Eight steps to achieve any goal


Is there anything you want to achieve this year? To successfully achieve any goal, you need a plan with specific steps.

In this post, I'm going to show you the 8 steps of achieving a goal and how I personally used them to accomplish mine.

I was lucky enough to attend a lecture by James Clear at the London School of Business. He shared with us how he uses these eight steps to accomplish his goals. I took notes that night, and every since I started applying them they have worked wonders for me.

Here they are:

Step 1: Create a vision statement.

Your vision statement is one or two sentences that describes the end goal you want to achieve, in as much detail as possible. For example, "I'm going to be able to run 10km on a regular basis" or "I'm going to get into great shape. I'm going to be able to do three pull-ups and run a mile under 8 minutes."

This helps you think confidently about your goals, and it allows you to visualize your goal as already achieved. This is a crucial step, because studies show that the visualisation of success is an important part of achieving success.

Step 2: Break down the goal into specific actions.

For example, "I'm going to run for 30 minutes twice a week," or "I'm going to eat three meals and two snacks every day." It's very important to break down your goals into small actionable steps so that you can achieve small wins along the way.

Step 3: Set a deadline.

Deadlines are crucial to get you to actually follow through on your goal. Studies show that people who set deadlines and take steps towards completing their goals do better than those who don't.

Feel free to experiment with different dates, but it's important to choose a time when you have some margin of error – for example, when it's a time where you have some flexibility in your schedule, so if something unexpected comes up, you can still make it happen.

Step 4: Make an action plan and write down the steps necessary to achieve the goal. How are you going to achieve your goal? Be as specific as possible and write each step down.

A good action plan will have details such as:

- Step 1: Visit the local running store to find the best shoes for my feet type.

- Step 2: Visit the local running store to get a pair of socks with matching laces.

- Step 3: Visit the local running store to get a belt that keeps my pants above my waist.

Step 5: Create a milestone checklist. Once every week, or once every two weeks, create a list of all of your smaller goals and milestones as well as one bigger goal. This will help you break down big goals into smaller ones, and also put everything in perspective so that you can monitor your progress on an ongoing basis.

Step 6: Track your progress.

Find a way to track and monitor your progress on a regular basis. Studies show that people who set goals and track their progress are more likely to achieve them.

Step 7: Reward yourself and celebrate progress along the way.

I truly believe that it is important to reward the process of achieving one's goal, not just jumping into another goal once achieved. It's important to take time out of our day-to-day life so that we don't get burnt out and feel like we have nothing left at the end of the day.

I feel like having small break along the way is important, and you need to find a job that makes you happy. You're going to spend most of your waking hours at work, so why not find something that makes you happy?

Personally, I reward myself with a glass of wine or chocolate after a long day at work.

Step 8: Repeat the process until you reach your goal.

The final step is to keep repeating the process until you actually achieve your goal. By breaking down the goal into smaller actions and milestones, it pushes me to take action every day.

I have applied this system to my own goals, and I really feel like the results I'm getting are completely worth it. I like to think that all of this is because of my process – setting realistic goals and regularly taking action towards them.

This is a system that you can use on your own. It doesn't need to be complicated, or take years to achieve. It's just 8 steps – simple but powerful.

How to change the world:

use your gift, talent and expertise to impact and make this world a better place. Be inspired! Be present! Be happy! Don't sweat the small stuff that doesn't matter, because it probably won't matter anyway in the grand scheme of things; just live each day as it comes with purpose, with love and with passion.

LEARN TO ENGAGE LIFE Fully Engaged and Inspired - Living Your Best Life

The path to your dreams is to get onto it. The best day of a person's life is one where they have something to look forward to tomorrow and the next day, and so on. Happiness: being engaged in life, striving for your dreams and knowing that you are going in the direction that you want to go. Believe in yourself, use your inner wisdom, and listen for inspiration for each new day. Use your life as a platform to build positive change in the world. Use your life as a way to make the world a better place and inspire others along the way. There is a power inside you and within you that is greater than all things, and it is time to tap into it and unlock its full potential.

You have one life, so make sure that each day you are fully engaged with it, living in the present and maximizing each moment, because tomorrow never comes back! Today is all that you get, so make it count! So much can be achieved with your platform: Influence others positively as you inspire them. Create positive change for yourself and for those around you by being engaged fully in every moment of life. Embrace the power within you and know that the world will be a better place because of you.

Here's to your best days ever! Your gift, talent and life experiences make you uniquely YOU. Don't let anyone take away your dreams, ideas or passions. Yes, there are times when it's necessary to listen to friends and family but as far as making big decisions go, speak up and guide them in your corner where they can best help; not where they can get in the way. • 

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