Do you need reasons to cheer up a bit?


 Do you need reasons to cheer up a bit?

I know that when you are sad, it is depressing and hurtful. And then things get really annoying like when other people ask why you're not happy because they didn't know. That's just rude -- especially if those people seem to have a problem with their own lives and don't realize that what makes them happy might make other people sad too. I have good news for you, though -- there are plenty of reasons to cheer up, even if no one asked for them! So humor me here, we'll do this together:

Do you need reasons to cheer up a bit?

No? Okay well I'll give them to you anyways.

You can cheer people up all by yourself. You don't have to wait for someone else to make you happy. This is great because you can be a little selfish and still cheer yourself up and make others happy at the same time. See? You're really good at this!

You don't have to wait for someone else to make you happy. This is great because you can be a little selfish and still cheer yourself up and make others happy at the same time. See? You're really good at this! Wow, you're a lot better than me... I mean, I'm not saying that you're better than me, but... Wow... You're really good at this! Seriously, try it out and cheer up other people all by yourself.

I mean, I'm not saying that you're better than me, but... Wow... You're really good at this! Seriously, try it out and cheer up other people all by yourself. All of your bad days will improve. For example: a bad meal can be made worse -- but if the person who made it is cute then it sorta makes up for the food (and makes you smile). And if the person looks extra nice then you might be happier no matter what they make for you.

For example: a bad meal can be made worse -- but if the person who made it is cute then it sorta makes up for the food (and makes you smile). And if the person looks extra nice then you might be happier no matter what they make for you. See, I'm trying to show you that things get better on their own. But in fact, you can make things so much better!

But in fact, you can make things so much better! Read books. They teach us a lot of good stuff and often give us a way to see how other people see the world. Sometimes these other worlds are fun or weird and sometimes they're hard to understand but still interesting. They can make you realize that your life isn't so bad, really.

They teach us a lot of good stuff and often give us a way to see how other people see the world. Sometimes these other worlds are fun or weird and sometimes they're hard to understand but still interesting. They can make you realize that your life isn't so bad, really. Listen to sad songs. I know that they make you feel sadder but it's okay! Remember when I said "it doesn't mean you're not feeling better" -- well, this is one of those times.

I know that they make you feel sadder but it's okay! Remember when I said "it doesn't mean you're not feeling better" -- well, this is one of those times. Be good to yourself. I know this is easier said than done and it can be hard to watch the days go by and our problems just get worse and worse. But remember: you're a good person! You will be happy one day, I promise!

Posted by gawdawful at 9:00 AM No comments: Links to this post
My name is Victoria Saylors and I'm an 18 year-old college student in Michigan where I live with my parents and my two younger sisters. I've always been interested in fashion and other things related to beauty and health. I've been blogging since 2006, but I started to take it seriously around 2008. I have a passion for all things fitness, frugal living, healthy eating, and fashion; though my passion for food extends even further than the four topics above.


I love getting to know others online and seeing how we can help each other out. Just email me with any questions you may have at the address below!

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"I remember when I first started with the juicing and my mother made me a bottle of cranberry juice. This was the first time I got a taste of it, and boy was I hooked!" -Rachel

A pretty simple recipe that works just perfect.

The recipe is easy and the taste is simply delightful.

I made a juice out of the ingredients below but only used half the amount of carrots because I didn't have enough. I really liked the results, though!

Aside from using food that are in season, this is a great way to use up leftover vegetables and fruit.


I have to admit, I was skeptical when I initially saw this recipe. I was thinking that it absolutely couldn't taste as delicious as the carrots looked.

Well, little did I know - my fabulous juicer made this juice taste very good!

The result was a delicious and very nutritious smoothie that tasted like freshly juiced carrots.

I had no idea how good it could be until my mom made me one of these.

The only reason why I gave this recipe a 4 star rating is because the price for the ingredients (4 carrots and half a cucumber) are pretty high (at least for me).

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