Be Happy!--For Happiness Universe and Life were Created Against Impossible Odds


 Be Happy!--For Happiness Universe and Life were Created Against Impossible Odds

Mother Teresa died in her nineties and even she knew that living a long life can be lonely and sad at times.

That is why she said, "Everyone is moving towards happiness in his or her own way, but no one person's path is the same."

Even though it's hard to be happy sometimes, these quotes are intended to inspire us to have hope. There are always things we can do to better ourselves and our lives. Whether we just need a little encouragement or direction, these quotes will help us with that.

Throughout the years, many people have shared their thoughts and feelings on how to be happy. We've learned how important it is to live in the moment, to laugh often and think positive. Here are just a few reminders of what we already know—and what we can pass along to others, too.

You don't need a reason to be happy.

We think if we have something (such as a great life or a hot boyfriend/girlfriend) then we'll be happy, but really it's not having anything that brings on happiness. You need only live in the present and make each moment count.

"Be happy now because this moment is your life. This moment is your birthday. Be happy now. If you are not happy now, then when? If not now, when? So be happy now." ~ Mooji

We don't need anything to be happy.

It's easy to think that we need certain things (such as a new job or new car) to make us happy, but really we just need to appreciate what we have and make the most of it. Happiness is all about the way we look at life and what happens in it. We can't change everything that happens, so it's important to be aware of the bad things so that good ones stand out more.

"I think that if you show up in life, if you just show up, it counts as a success. You don't have to do anything. You don't have to have a great job or be a great artist or make everybody love you." ~ Rosie O'Donnell

Life is always moving forward.

We can only stay in the same place if we're stuck in our ways and refuse to change. It's important to keep growing and learning, both personally and professionally. Take every challenge that comes your way as an opportunity to learn more about yourself and move forward with your goals and dreams. We need challenges to help us grow and become better people, so embrace all the ups (and downs).

"If you're not growing, you're dying. If you're not moving forward, you're going backwards, and it's inevitable that in time you will end up where you started." ~ Richard Koch

Everything has a purpose.

People often have a bad attitude about things when they don't understand the purpose behind them. The world may seem chaotic and random, but everything is happening for a reason. We need to learn to be grateful for the things around us and appreciate them for what they are.

"We are all here for a reason, but sometimes we don't know what that reason is. That's why we're given free will." ~ Unknown

Sometimes you have to be cruel to be kind.

Sometimes it's okay to hurt someone for the greater good—even if you don't want to or think it will make them sad. In order for someone or something to grow stronger, it has to stand on its own two feet and make decisions without your help. Time heals all things, and eventually people (and things) will be grateful for what you did.

"You can only really know a person when you see their true colors shining through. Sometimes it's easier to cut through the smoke and the mirrors and see the real person hiding." ~ George R. R. Martin

There is always hope in hard times.

We're all going to have bad times in our lives—and we're not guaranteed good ones, either. However, that doesn't mean we should give up or become discouraged if what we want seems impossible. We can do everything within our power to make positive changes and work towards our goals, but that doesn't mean it's going to happen right away or ever. We'll just have to keep trying and pushing forward until something eventually works out or we forget about it altogether (mentally).

"A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new." ~ Albert Einstein

Sometimes it's important to quit.

When we can't see the light at the end of the tunnel, it's okay to just walk away from something (or someone). There will be other chances and opportunities down the road, so don't worry about things that are out of your control—and don't stay in situations where you're not happy. Focus on what you want and what makes you happy, and stay positive despite circumstances (good or bad). Sometimes it just isn't worth it to fight when there are other things that matter more.

"It's better to have tried something and failed than to spend your life not knowing what it feels like to soar. It's better to have something real that will break, than to hold onto something fake for too long. It's better to know what it feels like to stand out in the darkness than always be worried about fitting into the shadows." ~ Courtney Kuchta

Be yourself.

The world doesn't revolve around you, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't share a little of yourself with others. Just don't let other people try and change you or make you feel bad about who you are or how you were born. Love yourself first and others will follow suit.

"People who are always trying to be normal never can." ~ Truman Capote

Sometimes it's important to get angry.

We hold in a lot of negative feelings and emotions, but we don't show them to others. Sometimes people need a good piece of our minds, and it's okay to vent at the right time. Learn when it's okay (and not okay) to get angry, so that you don't end up hurting someone else or regretting it later on. Venting is healthy as long as it isn't directed at the wrong person or done in public.

"When you're ready to hurl abuse at the world… pick up your phone and call me. I'll take it. I'm sturdy." ~ Unknown

We can't control everything.

Sometimes people do things that we don't like or agree with, but that doesn't mean we can prevent them from doing it or make them stop (even if they're wrong). All we can do is stand up for what's right, back away if there's nothing we can do (or we're too upset), and accept the fact that people will continue to make choices in their own lives. All you can do is be the best version of yourself and hope that someone else does the same for you someday.

"You don't always get what you want because there are other things in life that deserve your time as well.


Life is always changing and moving forward, but we can only stay in the same place if we're stuck in our ways and refuse to change. We can never get too old to do new things, prove ourselves over and over again, or move further towards a goal.

"Everyone has bad days but when you learn to push through the bad days and look at the good in life, you can grow really fast." ~ Unknown

Don't stress out when things don't go right.

Sometimes things won't work out exactly as planned, so accept that it isn't going to happen overnight.

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