


You know how some days you just wake up and you're totally hungover? And no matter what you do, the headache just won't go away? Maybe it's because your body is trying to tell you something for a change.

Maybe that little voice that's been telling your brain to give in for years has finally found a way of making itself heard. You see, there are others out there who really know how to take care of themselves, who sleep tight and eat well and never let the spinning earth come between them and the sun. They have their moments of self-doubt too, but they always get back on track eventually because they know that life is nothing without joy.

That's why I'm so thankful right now. It's been a rough couple of years, but I feel better than ever! I've never been skinny and I never will be, but at least my body and mind are ready to begin their new adventure together—the one that is more joyful than I ever thought possible. Life can be hard sometimes, but it still has the power to overcome all problems if you let it. All you need is love and acceptance.

It's funny that being accepted for who you are is such a big deal for some people. It's hard enough to accept yourself, let alone anyone else. But if you can't love yourself, you're never going to be able to get along with other people any better.

Well I'm here to tell you that loving and accepting yourself is the key. You can't even begin to love others until you're able to love yourself first! Once you start doing that, everything else becomes a lot easier—that's what I've found at least. The trick is getting started.

I remember when I was a little boy in school having difficulty reading and with numbers in general. I cried every single time I had to take some kind of test or write an essay and it made me feel so ashamed. I kept telling myself that I couldn't do it, that it was too hard for me, that I didn't want to try.

That's how my parents found me! They had seen my performance in school, felt their hearts go heavy when they saw the look on their son's face and knew something wasn't right. They were always there for me even if I didn't know it at the time—that's the kind of parents they are. And honestly, who would want any different?

So whenever I needed some kind of help or reprieve from my problems, they were there. They didn't care if I got straight A's or if they had to hug me a hundred times a day to soothe my fears—they were always there for me.

I don't know how much of what I write here you'll ever read, but I hope it gets through to you at least. It might despite the fact that your mind is clouded by alcohol and the reckless lifestyle it's led you to. Believe me, bud, you need this wake-up call!

I know it could be hard for a boy like you to admit that you need help, but remember that we're all equal here. I'm no better than you and you're no better than me. We've all had our share of problems, but we've also all found a way to overcome them.

I'm sure that it isn't easy to see the positive side of things when you're in your current situation, but I wouldn't be here if I hadn't made it through my own ordeal at one point in my life. The key is to stay strong and remember why your life has value.

You can't keep putting yourself in these dangerous situations if you want to survive. In order to get out of this rut, you're going to have to make some changes in your life and I'm here to help. You can't live in a dream world forever, even if it is blissful. Even the wildest of imaginations need a line to be drawn between fantasy and reality eventually.

And that's what I'm trying to do for you. The first step is to leave this hotel, which isn't even the closest thing to a real home you have right now. You need to give up your apartment, let go of your stuff and find a new place to sleep.

You've got plenty of money, but not much else. You think you can stay here forever with all of this booze in your system? I don't think so! So get the hell out! You need a fresh start and that means moving on. And if that means leaving behind what's left of your life, then so be it.

Because that's all the longer you'll be able to keep up your self-destructive lifestyle. If you're not willing to do what it takes to live, you won't stay alive for very long. It's as simple as that.

You know, I've been clean myself for some time now and no matter what I tell myself in moments of weakness, I always make it back on track! Why? Because I know it's what's best for me. My mother and my friends are always here to help me out when I need them, even if I pretend like they're not.

Well, now it's time for you to meet them. You have to know that I'm right. You need to get out of that hole as soon as you can! Whatever's been holding you back is going to be your biggest obstacle in the future if you don't change your attitude—so don't let it hold you down anymore!

You're only getting older and while some get weaker, they always get stronger. I'm not saying this out of pity—I'm just saying it because I was where you are and I got up, so do the same for yourself!

Some people are counting on you. You don't want to disappoint them, do you? I'm not just saying this because I'm in some way responsible for you right now. It's more than that—I care about you, my boy. That's what happens when people get older and wiser—they realize that love is the only thing that matters in the big scheme of things.

Love has a funny way of making everything else make sense. You see, it's easy to accept yourself if you know that there are other people out there who love you, who've always loved you and will always love you no matter what.


I hope you have found whatever it was that you were looking for in this piece. I'm glad I could help out and I hope this has opened your eyes a bit to what's going on around you and how you can change it for the better. So good luck, my boy.

And just so we're clear about one thing… don't ever let your dreams become reality. It's easy to wish for things that aren't realistic, but in reality… they never are! Don't be afraid to dream big—but always remember that all dreams must come true.

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