Be Happy! Home is the Happiest Place to Live in


 Be Happy! Home is the Happiest Place to Live in

The happiest people have the most desirable homes. They're neat, they smell good, and they keep their houses clean and organized. It's easy to think that money can buy happiness, but if you want to save up your pennies for a rainy day - or heaven forbid - retirement, consider a change of scenery. It might not be as expensive as you think it will be. Moving out is the fastest way to turn into a happy person!

Let the allure of home life entice you into buying your next house (or renting one). Consider the following. It's a fact that happy homes lead to happy people. Happy homeowners:
More than 19 percent of those surveyed say their home is their best place to be and more than 22 percent say their home is more comfortable than any other place they've lived.
Homeowners are happier in nearly every way - they're healthier, sleep better, have more energy, and even save money. In fact, people who own a home are happier than renters by almost all measures of well-being.
And on top of all that, your favorite house has much to contribute to your happiness in other ways.
Homeowners have more pride and better relationships with their family and friends.
Having a home of your own means you are part of a community, and having friends and family around to share the good times as well as the bad.
A Happy Home is an Important Step to Financial Security
The data in this report are based on a survey of nearly 15,000 adults aged 18 years or older between July 2009 and March 2010. It was conducted by Harris Interactive for the National Association of Realtors and the HomeBuilders Association of Northern California .
"I think people who know how to take care of a house are better able to take care of the rest of their lives. If you can take care of your home, then you can take care of the rest," said Jeff Gural, CEO, Harris Inter­national. "And that's a big part of why people get into home ownership."
The homeowners surveyed were asked why they bought or rented a home. Some reasons included:
• "I wanted to own my own home – and it's become a good investment."
• "Owning & renting worked out better than I could have imagined."
• "My life has changed for the better since I bought my home. Better than I could have imagined. "
"I've never felt as much of a sense of security and freedom as I do now that I own a home," says Christine DiCarlo, who recently bought her first home in Northport , NY . She's been renting for 10 years. "The sense of pride you feel each day when you wake up and see your own house – it's priceless. You realize that you're in charge, and there's nothing else like that feeling."
A healthy 68 percent of homeowners said they are more physically active than they were before they moved into their homes, while only 12 percent say they are less active.
For many Americans, a home is a rewarding investment. They see their property values and equity increase as the housing market recovers.
Nancy Kennedy, of American Express OPEN, said, "A home is so much more than just four walls and a roof – it's your sanctuary, it's where you raise your kids and, in many cases it's the investment that sets the stage for everything else that follows."
"We know getting out there in the world is important to consumers," she said. "That's why we created Open Doors®, our shopping portal. It makes starting over fun." And it can also be affordable.
Homeowners can save a bundle!
•           Saving money on mortgage and real estate taxes, insurance and maintenance costs – which average more than $6,000 a year.
•           Saving on utility bills – and having more flexible payment options.
•           Saving on food – getting the quality you want and saving money too.
For example, the average single person spends $1,200 a year on food. That's what it would cost to go out to eat at least five times a month at a typical restaurant. And that's before you factor in the cost of keeping and maintaining the vehicle you use to get there. A new survey by T. Rowe Price found that the average American spends $1,200 a year on food – this includes groceries and restaurant meals.
Another option is to cook your own meals. Home cooks spend an average of $600 on food each year – less than half of what they spend at restaurants or on takeout. The average person in a home cooks 20 to 25 nights a month, and spends about an hour a day preparing meals, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture .
Saving Money on Selling Your Home
Homeowners are more likely than renters to sell their homes, often for a profit.
For example, the average homeowner who sells in 2008 will sell for about $200,000 more than the average homeowner who keeps renting. And the new First Time Homebuyer Tax Credit of up to $8,000 means it's even easier for first-time homebuyers to buy their first home.
There are ways homeowners can save when selling their property. For example, you can claim a loss of up to $250,000 on your federal income taxes if you sell your house at a loss.
Sure, it can be tough to break up with your house.
"People need to remember that homeownership is not forever," says Kristi Wohlwend, a real estate agent at Coldwell Banker in Portland , OR . "You don't want to be like those old people who when they get older stay in the same house because they are too scared to move."
So maybe you have put off going out on your own. Now is the time.
Good luck. And if you're ready to get started, visit American Express Open for a list of home buying resources and tips on making the move.
-American Express OPEN
-Homeownership Facts
-General Home Purchases & Mortgages
-First Time Homebuyers & Multi Family Homes
Useful Links:
American Express OPEN -
Coldwell Banker -
Jeff Gural - www.HarrisInter­

In conclusion, homeownership is important for many reasons. Of course, there are obvious benefits to owning a home, but it can also be a very fulfilling lifestyle. You can easily fulfill your dreams and ambitions by starting with the basics of having your own place.
Homeownership is the best option for most people because it provides safety, security and happiness. This way you can invest in yourself, your family and society as a whole! Homeowners have better quality of life because they enjoy more freedom; they're engaged in their community and they're more responsible with money! Having a house is an easy way to pay off debt caused by other needs (like education) or wants (like luxuries).

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