Intentional Focus: Your Happiness, Your Success, and the Law of Attraction


 Intentional Focus: Your Happiness, Your Success, and the Law of Attraction

Intentional focus is the practice of engaging in specific tasks and activities, with the goal of achieving a specific outcome. This article will explore how to intentionally focus on certain mental or physical exercises that lead to your desired result. Such examples include writing a novel, posting content on social media, journaling every day, meditating each morning, and exercising daily. If you want to live a life that you love and care about, one where every moment is filled with happiness and success without fail; then this article is for you. 

The message of this article can be best summarized by the quote from John Lennon: "You can't just sit there wishing things were different. You've got to do something about it."

If you want to live a life that you love and care about, one where every moment is filled with happiness and success without fail; then this article is for you. 

Some people are interested in using guided meditations to help them relax while they are sleeping. Others prefer to follow an exercise routine every morning or afternoon. Others still enjoy exercising daily. Many feel a sense of accomplishment when they accomplish these things, as well as feel an increase of energy throughout their entire day. 

Here's one method for achieving a specific goal. 

Focus your mind on the outcome you want to achieve - write it down and read it frequently, until you can recite it from memory. For example, if you want to find more happiness in your life, then write down what you believe will bring happiness into your life. Are you looking for love? A new job? Financial security? Write it down and use this as a daily reminder. Read it aloud or say it to yourself, several times per day. 

Focus on this specific goal each morning and evening; set reminders throughout the day if desired. If you want to lose weight, set a reminder to eat your healthiest breakfast every morning. If you want to lead more meaningful and happy life, schedule 1 hour in the morning, and an hour in the evening to accomplish this goal. 
However you are able to focus on your goal can be a matter of personal preference.

If you are focusing on an exercise routine daily, there are some additional tips that can help facilitate success. Keep a journal with you at all times where you can write down what your practice was each day; be sure that the writing is detailed and specific with all steps performed and days on which it was completed. This will help give you feedback one step at a time towards achieving your goal completely.

If you are focusing on your financial future with the intention of achieving a specific financial outcome, then be sure to write down the steps you are taking to reach your net worth goal. For example, if you want to achieve $500,000 in net worth by age 40, then break this down into smaller goals such as saving $100 per month every month for 1 year. If you save $23 per day for one year, then at the end of that year, you will have saved exactly $2 000. Writing these steps down and putting them in view will help keep yourself accountable and motivated to stay on track with your goals.

Be sure to have a reward ready for yourself when you have achieved your goal. After achieving $2 000 in savings, be sure to treat yourself to a night out with your friends for dinner, or purchase that item you've been wanting for several months. This will help motivate you to continue with the process, and reinforce the positive results of your success.

The main takeaway is this; if you want a specific outcome, then focus on it throughout your day. Write it down, read it aloud or say it to yourself throughout the day; use reminders such as an alarm or sticky note on your desk each morning and evening. Set specific steps and actions you can take towards your goals, and focus on the outcome you want to achieve. Be sure to keep track of your progress in a journal that you can refer back to frequently. Finally, be sure to have a reward ready for yourself when you have achieved your goal. If you are able to consistently focus on achieving a specific outcome, then results will almost certainly follow. 

Intentional focus is the practice of engaging in specific tasks and activities, with the goal of achieving a specific outcome or reward. If something is important enough to you, then you should be willing to devote time towards working towards it each day; even if it's only 10 minutes at a time.
I hope this was an inspirational read! Feel free to share it with your friends and family.
If you found this article helpful, then you will absolutely love my book "The Mastery of Happiness"!!! It is a wonderful book that has helped several hundred people just like you find greater happiness in their lives! It's also a great way to start focusing on your goals and dreams, every single day.
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Finally, be sure to check out my two other books on Amazon: "How to Live 100 Years" and "The Mastery of Happiness"! 
Until next time, have a wonderful day!

For more information on how you can achieve greater happiness in your daily life, please visit or Thank you.

Are you looking to achieve greater relaxation in your life? Here are a few guided meditations to help! 
Meditation-Achieving Greater Relaxation #1
Meditation-Achieving Greater Relaxation #2
Meditation-Achieving Greater Relaxation #3
Meditation-Achieving Greater Relaxation #4

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Here at last--the true source of success! If you are looking for something more in life, if you want to find personal happiness, then I urge you to open your heart. Embrace the truth that achieving forbidden happiness is within your reach. It begins with a decision to change your life for the better. Once you have made the decision, go ahead and give it 100% effort every day until it becomes a permanent part of who you are.

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