Four Reasons to Set Group Goals Collaboratively


Setting group goals collaboratively can create a more united, enthusiastic team. If you are seeking ways to motivate and excite your team, here are four benefits to consider:

1. The chance to influence decision-making

2. Increased efficiency as people work toward the same goal

3. Opportunities for networking and connections with other companies/industries  4. Increased buy-in

The chance to influence decision-making: Simply put, when multiple people are involved in the decision-making process, you receive a greater number of viewpoints. With that comes a greater chance to creatively come up with effective solutions. A solo leader is more likely to feel invested and emotionally invested in his or her decisions, which can lead to decisions that appear biased and sometimes even detached from the real world. Collaboratively setting group goals means understanding your customer base and the situations they are facing. It means learning about your customers through the insights of your team members.

Increased efficiency as people work toward the same goal: A lot of times, leaders set goals alone. When you set group goals collaboratively, you are working with others to create a vision and roadmap for achieving that vision. This allows each person to understand the role they play and how what they do affects the other team members' success -- or failure -- at reaching that goal. In a world where speed is becoming increasingly important in almost every industry, you want to be sure your team is moving as fast -- or faster -- than necessary to achieve those goals.

Opportunities for networking and connections with other companies/industries: Setting group goals collaboratively often has another benefit beyond the benefits of accomplishing your group's objectives -- you open up lines of communication that can help you enhance your understanding of your industry, make connections throughout the industry and find ways to collaborate with other companies and organizations.

Increased buy-in: If people feel like they had a hand in creating the plan and a voice in deciding how it should be executed, they are more likely to feel invested in seeing the plan executed successfully. Again, this increases motivation, which increases productivity.

Solo leaders can set group goals collaboratively by making sure their team members are involved in setting and achieving the goals. If you want to ensure your leadership has a greater impact, you need to take a collaborative approach to setting goals.

Title: Recognize Early, Celebrate Often

I'm writing this at the end of a long day at work. I am mentally exhausted, but happy because my daughter just told me how much she appreciated me. She said that she loves me because I am "funny and sincere. I'm goofy and I make her laugh."

A few weeks back, my husband asked me how I ended up with him. I explained that it was because he took a pay cut to work for me. "I just thought you were so much fun to be around," I continued. "I enjoyed your company on our date, when you were looking for work, and over the years of working together." He asked me how I had known my husband was the one for me when we met. "I knew he was the one," I said, "because he made me smile when we first met. He has a spectacular sense of humor and is very caring. He is amazing."

I'm not alone in this. Everyone has a story that begins with recognizing and celebrating the things they value most in their friends, family, and co-workers.

People say that their best friend is their spouse because they know that person so well. How do you know? By appreciating, enjoying and celebrating all the things you love about them.  It's not easy to do it consistently every single day for years on end, but it's worth it! When my husband or my daughter does or says something I cherish there are no words to describe how much I adore them in that moment. I just want to hug them close and let them know how much I love them.

Similarly, when a co-worker does something you appreciate and love, it's not necessary to say anything. It's more profound when you don't have to acknowledge it. When I had cancer recently and needed help with my work product, my husband picked up the slack so that I could focus on getting better. He didn't have to do that. But he did because he knew that I valued his company more than a job at the time (even though we both wanted to feel productive again). That connection and understanding is priceless!

In the best wedding speeches ever, the bride or groom doesn't talk about themselves at all! They talk about their significant other. They share how they met and fell in love. They talk about the things they love about her and appreciate about him. And they talk about how they want to make sure that their husband or wife feels important and loved every day of their life.

If you have a choice, it's important that you choose to recognize the good and celebrate it. It doesn't need to be on some grand scale like making a huge donation, hosting a party or buying gifts. But it is crucial that you do something special for them! It takes hard work to distill your feelings down into something special and meaningful for someone else, but it's so worth doing.

And if it's not easy to do that regularly, you need to make sure you approach your spouse or your co-worker first before letting them down. That's what a good marriage is all about!

See this on the Fast Company blog: "What Are the Best Ways To Celebrate Your Partner's Anniversary?  Why Not Simply Say, 'I Love You'?  By Suzy Welch"

How To Be A Great Leader? Take A Look At The Popularity Of Demi Moore: First, She Is Sexy. Second, She Appears To Be Very Energetic. One thing that Demi Moore has in common with other popular female celebrities such as Sarah Jessica Parker is they are both slim and sexy. They also share great personalities and both of them appear to be very energetic. As a result, they have maintained their popularity for over two decades.

People tend to assume that being sexy is the most important factor keeping famous people famous, but it is actually the least important one. It's the energy level that keeps them going and makes the public want to watch them on TV or in movies or reading about them in magazines for years after their first major appearance.

What Does Your Personality Read Like? One secret to career success is your ability to read others. If you are great at reading others, you will be able to identify opportunities and relationships that will increase your value and use them. But what exactly does it mean to read others? It doesn't mean you can tell the future or have a super-human ability to predict everything people will say or do. It simply means that you have a knack for understanding the feelings, attitudes and motivations of others so that you can connect with them.

The greatest salespeople in history have all had this gift: they could read people and know what they needed before they even knew they needed it. They could anticipate what other people wanted or needed before they spoke. They could read situations and find opportunities to connect with others and help them achieve their goals. The best salespeople not only knew what to say, but also knew when and how to say it.

This talent can be taught, but it comes only with experience and practice. This is the kind of ability that most smart, successful people have developed over time and that you can develop by paying close attention to what other people say and do. This is one of the most valuable skills in all of business because it shows how you relate to other people, your natural gift for reading them and knowing what will resonate with them. How To Develop Your Personality And Make It Work For You?

The first step to using your personality effectively is to figure out what kind of personality you have and how to use it. But more importantly, you have to understand that it's not about changing who you are. It's about learning how to use your existing strengths in new ways and in different situations. People who succeed at this sort of thing do not change who they are; they simply learn how to present themselves in the most positive light possible.

Even though people tend to resist change, a little tweaking here and there can make a big difference in how people view you and treat you. It's all about maximizing your strengths and minimizing your weaknesses so that you can make a good first impression on others every time.

Knowing Who You Are In The First Place Most people do not know who they are or what their personality is really like, so they never take the time to think about how to use it in business. They assume they are just one way all of the time, but everybody has different personalities at different times in different situations.

That's why it makes sense to take some time to figure out what kind of personality you have and how it tends to be perceived by other people.

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