It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light.

It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light. For example, sometimes life throws a curveball and leaves you feeling empty and alone. Life has dealt me some tough blows, but I've never been able to see the light at the end of tunnel before. That was until one day when I started reading about personal development, self-help books and read this quote: "life begins at the end of your comfort zone. "

For years my comfort zone has been a tiny, dark and cold place where I barely survived on scraps of bad emotions, negative thoughts and low self-worth. It is hard to get out of your comfort zone, but once you do you will never want to go back in there again. Once I realized that life wasn't meant to be lived in my comfort zone, I decided it was time for me to go out and start living a little. I decided that it was time for me to walk into the light.

I started doing things that scared me like traveling alone for the first time or going on a date with someone who didn't fit within my idea of Prince Charming. I was doing things that I had previously convinced myself that a "real man" would do. Instead of living the life of mediocrity, I decided to live life on the edge. I realized that it is impossible to reach your true potential without taking some risks and stepping out of your comfort zone. It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light.

Now my comfort zone doesn't seem as dark and scary as it used to be; in fact, my comfort zone has turned into a beautiful place where one can add cool things like new friends, new experiences and new skills. Now my comfort zone has transformed into a place where growth happens, where life happens and where happiness happens. So go ahead and push yourself out of your comfort zone; the rewards are well worth it.


Albert Einstein
Think for Yourself, Question Authority.
About The Author: Martin Luther King Jr. is a hero of mine because he believed that black people should have equal rights and opportunities as white people do. I feel as though black people deserve respect in our society just like everybody else does because we are all human beings living on this earth together. We should all treat each other with kindness and compassion regardless of our race, religion or gender. Thanks for reading my article about Martin Luther King Jr.
Martin Luther King Jr. is a hero of mine because he believed that black people should have equal rights and opportunities as white people do. I feel as though black people deserve respect in our society just like everybody else does because we are all human beings living on this earth together. We should all treat each other with kindness and compassion regardless of our race, religion or gender. Thanks for reading my article about Martin Luther King Jr.
In my opinion, Martin Luther King Jr. is a hero because he stood up for what he believed was right. I like that he stood up against the government when they tried to make laws that would have made it illegal to be black on the streets at night or require wearing shoes on the streets of Detroit .

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