A Secret Technique that Entrepreneurs Can Use to Almost Guarantee Success!


Have you ever heard that "the best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago"? The saying may be an old wives’ tale, but there's some truth behind it. One of the key skills for success in life is the ability to develop and maintain long-term vision battles. To make sure this future happens, start planting your trees now before they grow into majestic trees of dreams and desires.

The first step to planting big dreams is developing a 20-year vision. This can be done by taking one day at a time. In fact, this article will show you exactly how to accomplish that.

Note: Please do not use this formula while driving or operating heavy machinery!

1. Take one hour of your time and write down an idea for your company's name and logo. Keep it simple and easy to remember. It should resemble a short catchy title that people can easily say when referring to you in conversation (e.g., Panasonic, Google, Apple). Now use Google image search and search for your company's name or its logo/name combination in major search engines (e.g. Bing, Yahoo, Google, etc.). If your name or logo is not found, try a different spelling. Also search for variations in the images returned (e.g., larger images, smaller images, etc.) Take note of the differences you see in any of the image results that come up.

In addition to determining if your company's name and logo is easily findable online or not, this step can help you clearly define what you want so that you can grab hold of it and run faster with it. Once you discover potential problems with finding your company name or logo online (if any), change it accordingly.

2. Take one hour of your time and write down as many potential clients that you can think of for your business. Make sure that you have a variety of industries and a variety of companies. For example, you may have 5 potential clients in the construction industry and 5 potential clients in the healthcare industry. Make sure the list isn't all about one type of client or one type of industry.

Now repeat Step 1 and perform an image search for each company's name (if possible). If not, then search for variations on your potential client’s name. Look at any images that come up compared to yours again in terms of size, color scheme, etc.. Take note of the differences you see in any of the image results that come up.

The main reason for this is to ensure that your clients’ logos and branding are easily identifiable online compared to your brand. It is also important to realize what your potential clients’ brands look like in comparison so you can develop a brand that co-exists amongst them. If you do not perform these searches, you may realize at a later time after you have already developed and established your company that it is too late to change anything since it has already become too familiar to potential new customers, potential investors and competitors alike.

3. Take one hour of your time and write down as many potential investors that you can think of for your business. Once again, make sure that the list isn't all the same kind of person or company.

Now repeat Step 1 and perform an image search for each company's name (if possible). If not, then search for variations on your potential investor’s name. Look at any images that come up compared to yours again in terms of size, color scheme, etc.. Take note of the differences you see in any of the image results that come up.

The main reason for this is to ensure that your investors’ logos and branding are easily identifiable online compared to your brand.

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