Life Happiness


 Life Happiness

This article is on the subject of life happiness. It will discuss the meaning of happiness, the reasons for it, and it will also attempt to measure if people are happier in certain countries. The author's hope is that after reading this information one can better understand whether they are living a happy life or not and if they are taking steps to make their life more happy.

Happiness defines how satisfied you feel with your life and how much joy you get from it. There are many individual aspects that contribute to feeling happy, but often, happiness comes down to a sense of accomplishment or other things outside your control affecting the way you feel about yourself. Happiness can be achieved in many ways and it can be accomplished in all aspects of life, however, not everyone has this feeling. In today's society, we all seem to be looking for that 'happily ever after'. We look at the lives of others and wish our lives were just like theirs. We want everything we see on TV and in the movies to come true in our lives.

We want to feel wanted and loved. We want front-row seats at the ball game or perhaps travel the world while staying at 5 star hotels with a companion who is willing to do anything we ask of them. Yes, life is good… if you're rich and famous. Although that is not the case for everyone, there are many people who wish their life was like the lives of others. They want to live an extraordinary life. Nothing is wrong with having these feelings and wishing things were different, but it does stop you from being happy.

We put so much emphasis on what we don't have that we forget about what we do have and miss out on some truly great things in our lives. Not having a lot of money or not having a boyfriend or girlfriend to spend your time with doesn't mean you can't be happy; all it means is that happiness comes in other forms.

It is ludicrous to think that one's happiness can be measured by the amount of money they have, or whether they are in love. The most important thing to be happy with in life is YOU. You are the only one who knows how you feel about your life and what you want to happen in the future.

What makes us happy? Let's discuss some of the most common sources of happiness:

1. Family – Some would say that this would be a given, but there are many people who don't have their families nearby and they miss them so much that they can't live their days without them.

2. Friends and Associates – Our friends and associates can be one of the greatest sources of happiness. The fact that someone cares about you and likes being around you can make your day, just knowing they are there.

3. Occupation – Having a career that is fulfilling, feeling as though you contribute something to society and having a place where you can go to everyday to feel as though your efforts matter makes us happy in life.

4. Money – Contrary to what many people say this isn't always the answer it may be for some but not for all. Money can make you happy if it's used to buy things that make you happy. There are so many things we can buy around everyday that make us happy, and having enough money to be able to do all these things is something most people want.

5. Health – Having good health and feeling as though your body is strong enough to get through the day while not being too weak or too frail is important. Sometimes we just don't feel right physically, so having good health can make us happier.

6. Achievement – Being able to do something you love and no one else can do is a dream come true. It is something that doesn't come to every person, but we would all like to at least be able to do something we love.

7. A Meaningful Life – Having a life that has meaning and purpose so that your days are filled with happiness and joy while making an impact on people's lives is something of great significance. This can be achieved in many ways, but it is definitely one of the most important things in life.

8. Pleasure – We all want to feel pleasure at some point in our lives. This can be from something as simple as enjoying a meal with loved ones, reading a good book on the beach or even going for a peaceful walk during the night.

There are many things that make us happy, but there are also some things that can take it away. For example:

1. Sickness – Feeling sick is one thing no one wants to feel. If you know this has happened to you then you probably have felt some degree of unhappiness because of it.

2. Financial problems – Not being able to save money or handle the cost of your expenses may make you unhappy. For many this is the source of one's unhappiness.

3. Divorce – Being a victim to divorce or having a person close to you leave may have taken from your life in some way.

4. Death – Death can bring an end to life, but it can also bring happiness if it happens before the time you thought was appropriate and in a way that is meaningful to you.

5. Problems with Relationships – Problems with your relationships can bring about negativity and unhappiness, so living without relationship trouble is something that we all want.

6. Feeling Unappreciated – Having a job that you work so hard on, but the outcome is unappreciated can make your life miserable. This is a common source of unhappiness in today's world.

7. Being Stressed – Feeling stressed can bring about many emotions and not just happiness. Stress can be a tremendous source of unhappiness with one's life if it gets out of control.

It would be nice to say that everyone is happy every moment of their lives, but this isn't true for many people. Everyone has their own set of problems and issues that they have to deal with on a daily basis and that makes being happy a challenge sometimes. This doesn't mean you can't put yourself into a situation where you can be happy, it just means that it might take some time.

It is said that there are some things in life that money can't buy and one of these would be happiness, but what many people misunderstand is the true meaning of happiness. If you have things in life that matter to you, then you will be happy. Happiness isn't a feeling or an emotion; it's who you are as a person and how you deal with the stress and problems of life.

Happiness doesn't define success or failure in your life; it defines who you are as a person.


Being happy in life is an important element, but it can be a challenge. In fact it can be one of the most difficult things to do, but it can be done. The first step to being happy is knowing that happiness is something that you must work towards and wanting to become happier than you were before. We all want to feel good about ourselves regardless of what's going on around us, so thinking positively about your life will help tremendously.

There are many people who try and become happier, but they fail at first because they give up too easily. Happiness isn't something that comes easy for some and others need a lot more effort put into it than others do in order for them to feel good about themselves.

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