Discover a tried and tested way for you to achieve happiness in 2006.


 Discover a tried and tested way for you to achieve happiness in 2006.

2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 and again in 2012, 2013 and 2014. The list goes on with the years of happiness consistent with each other yet it never seems to be enough for anyone. It's like the idea of happiness has a finite amount- and once you've reached your goal you'll never be satisfied. Nothing shows this more than the sad truth that in 2012 the suicide rate for 15-24 year olds was higher than that of all other age groups; it breaks one's heart to think about what life might have been like if death wasn't always such an option.

Their aren't enough words to describe the feeling of hopelessness. The feeling of being stuck in a rut, being unhappy and having nobody to turn to because they've failed in everything they've ever done. It's like a curse; we're just suppose to live with it and not even know how we ended up here. However, I'm here today to tell you that there are ways for you too achieve happiness; after all it is your birthday.

I have good news for you; this very moment is the start of something new: A new chapter in your life where happiness will be possible at the end of each day- so long as you make an effort. Your life is in your hands and the only thing stopping you from being happy is the fact that you need to try.

If there's one thing I've learned from my research into happiness it's that happiness can be achieved through a series of 12 small steps:
So long as you make an effort you should experience happiness at the end of every day; by doing so it becomes easier to achieve daily, which makes every day happier than the last- until you get what you're after.
Have a great Birthday!
1. The first step to a happier you is to wake up 15 minutes earlier or make your lunch if you're eating out.
2. Next, make your bed.
3. Listen to some music whilst in the shower it could brighten up your mood for the rest of the day.
4. Smell some fresh flowers if possible as this will have a calming effect on you and help you feel more relaxed, mine are roses!
5. Make sure to smile at anyone that passes you in the street; it could brighten up their day and yours in return!
6. Make a cup of tea or coffee (preferably both) and then sit down with a notebook and write down 3 things that you're grateful for; this is sure to put a spring in your step!
7. Find a place in the park for a little picnic and make sure to bring your favourite dessert.
8. Once you're back, give your dog treats; this will boost their confidence and therefore yours!
9. Spend ten minutes on the phone with a friend who can cheer you up; it doesn't matter if they don't actually understand what you're saying as long as they say something nice to you!
10. Get yourself organized; it's amazing how much happier you'll feel once the house is spotless and everything has been put away (at least in my eyes!)
11. After finishing your chores and assignments, or having done them if you're a student like me, sit down and have a coffee.
12. Spend ten minutes in the garden on the phone to someone who's just as happy as you.
So long as you make an effort you will feel happier; after all it is your birthday and nothing makes you happier than being happy.
Merry Christmas!
2. Get rid of your TV; make the most of your social life instead.
3. There's nothing wrong with giving up fast food once in a while, it'll be good for your health, wallet and happiness.
4. The clothes that you wear have a huge effect on how happy you are, so shop around!
5. You're allowed to say no to things occasionally; just do it nicely!
6. Listen to music when driving or throughout the day; this will boost the happiness factor and make everything seem alright!
7. Give up smoking for a month; you'll be amazed at the difference it makes!
8. Stop watching so much TV and sit down and talk to someone who's just as happy as you are, who knows? They might already be in your life!
9. Think about how many times you use the toilet throughout the day; if you're anything like me, this is a whole lot!
10. Stop watching the news or reading the papers, try reading something that'll make you laugh instead!
11. Go for a run and don't forget to bring your iPod along with you, it could help improve your mood for hours on end!
12. If you're the kind of person who enjoys baking then why not bake a cake for someone, it'll be their favourite (and probably yours too!)
So long as you try then happiness will follow; it's 2013 and time to be happy!
2. Find a recipe that uses fruit and vegetables as ingredients and make something to eat!
3. Walk to school, work or wherever you need to go; why not use this opportunity to catch up on your phone calls?
4. Listen to some music whilst in the shower it could brighten up your mood for the rest of the day.
5. Smell some fresh flowers if possible as this will have a calming effect on you and help you feel more relaxed, mine are roses!
6. Make sure to smile at anyone that passes you in the street; it could brighten up their day and yours in return!
7. Find a place in the park for a little picnic and make sure to bring your favourite dessert.
8. Once you're back, give your dog treats; this will boost their confidence and therefore yours!
9. Spend ten minutes on the phone with a friend who can cheer you up; it doesn't matter if they don't actually understand what you're saying as long as they say something nice to you!
10. Get yourself organized; it's amazing how much happier you'll feel once the house is spotless and everything has been put away (at least in my eyes!)
11. After finishing your chores and assignments, or having done them if you're a student like me, sit down and have a coffee.
12. Spend ten minutes in the garden on the phone to someone who's just as happy as you.
So long as you try then happiness will follow; it's 2013 and time to be happy!

Works cited:
Herbert, T, & Zempilas, J (2011). The pursuit of happiness: A solid impression of wealth.

I've tried all these suggestions and a few more on my own. They've worked for me, but everyone has their own idea of what works for them. Utilize this article as an idea guide to help you find the happiness you're looking for.
Please comment and let me know what else could help you be happy, and if you have any ideas then please share so that everyone can benefit from your wisdom!
Happy Birthday! Happy New Year! Happy Easter! May 2013 bring us all good health, happiness and prosperity!
Have a fantastic day!

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