Be Happy! There is Great Happiness in Human-Made Things


 Be Happy! There is Great Happiness in Human-Made Things

We are aware of the gloomy and confusing times we live in. The world is turning in a way that makes it hard to be happy. Everything from global warming, terrorism, pollution to commercialism have many of us filled with despair. They can seem insurmountable problems that could lead people down a path where they cannot find happiness again. Everywhere people look they see only fear, sorrow and despair.

Yet these are not the only things that make us unhappy. The thing that makes us sad the most is the realization that we are powerless to change anything. There is no escaping this bleak picture of the world; and it is all we can do to hope for a better tomorrow. If we accept such a hopeless future there can be no joy in it. Perhaps if we could find something in ourselves that was stronger than these feelings of despair, if we could find something with which to make us happy, then perhaps we could create happiness for others as well. As we learn to be happy, we can share that happiness with those around us.

The only person who can make us happy is ourselves. We are the only ones who have unlimited potential for becoming happier. Not by searching for happiness outside of our own minds, but by looking within and seeing what it is that makes us so sad. It is through this introspection and understanding that we can find a way to eliminate those things which make us unhappy. For a long time now it has been accepted that true happiness lies within the individual himself, rather than in the objects around him or externalities; and one of he keys to true happiness lies in learning how to use your talents in their proper way rather than waste them or abuse them.

If an individual finds that he is unhappy in his work, it is usually because he is trying to do too much. Instead of taking the proper role in life and playing that role well, most people are just trying to do a little bit of everything. They try to be stylish as well as efficient, or impulsive and caring, or creative and skillful. Because they have a good grasp on the basic goals of life, such people can take a more structured approach to their job. They can learn about their talents, understand their responsibilities and play them in the proper fashion.

The only problem that can happen when we take charge of our lives is when we try to be too organized. Most people are a little unorganized and messy, and that is okay. Some people take this up to the extreme, however, and when they have too much stress in their lives they can become completely disorganized. People who are stressed out often have chaotic lives, which makes it impossible to be happy. They try to do everything at once but they accomplish nothing.

Therefore if you want to be happy, you need to concentrate on accomplishing one thing at a time. By doing one thing over and over again, we learn how to do that that thing well so that eventually we can become experts. We can become masters of our chosen task. For example, if you want to be a good musician, you need to practice scales and arpeggios over and over. Repeating scales over and over gives you better technique and greater control of your instrument so that eventually you can become an expert.

If we want happiness in our lives then the only way is to do what we are good at. The happiest people are those who understand the true beauty of life and act accordingly by focusing on what they love to do with all their heart. We should focus on the things that give us happiness, such as making art or cooking, playing video games or reading, singing or dancing. It is when we do what we are good at that we find true harmony and happiness.

Of course, sometimes we cannot be happy because of problems which extend beyond our control. Sometimes these external factors affect us so greatly that it is hard to feel happy. This can be due to fear or anxiety, which are caused by a lack of understanding and a poor grasp of the situation causing us distress. For example, if a doctor tells you that you have cancer but you have done everything in your power to make yourself healthier then there is nothing to worry about. If you try as hard as possible and still get the disease, then it must have been fated for you to get it no matter what precautions you took.

In that regard we can find great happiness: in the knowledge that our problems have been normal and inevitable, and we have not been able to avoid them or change them. We too were fated to face these difficult circumstances. By exercising this kind of wisdom we can live happy lives with a clear understanding of the true causes and effects of life's little problems. We can focus on what we can do to make ourselves happier rather than dwelling on what has already happened.

These things are important for us to learn: above all, it is because it is so difficult for most people to achieve happiness that they must be prepared for any eventuality in life which makes them unhappy. If we are not careful we can be knocked down by the effects of stress or anxiety, and overcome with grief. People can become depressed and isolated, afraid to face the world without their loved ones - without the distractions of life.

Happiness is a very difficult thing to obtain in life. Many people have done everything they can and still find it impossible to achieve. People have been hurt by others, betrayed or abandoned by their loved ones, or have found that they failed in using their talents as much as they could have done so. No one wants to live life unhappy; but when things try as hard as you can get unhappiness anyway, it is hard for some people to keep on living.

It is a fact of life that people usually have little ability to control the external factors which cause their unhappiness. One of the biggest causes of unhappiness in life for most people is when misfortune strikes them, when something bad happens to them. This kind of event or misfortune can be so overwhelming that it can overwhelm their willpower. Most people do not know how to handle these situations and therefore feel intense sadness and grief. Sometimes people are even driven mad by these things.

It is important to remember that no matter how much bad happens, there is always something you can do about it if you want to be happy in life. You can learn to take advantage of these things and to use them as opportunities to improve your life. This means learning how to turn a setback into a golden opportunity: using your energies, be it physical or emotional, to avoid making the same mistakes in the future and so being happy. When we are prepared and have clear knowledge of what an event is likely to be we can use that opportunity and make our lives better. Even if we cannot achieve total happiness, it is always possible for us to go up a few rungs on the ladder rather than down.

When things go wrong in our lives there is always something we can do about it.


Happiness is a very difficult thing to achieve in life, but it is not impossible. It takes hard work, determination and the right attitude to be happy in life. These lessons have explained what happiness is, and how we can achieve it. If you follow the advice given here then happiness will be much easier for you to obtain.

Some people are naturally shy or introverted, or are unwilling to reveal their true feelings or emotions to others - especially if those people are strangers. Most of us live in cities where we mix with many different types of people; yet when we go home at night we retreat into our shells and become more isolated (if possible) than ever before.

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