Change your mind and the rest will follow!


 Change your mind and the rest will follow!

It is difficult to change your perspective and behavior, especially when you're surrounded by people who have always seen the world a certain way. But it is possible to make a change in your whole life if you take the plunge and try. Here are some tips that might help you get started.

#1: Be patient - whatever journey it takes, allow yourself time to grow into your new persona. It will take time for you to learn how much better life will be now that you are living differently than before, so allow yourself time before jumping on the bandwagon and changing everything at once.

#2: Be open to trying new things - do not be afraid to experiment with new activities and ideas that go against your current lifestyle. If you are currently a vegetarian/vegan, try eating meat for a month and let yourself see how it feels. If you are a devout Christian, find a local mosque and spend some time there, opening your mind up to the beliefs of others.

#3: Don't be ashamed! It is okay to feel unsure whether what you're doing is right or wrong - no one knows everything! Ask questions and don't be afraid to step out of your comfort zone. You will learn many things that will help you make sense of the world around you.

#4: Be clear - before you start anything new, be clear on what you want to achieve. Are you just trying something new because it sounds fun or are you trying it because something in your life isn't working and you need a change?

#5: Take baby steps - don't rush into things all at once. You may have a huge goal of changing the entire way you live but don't think that it is going happen overnight. Take small steps by making small changes that will build up to the transformation you've been dreaming of.

#6: Don't be too hard on yourself - once you've changed something to a point of no return, don't beat yourself up! Have a think about why you did it but also have a think about why you're so hard on yourself. As someone who's grown up in a world where being told what to do and when to do it is second nature, going against the grain can be very alienating.

#7: Be patient with friends and family - If you are trying to change your lifestyle, it will become obvious to those around you. It may take time for them to adjust and accept that things have changed but try not to make the burden of your decision too heavy for them. Make sure they understand that they don't have to live your life but they can still be supportive and open.

#8: Don't try too hard - no one needs to be reminded that trying new things is not easy. Of course, making a change is difficult but it will get easier in time as you practice and grow into your newly found life style. If you are feeling tempted to do something that may seem a little extreme, stop for a moment and think about whether or not you are ready for the challenge. You don't have to do anything that scares you, however small things might feel quite big for someone else.

No matter how difficult it may be, staying the course is always best. When you are surrounded by people who are happy with the way things were, it can be tempting to give up on your goals but do not do so. If you want to live a conscious life, then make your changes and stick with them!

Good luck! If you have any tips or advice to share with others who have this challenge then please do so in the comments below. This has been a question that many of you have asked me and I am always happy to help everyone on their journey.

Many blessings.
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There are two explanations for the title of my book.


This world is full of oppression, despair, hate and war. The earth itself is on the brink of destruction - what would become of us if we were to live in a world without kindness or love?
If we are to survive as a race and if we are to thrive as a species, then we must open our hearts and teach our children how to love. We must teach them how important peace and kindness are - they can make all the difference while they are here on this planet.
Children deserve so much more than what they receive in schools. If a child can grow up being oblivious to pain and suffering then that is not good for them.

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