Focus on Your Goals


Focus on Your Goals

In order to achieve your goals, you need to work towards them. Sometimes it seems like our day may have been spent working towards a number of different goals, but in reality, those goals could be taking up the majority of our time—and not doing too much... at all. This article will help you refocus and find the path that will lead you to success.

1: Avoid distractions like the plague. Often, the things that jump out when we're striving to achieve something are the same things that prevent us from actually achieving it. These distractions can be people, money, commitments, distractions and so many other things that keep you from working toward your goals every day.

2: Take full advantage of any tools and resources available to you. Whether it's a planner to help you track your progress, or a blog buddy to share your goals and accomplishments with each other it's important to take advantage of these tools. There are so many different resources available to you via the Internet, it's important to take advantage of them.

3: Be realistic with your goals. Not every goal is meant to be accomplished, that's just a fact of life. However, you should be realistic with your goals—if they're too lofty, or impossible in any way you won't feel good about yourself when you aren't able to accomplish them. Set reasonable goals and work towards them, even if it takes you years (not months) to achieve them. When setting your goals and deciding what you want out of life (not just work) include things like your family, friends and physical wellness.

4: Stay on top of what you've accomplished. There's nothing like having a list of accomplishments and goals to motivate you, so don't leave that important information out of your planner or at home. If it's not written down—it's not real to most people. Check off your daily tasks as you achieve them and keep a list so that you can look back later and see how far you've come.

5: Take the time each day to sit down and focus on your goals—this will help direct your energy and keep you moving in the right direction. Make sure that your planning includes a description of how exactly you plan on achieving each goal—get specific.

6: Celebrate the small victories. They don't have to be huge, but each little thing that you do towards your goals is a victory in and of itself. If you accomplish starting the day with some intense exercise for 30 minutes, do another 20 minutes on the treadmill in the evening. Take the time to celebrate how far you've come and how much further you can go—celebrate being healthy, fit and physically strong!

7: Don't let failure discourage you. Yes, it's going to happen—you're probably going to have setbacks along your path towards success (which can even include losing your job). However, with the proper planning and ability to stay on track there's no reason that you can't succeed.

So this article is really looking at goals? Well, what are your personal goals? I would love to read about your goals for this month...

By: Paula Coletti, MDCM, DMCC

Create Your Self-Care Plan Today!

Launching 2013 off right is simple... and FREE! Take this brief weekly self-care assessment today to discover what you need to be healthy and happy in 2013. Click here now!

January 25th - February 1st: Healthiest Self - New Year's Resolutions Are About To Be Broken! Read more at

January 15th - January 22nd: Healthiest Self - Top Tips For Adopting A Resolution This Year! Read more at

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January 1st - January 6th: Healthiest Self - New Year's Resolutions Are About To Be Broken! Read more at

In 2012, we discussed how you can create your own self-care plan with a series of articles on how to make self-care a priority. If you missed any of the articles, you can read them here!  Check back every week for new tips and tools to help you make self-care a priority and experience the positive impact it will have in your life.

January 8th - January 14th:  Healthiest Self - How To Re-Energize and Reduce Stress Read more at

January 1st - January 7th:  Healthiest Self - How To Start The Journey Towards Self Care Read more at

January 25th - January 31st:  Healthiest Self - How To Re-Energize and Reduce Stress Read more at

January 18th - January 24th:  Healthiest Self - How To Re-Energize and Reduce Stress Read more at

January 11th - January 17th:  Healthiest Self - How To Re-Energize and Reduce Stress Read more at

For 2012, we're getting back to basics and making self-care a priority! The first step is to make sure that you create a self-care plan based on your own needs. A self care plan can help you take action and get moving in order to improve your emotional, physical and mental health. Here are some tips on how to create a self-care plan that works for you:

You can create your own Self-Care Plan by taking a free assessment here .

"The problem with common sense is it's not very common."

-Franklin P. Jones

Drew Barrymore is an actress and producer, but she may be best known as the face of L'Oreal. Born in Los Angeles, now Barrymore has become known for her philanthropic work, especially through organizations like the Humane Society. She has also been named one of the most beautiful women in the world by People Magazine (2012). She married actor Will Kopelman on December 25th 2011. She gave birth to a son on April 25th,2014, who she named John.

"Cry and laugh, it's all the same."

-Alyssa Milano

Alyssa Milano is an actress and producer best known for her starring roles in the television series "Who's the Boss?," "Joan of Arcadia" and "Charmed." She started acting at age five when she played a television role about a young girl who could communicate with animals. She attended New York University's Tisch School of the Arts, then went to graduate school at New York University. In 2009, she was named one of People Magazine's 100 Most Beautiful People. She married actor David Bugliari on February 14th, 2004.

Drew Barrymore Quotes

"If you're an actress and you don't have anything to cry about, then you probably aren't digging deep enough." -Drew Barrymore

Alyssa Milano Quotes

"I think I'm best with a challenge, even if it's just to get through the day." -Alyssa Milano

"I don't know how to do things halfway. I'm either all in or all out." -Alyssa Milano

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