How to Find Your Real Self Again


 How to Find Your Real Self Again

“I don’t know who I am anymore. The person I was, that was me, I don’t know who she is anymore.”

This quote sums up how many of us are feeling nowadays. We have been so busy with our lives, careers, and families that we have lost track of who we really are. We have forgotten what it feels like to just be ourselves again and instead wear a mask for the world to see until we finally break down from exhaustion and burn out.

However, you are the one who is always with yourself so you need to be more connected to your inner self to discover who you really are. We often get so lost in our thoughts about what we want in life that we forget about what we already have. We must stop and ask ourselves how we truly feel. Have you ever felt depressed and realized that even though life is good, there is something missing?

Who do you know that’s just plain unhappy? (Don’t answer that question.) Being happy means being able to do whatever makes you happy without feeling guilty. It means not caring what people think and being comfortable in your own skin. It means being able to relax and let the sun shine behind closed eyes.

This is what it means to be yourself. This is who you really are deep down, not the person you pretend to be for others. Just look within and you will see what I mean. When you are being yourself, even if at first it’s only a small introspective glance, that’s when you will recognize what makes you happy as well as where your true inspiration comes from and how to follow this source of happiness into who you want to become.

I have taught meditation for years. I know first hand that when you are meditating, you truly are not thinking about your problems, or anything else for that matter. With the simple act of closing your eyes and sitting quietly with your breath, you are allowing yourself to see who you really are. You will see how even though life is wonderful, there is still something missing inside of you and how long it takes to discover this hidden part of who you really are.

The moment of recognition is often a breakthrough in one’s life. It happened to me when I first started meditating and continued through my years as a monk. Moment by moment, I learned to live in this present reality and opened up my awareness to the world around me without judgement. I had a sense of wonder and joy that seemed to follow me wherever I went.

We are all capable of that state of mind deep within our being. We all have that deep down yearning for what we once knew as a child, if we only could remember it again. The key is to spend more time listening to yourself and trusting your inner voice. Be more aware of who you really are and from there you will clearly see where your true happiness lies. This is why meditation works so well for quieting the mind and connecting with ones own true self again.

How to Find Your Real Self Again
We are the sum total of all of our experiences. We are who we think we are because of what inspired us and how our mind functions. Our parents, teachers, friends and society were the foundations on which we build who we really are. The nucleus that drives us as human beings is our true self. When you learn to be more aware of yourself, you will know how to tap into your own inner wisdom and guide your life into a place where you can truly be at peace and happy again.

You can only do this by letting go of what you once knew as your normal everyday life and questioning everything that’s happening around you right now. Take a mindful breath and look inside. How do you truly feel? What drives you? What is your true inspiration in life?

These are just some of the questions that need to be answered to really find yourself again. Look to see where your deepest yearning lies, what it is that inspires you, and what makes your heart sing. When you have found these answers, then reconnect with them every day as if it’s the most important thing in the world for you to take this time for yourself. Eventually, being alone with your thoughts will become a very enjoyable time for you that helps ease your mind and fills your soul with joy.

In conclusion, meditation is great for quieting the mind and connecting to your inner self. You will see how life is not always what it seems, but what you need to discover inside of you. When you find this truth, one moment at a time, then you will be able to live in the present and in joy as many old children do when being themselves again.

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