Don’t Be a Victim of the People Pleasing Quadrant


 Don’t Be a Victim of the People Pleasing Quadrant

It is possible to be a people pleaser and not feel the pressure to become a victim of the people pleasing quadrant.

Peaceful living requires us to think about ways we can be more good and less bad at pleasing others. After all, life is too short for us to live in the shadows of our own lives. What makes you happy? Maybe it’s time for you to step out of your comfort zone and try something new that will make you feel good about yourself. You might just find that when you stop focusing on being a people pleaser, your life becomes more peaceful and worry-free.
Long gone are the days when we made innocent mistakes out of ignorance or lack of experience. We are now aware of the consequences that can be suffered when we try to live our lives to please others. It is amazing how something as little as pleasing someone else can cause so much pain, regret, and even more people pleasing.
As you become more self-aware, you will know the difference between personal sacrifice and life changing decisions that benefit everyone. How do you measure your self worth on a daily basis? Are your actions helping you become a better person or are they bringing out the worst in you?
The truth is that we will never achieve lasting peace if our first priority is putting everyone else before ourselves. This is what I call the people pleasing quadrant.
Those of us who live in this higher dimension and value our personal peace and happiness think differently. We are not controlled by what others say or do. We know that we must first be true to ourselves before we can be true to others. Even then, we need to keep in mind that pleasing others will always come at the expense of our own personal well-being, happiness, and freedom.
Most of us still have a hard time understanding that there are instances when it is okay for us to sacrifice for the greater good of everyone else but this is an important lesson for healthy living .We must keep it in mind when thinking about how much we sacrifice on behalf of others.
As a parent, I can understand how difficult it is to explain this to a young child. But what would you say if your child asked, “Why can’t I please my friend by sharing my toy?”
You could begin the conversation like this: “I understand that it is important for you to be a good friend and share with others. You know that you feel really happy when your friends are happy. Let’s talk about how we can make both of you happy at the same time.”
By believing that we can be good at pleasing others without being a people pleaser, and by looking deeper into what makes us feel good, those of us who operate from a higher dimension can find a peaceful way of living. The more aware we become about our choices, the less likely it is to work against ourselves in the future.
For some reason, many people feel disconnected from themselves and are willing to do anything to make someone else happy. This is not something they would do with themselves that is why it may seem like something that could never happen. But this is not really true because as human beings we are very much connected to one another. What one person does affects all of us in some way or another. Our thoughts, feelings, and actions are the same as everyone else’s. What we do has a ripple effect and this ripple effect is what we call karma.
Karma is the idea that everything – whether bad or good – comes back to you in one way or another. We all make an impact on each other and it is impossible for us to escape this responsibility.
When you are not a people pleaser but instead, try to please yourself and put your own needs first, then you will be living in a peaceful world .
Remember that peace is about learning to know where there is weakness in ourselves so we can take care of it. Then, we will know where to put our energy in order to stay peaceful and happy.
Whether you live in the people pleasing quadrant or outside the many people pleasing quadrant, it is never too late to start living your life from a higher dimension. If you live in the people pleasing zone, maybe this is something you would like to change now. How do you measure your self-worth? Is all that you do to please others truly beneficial for them or yourself? In this case, please consider that there may be another way of living where happiness comes first and then everyone else benefits from that peace.
Most of us have this idea that we cannot be happy unless someone else is happy because we think that life will not be right unless others are satisfied. This belief causes us to make a lot of sacrifices in order to please others.
The challenge is to learn how to live our lives from the higher dimension where one’s happiness is taken care of by themselves instead of being consumed by the people pleasing zone. In many ways, you might agree that it is easier to have peace when you are in the “higher” people pleasing quadrant than it is when you are in the lower people pleasing quadrant.

The fact that people pleasing is usually done unknowingly, is no excuse. It doesn't matter if it's done consciously or not. The truth is that it can still adversely affect the lives of you, your family, friends and co-workers.
The majority of the time when this happens, we feel a sense of disappointment and even shame because we do not feel like we have accomplished much. What we might not realize is that our efforts to please everyone ultimately cause us to deteriorate both mentally and physically. A limited amount of time on earth cannot be wasted trying to please others because life's too short for us to live like this.

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