to meditate or pray; just spend some time staring at one of the candles in your house (or even the moon if it’s not too dark out) whenever you feel like praying. If you have trouble finding the time to pray, try to meditate at least once every day.
Basically, we hope that these tips for feeling happier were helpful and that you found them easy to follow! If so, the more of them you can practice, the more likely it is that you are going to feel happier. Happy day!
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We hope that you have found all the information presented here on the 8th Happiness Principle website to be of value, and that you have been able to find a way to incorporate at least one of these tips into your routine as soon as possible! If so, we invite you to share your thoughts with us below in the comments section. We would absolutely love if you left reviews, liked our Facebook page, or linked back to this post if possible! We hope that you can benefit from all of our little tricks for feeling happier.

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