Learn How To Love Yourself


 Learn How To Love Yourself

Learning how to love yourself is important because if you don't, it will make it difficult for you to feel loved by others. Loving yourself starts with loving your body. In order to truly love someone else, you must first learn how to love yourself and be confident in your abilities. Next, learn what makes you happy and agree that no one other than you has the right to take away your happiness. These three things are some of the most important things that any person can do in order to make significant changes in their life. Start with self-love; love your body, love what you do and love what makes you happy.
"If you don't love yourself, it's extremely hard to expect someone else to." - Unknown
That quote is the best way that I can put it. Without loving yourself and accepting that you are an amazing person in your own right, it will be very hard for someone else to accept that they are truly in love with you. It's difficult when there are people who try to bring you down or make you feel as if your insecurities are wrong. Here's why loving yourself is great:
Loving yourself means that you are confident in your own skin and who you are as a person. It also means that you are comfortable with who you are and what you have to offer in terms of love, compassion and kindness. Loving yourself means that even when there is something wrong, you know how to right the wrong. You realize that being kind is a blessing, especially when it comes to those people who don't treat others with the same kindness or respect that they deserve. Loving yourself means accepting the flaws of others without trying to change them. It also means accepting those flaws in yourself and using them as tools for growth instead of something negative to hold on to. Loving yourself means maintaining a positive attitude and believing that you deserve to be happy and do what makes you happy. That is something that every person deserves; it's why we all have to learn how to love ourselves before we can love others.
"I think we all could learn a lot more about accepting ourselves and being happy if we practiced self-love first, before trying to love others...when people are in loving relationships with themselves, there is no limit to what they can offer in terms of love for others." - Unknown
This quote by Farrah Gray is so true! This has always been my belief as well. I think if our society practiced how much self-love is important, the world would be a better place. We would have more energy and have more people who accept themselves for who they are and don't judge others. Self-love is at the foundation of all good relationships between people, but it's not easy because sometimes we all need someone else to love us. We may not be able to fully love ourselves, but there's nothing wrong with working towards loving yourself. You deserve it!
While there are so many things that can make it hard to love ourselves, here are some things that make loving ourselves a bit easier:
Loving yourself is hard when you feel like no one in the world loves you for who you are or if you feel as if your bashed at school or work. But it's also hard when you feel like you physically look great but no one seems to notice or like what you have to offer. I'm not saying that your body is perfect, but only that people don't see what you are capable of because they'll never truly know. There are still a few people who see the beauty that is in everyone and it's always good to know that someone out there sees something special in us. Here are some other reasons why loving yourself can be difficult:
Loving yourself can be harder when there is a gap between who you think you are and who others see you as being. It's even harder if you don't know the true you and have never taken the time to really get to know yourself. Loving yourself is hard when all you care about is what others think of you then it's hard when you are all about appearances and try to look great for your partner, or even worse, your friends, but not yourself. Loving yourself is hard when you compare your body or love life with someone else because it will never be what they have. It's also hard because sometimes we want someone who loves us for who we are, but not how we look or how successful we are. This is so unfair, but it happens sometimes.
"If you don't love yourself, you won't be able to love anyone else." - Unknown This quote by Farrah Gray is a very true saying and has always been one of my favorites. I think that everyone deserves to be loved completely, not just for what they look like and how successful they are at life. If we all truly understood that every person on this earth has something pure and amazing about them, there would be less fighting in the world because we would realize that people aren't so different from us. Everyone is special because we all have a purpose, a reason for being here. It's how we treat that purpose and interact with others that makes us who we are as individuals.
For me, loving myself has always been about being happy and having confidence in myself. I've never been the type of person to look down on myself or feel as if I can't do anything interesting in my life because of my body. I was never the skinny girl or the popular girl. I was always just me; you know, the middle child of 5 brothers, who had an average love life but never felt bad about it and just loved herself very much regardless of what others thought.
"Sometimes I wish there were more people like Farrah around...maybe the world would be a better place." - Unknown By now you've learned that Farrah Gray has inspired me to do what I do, but did you know that he was also inspired by someone else? He was inspired by his grandmother who taught him how to love himself. I think it's why he's so hopeful about the world today. Maybe if we showed each other more love and respect, there would be less fighting and more acceptance for one another because we were all created equal. But most people tend to forget that; it's why I'm so thankful for all of my friends who help me remember what I'm capable of and what others are capable of as well.
Even though loving myself doesn't come easy, it's so important to learn how to love ourselves! We can't truly love others if we don't know how to do it for ourselves. It's a very difficult task because people are constantly judging us, but it's also a good thing because whenever we judge someone else, we're actually judging ourselves. So the next time you feel that you can't love yourself; I hope this helps you understand that loving yourself is very possible and that it may be the most important task of your life.  
"Love yourself; I mean really love yourself.

Conclusion: These three amazing people are extremely different from one another, but they all have influenced me tremendously in some way. Farrah Gray has inspired me to help others find the beauty in themselves, which I'm forever grateful for. Ginny Rorby has taught me that we should never hold ourselves back from helping those around us and to be a good person in general. She's also taught me that sometimes we need to let go of a dream or a goal because it's not going to happen the way you want it to or because it doesn't bring you happiness.

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