Are You Worried? 4 Steps to Peace of Mind


 Are You Worried? 4 Steps to Peace of Mind

The summer is nearly over and so is your stress. However, this does not mean that the anxiety will just disappear. The anxiety may be triggered by a specific event or an accumulation of events that lead to worry about not only the future of your life but also loved ones. If you are feeling anxious and want to find peace of mind, there are four steps to taking care of yourself emotionally and physically. Follow these four steps and you'll find immense benefits:

- Spend time relaxing each day if you can, as stress can cause physical ailments.
- Reach out if you need support from a friend or family member – continuously reaching out is one way people mask how sad they are.
- Understand your feelings and why you're feeling anxious – if you understand why you are stressed, it means that your stress is much easier to handle.
- Learn how to handle yourself when you become stressed out with the proper ways of ways to reduce anxiety.   
Listing all these steps may seem difficult, but being willing to put in a little effort and work towards eliminating stress will result in more benefits than the sum of its parts. While the summer is nearly over, it isn't too late to take care of yourself and find peace of mind.
About the Author: "Anxiety can be a very real issue for many people who are experiencing it on a regular basis. My goal is to provide people with information about anxiety and anxiety disorders in order to better understand their condition and find ways to cope." 
To read the full article click here .
Source: Are You Worried? 4 Steps to Peace of Mind
P.S.   I have found this advice very helpful, so I decided to share it with you. If it helped you too, remember to share! -Mike
The Mindfulness Course  is now available! 
Visit my  Mindfulness Course Page  for more information and click on the green "Take This Course" button.
If you are interested in an 8-week mindfulness course that uses meditation, loving-kindness practice, yoga nidra and much more – please consider signing up for my 8-week mindfulness course at . This course is designed especially for those who have experienced trauma and live with ongoing stress. Even if you don't have any history of trauma you can benefit from this class.
Also, if you decide to enroll make sure you take advantage of the Special Offer by using this  link .  
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Posted by Michael Wes at 7:19 AM 0 comments Links to this post
The Mindfulness Course Is Now Available! Visit my Mindfulness Course Page for more information and click on the green "Take This Course" button. If you are interested in an 8-week mindfulness course that uses meditation, loving-kindness practice, yoga nidra and much more – please consider signing up for my 8-week mindfulness course at . This course is designed especially for those who have experienced trauma and live with ongoing stress. Even if you don't have any history of trauma you can benefit from this class. Also, if you decide to enroll make sure you take advantage of the Special Offer by using this  link . To follow this blog via email enter your email address: Delivered by FeedBurner
The Mindfulness Course Is Now Available! 8-week online mindfulness course at . This course is designed especially for those who have experienced trauma and live with ongoing stress. Even if you don't have any a history of trauma you can benefit from  this class. Visit my Mindfulness Course Page for more information and click on the green "Take This Course" button. If you are interested in ancourse that uses meditation, loving-kindness practice, yoga nidra and much more –This course is designed especially for those who have experienced trauma and live with ongoing stress. Even if you don't have any a history of trauma you can benefit from  this class. Also, if you decide to enroll make sure you take advantage of the Special Offer by using this  link . To follow this blog via email enter your email address: Delivered by FeedBurner
The Mindfulness Course Is Now Available! 8-week online mindfulness course at . This course is designed especially for those who have experienced trauma and live with ongoing stress. Even if you don't have any a history of trauma you can benefit from  this class. Visit my Mindfulness Course Page for more information and click on the green "Take This Course" button. If you are interested in ancourse that uses meditation, loving-kindness practice, yoga nidra and much more –This course is designed especially for those who have experienced trauma and live with ongoing stress. Even if you don't have any a history of trauma you can benefit from  this class. Also, if you decide to enroll make sure you take advantage of the Special Offer by using this  link . To follow this blog via email enter your email address: Delivered by FeedBurner
Trauma and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) are both real conditions that many people can benefit from.  Many people who experience trauma have learned so much about the condition and its many symptoms. As you can see in this article, PTSD is a chronic condition that requires work to heal. While it is challenging, I encourage you to start practicing mindfulness and yoga nidra to help you cope with the symptoms of PTSD.
I am offering an 8-week online class that uses meditation, yogic breathing techniques and loving-kindness practice to heal from trauma.  This is a powerful course that will help you create a healthy and happy life for yourself.  To find out more about the class and enroll,  click on this link .
P.S.   If you would like to read more about trauma and PTSD, I encourage you to check out the articles below. -Mike
Trauma and PTSD Awareness Month
Mindfulness Course Is Now Available! 8-week online mindfulness course at . This course is designed especially for those who have experienced trauma and live with ongoing stress. Even if you don't have any a history of trauma you can benefit from this class. Visit my Mindfulness Course Page for more information and click on the green "Take This Course" button. If you are interested in an 8-week mindfulness course that uses meditation, loving-kindness practice, yoga nidra and much more –This course is designed especially for those who have experienced trauma and live with ongoing stress. Even if you don't have any a history of trauma you can benefit from this class. Also, if you decide to enroll make sure you take advantage of the Special Offer by using this  link . To follow this blog via email enter your email address: Delivered by FeedBurner
Mindfulness Course Is Now Available! 8-week online mindfulness course at .

Most trauma survivors have learned a great deal about their condition and most likely know more than the average person about the symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder. This is especially true if your trauma was a result of an assault, combat or rape/sexual abuse. While learning about PTSD can be helpful to some extent, sometimes it is good to get back to the basics and create a healing practice that will provide you with relief from symptoms. 
This is especially true for people who are still in the early phases of recovery from trauma and PTSD.  It can be very strange not living life like you did prior to the traumatic event(s).

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