A New Conversation About Dreams - The Power of Intention


What if your desires actually came true?

Is it possible to make your dreams come true?

What is the power of intention? 

Hey. Do you ever have those weird dreams where you're running late and suddenly realize that you forgot to put on pants or that there are sharks in the living room? Yeah, me too. But did you know that what we dream about reflects our desires and thoughts about life — not just random brain farts about weird things like alien spiders or popcorn for breakfast (albeit both of these things may be awesome)? In fact, a study published by Psychologist David Lewis found that 89% of people who are persistent in their goals achieve them — which means they intend to achieve them.

Intention. We are what we intend and desire to be. And our dreams are the manifestation of that intention. So how exactly do we make our dreams come true? Do we simply wish upon a star or do a rain dance? What do we need to do, consciously and subconsciously, to achieve our dreams? There's been so much talk in pop culture about manifesting desires — manifesting wealth, manifesting love, manifesting happiness. Yet I am compelled to say that it is not nearly enough to simply "manifest." There has been no mention of HOW — of WHAT must be done in order for the manifestation process to take hold. Fortunately, there is a process that can make dreams come true. And I can teach you how to use it.

I'm here to give you the secret to activating your intentions — your desires and dreams.  What we desire reflects our thoughts about life. It is within the image of what we want to create that we awaken the power within us to bring it into being. This is called "working with essence.  So what I have done is taken my experiences and accumulated wisdom in the field of dreamwork, along with the results that clients have had with this process I call "Making A Dream Come True". This book is a collection of the teachings that I have learned over years of working with people who want to make their dreams come true.

This book contains all sorts of exercises, techniques and meditations designed to help you accelerate your manifestation process. It will teach you how to create your own miracles — make your dreams come true. But let's start at the beginning...

Let's imagine that you want to be financially secure. You want to make a specific amount of money every year and be able to live on that income. You want to have a house, a car, financial security and the opportunity to save for your future. You might even want to travel the world or start a business. Well, what exactly are you feeling? What is your wish? What are your thoughts about this? Is it something like: "I need more money"? "I'm not satisfied with how much I make." "I need more financial security." Is it something like: "I just don't know how to create the money I need?" "The universe hasn't given me that opportunity yet. I wonder why...?" "I want to be financially secure, but I don't want to work for a living."

This is what we think about. This is the image of what we want. Let's say that you just got a fabulous new job, and you're exactly where you want to be with your current level of income and your ideal life circumstances. You don't need any more money — thank goodness! But then you realize all of a sudden that you are dreading this time off that you have coming up.

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