A Time to Rest, A Time to Heal


One of the most important and difficult parts of parenting is figuring out how to balance work life with family life. Many parents struggle to find a time that they can put in those long hours at work while still keeping up with their families’ needs and activities. One silver lining: napping.

In recent years, there has been an increasing interest in naps, their benefits, and how parents can find the perfect nap for them. In addition to helping to keep a parent alert, naps can also help to rejuvenate the mind and body. In a 2007 article published in the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine, it was reported that as many as 95 percent of parents struggle at times with stress, sleep problems, and lack of energy. A short nap may be just what a parent needs to heal some woes and regain their energy so they can get back on track with their busy lives.

On the other hand, sleep disorders can be dangerous for children who are unable to fall asleep or stay asleep because they are experiencing too much activity during nighttime hours. Sleeping is an activity that we should all engage in; however, not everyone is capable of doing so without difficulty. That is why it is important for parents to know when their child should have a nap, what that nap should consist of, and how often the child should be napping.

Although some naps can be very helpful, a parent must keep in mind that too many naps may dull the mind and body. In the end, it is important for parents to find a balance between work and family life while also taking care of themselves. Parents are their children’s most influential role model. If they can show their kids how to enjoy a good night’s sleep or afternoon nap in order to recharge and rejuvenate, then they are showing them one of life’s great benefits.

Naps can be a great way to regain energy and find rest, but too many naps can dull the mind and body.

Napping is one of life's greatest benefits; however, there are things that parents need to know before they start their naps. The following are some tips that parents can use to make napping easier:

1. Find the right time for a nap. Parents can find their children’s natural napping time by observing when they fall "asleep" in the middle of an activity. A child's body is naturally attuned to this cycle and the child will feel much more refreshed upon awakening from a nap at this time.

2. Create a sleep space for your child. A bedroom should be comfortable, quiet and at a temperature that is conducive to sleeping. This space should not contain televisions or computers as these can be stimulating and/or distracting for a child who is trying to sleep or relax during nap time.

3. Give your child a comfortable nap time routine. The time you choose to nap is not only important, but it should also reflect the routines that you have already established in your home. For example, if your children usually go to bed at a certain time and require a certain amount of preparation before they are ready to sleep, then those habits should be incorporated into the nap schedule as well. This can help children feel comfortable knowing that the whole family will follow the same set of rules for naps and bedtime.

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