Free Tips To Increase Self Confidence


 Free Tips To Increase Self Confidence

In today's society, it can be difficult for anyone to feel confident. If you are feeling self-conscious about how you look and how that impacts your confidence then read on.

Inside this blog post you will find 3 tips that have the power to change the way you feel about yourself. These tips have been proven effective by some of the most popular experts in the world.

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Tip #1: Be Yourself No Matter What People Think Of You!
It is important to remember that being yourself is the best way to be confident in anything you do. Not only will you feel genuine, but you will also feel as if you are content with your own choices.

Nobody likes fakes and if others see you as such, then they will not take you seriously. And if you are not confident in what you are doing and yourself, then your audience will also feel that way.

Tip #2: Set Realistic Goals For Yourself!
It is very easy to set goals that are well out of your reach and expect yourself to achieve them. However, if you do this you will set yourself up for failure and disappointment.

This method of setting goals will only decrease your confidence because it is hard to achieve the things we strive for when they are too far out of reach.

Set goals that are realistic, yet challenging. Think about what you can do within a specific amount of time and then go out there and get it!

Tip #3: Throw Out Your Scale!
The scale is something that should be tossed in the trash. It will cause you to become obsessed with your weight, which can lead to eating disorders such as anorexia and bulimia.

Instead of letting your weight effect the way you feel about yourself, focus on the things other people say about you. What matters most is how people perceive you, not how you perceive yourself.

"It's not what they say about you; it's what they whisper. It's not what they say about you; it's what they whisper." -Mae West

A lot of people have a hard time with this because they are used to dwelling on the negative. If that is the case then you need to change your thought processes.

Remember that most people are mean, and that is why so many go out of their way to hurt others. Don't be like them, but instead be like the person who decided that being positive was more important than being negative and hurting others for no good reason.


After reading these 3 tips, I hope you will implement them into your life. Not only will they help you become more confident and self-assured, but they will also enable you to have a better life.
With the right self-esteem, you will be able to achieve anything you put your mind to. You will be happy with yourself and others will appreciate you for who you are.

Keep up the good work, and remember that I am always here if you have any questions or need some advice.

Note: With the recent news of the Orlando attack, it is only right that I share my thoughts and opinions on this incident. It saddens me to see such a tragedy take place in a gay club.
The purpose of this post is to give you an idea of what would have happened if someone had been armed with a firearm at the Pulse Nightclub.
This morning I was listening to my local news station as I usually do and there was an update about the nightclub shooting that took place in Orlando, Florida, on Sunday morning.
Ever since the shooting tragedy, the news has been filled with the reactions of the people that were there, as well as what not being armed would have done to prevent such a tragedy.
This is something that needs to be discussed in America. In many other countries, it is common place for people to carry firearms when they go out because all it takes is one man with a gun and no one else will have a chance against him.
Now I am not an advocate of anyone carrying a weapon and am usually in agreement with those that tell us not to, but this was an EXTREME case and I think we should analyze it from both sides of the coin.
First and foremost, I have to mention that the shooter was NOT an American. He was a Muslim named Omar Mateen. He pledged his allegiance to ISIS via Facebook a couple of days before the shooting and the Department Of Homeland Security says they are investigating it as a possible act of terrorism.
Many people have said that if he had been armed, a lot of lives would have been saved because he could have used the gun in self-defense against the club goers.
Now this brings me to my first point which is that people can use firearms in self-defense and stop an attack before it happens…but only if they're armed with one.
I am not advocating for anyone to go out and buy a gun and go round shooting people, and I think it's irresponsible to do so, but I'm also not one of those that say all guns are bad and should be banned. Just like everything else in this world, there are pros and cons to having a gun in your possession.
From a self-defense standpoint, having a firearm at an event can give you the extra time that you need to escape the scene before the shooter has time to reach you. If someone gets too close or tries to attack you with their weapon or other things, then have no trouble using yours.

That is all I have to say about the Orlando shooting and why it is important to have both sides of the story. The questions that we should be asking ourselves are: how did this happen? And how can we learn from it so that nothing like this ever happens again?
When all of us were very young, most of us believed in Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny, but over time we learned that these things were not real. Why would we believe a grown man armed with a gun and a rifle can stop an attack when there is no way he could have possibly stopped the attack before it happened?
Everything about the shooting was real, from a timeline to the names of everyone involved.

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