Life is a Gift, Open and Enjoy It


 Life is a Gift, Open and Enjoy It

 Life is a Gift, Open and Enjoy It!

Life is a gift from God and it is a wonderful thing. It shouldn't be taken for granted. People sometimes take things they love for granted. We must appreciate this life we have been given, not in the sense that we need to be grateful, but that we should enjoy it and treat it as more than just a tool to get stuff done.

The world has so many different cultures, beautiful places and languages to enjoy. The humans on the planet are so diverse with all their differences in different places of society and culture. The world is full of beauty, if one can only experience the things that are within the horizon, without being afraid of what might happen to us unless we enjoy life as it is.

This life is full of joy, sadness and pain. We are all here for a reason and each one of us should make the most out of it. Every second you have to live is a gift; you have to cherish every moment so that when you come to your end, it will not be seen as meaningless. It will be because you tried your best in life and not because you were sitting back thinking how short the time was that you had been given.

One of the major goals for all of us is living a long and healthy life. Of course we all want to be as happy as possible, but we should not take our lives for granted. If you are able to live a long life, that is great but if it ends at a younger age, you can still be happy about the things you have done and the moments that have passed. You must remember that it isn't about how many years you lived on earth or how many people have known you; it is about how much good you did in your life and what impact did you leave behind when it comes to living on this planet.

Life is a gift and we must cherish the moments of it. We should make sure that when we die that we have not lived in vain, but that our lives have been useful for something. At times, we might feel like what we are doing is irrelevant to people, but you never know who your actions might touch and bring a positive effect on. It might not be today or tomorrow, but you will be remembered for being a great person and leaving good behind when you leave this earth.

We need to make sure that what is within us comes out in our actions and words. There are many things we can do with our lives, so the choice is up to us how do we want to live it. It isn't about being a good man or woman, but it is about making sure that you are a good person. No one wants to be remembered for being rude and mean to people.

We live in an amazing world and we are part of it. The small decisions we make might make other people happy or sad. It might not be big decisions, but they will have an influence on our surroundings and the people around us. It doesn't mean we must do something big every day, but it means that when the moment is right, you should do something that will impact someone else's life in a positive way.

Life is about so many different things and we can do so much more than what we let ourselves do. It is usually our minds that stop us from doing things and make us believe that we can't do it. We should break the shackles of our mind and start to live out the dreams we have in our hearts. We are never too old to change the life that is given to us. It might be scary at first, but it will pay off in the end when you realize how much joy you get from living life on your own terms.

The world is full of possibilities, all you need to do is figure out what you want most in this life and then go for it. If you are afraid of what might happen, then you must push away all the thoughts that are keeping you from living a full life. The choice is yours and the outcome is up to you, no one else can do it but you. The greatest gift we have in this world is our ability to make choices and change things. It might be hard at first, but it will teach us great values in life.

There is a saying that goes by: where there is a will there is way… If they can do it so can we! Life itself might be difficult on us, but with the right attitude towards life we can make it through anything.

Life should be lived to the fullest. We might feel alone or frightened by it, but it does not matter. You can go through any pains that comes in your way and still come out of them. The choice you make and the actions you take will be your own. The most important thing is that you believe in yourself and take each day as day one of a new life with a new purpose. You can't wait for tomorrow to come because if tomorrow never comes, what would you have to live for?

We are all fighting for something – whether we are aware of it or not – and it is better to fight with an open mind than without one at all. Life is a gift and should be treated like one. If you live in the right way, you will be able to appreciate even the smallest things in life and make each day amazing.

Life is short, so let's live it to the fullest!

This was written by Mike Maimone - a sweet guy that is dealing with his own cancer journey. I have decided to call this article 'Life Is Wonderful' because it is!! It's wonderful that he has decided to continue living his life without any regrets or sadness and just enjoy every single day.

I've never been more inspired by someone and his story just proves that it's possible to live life to the fullest even with a terminal illness.

I hope this article has inspired you like it did me, and if you are thinking about doing something similar I urge you to do it, because you will regret not doing it later on. You can contact Mike by email at: or check out his Facebook Page, Life is Wonderful!

The things I love most in life are problem solving, people and community. Today I want to share with all of you the things that keep me going everyday and also try to encourage others as much as possible.


Sometimes I don't get why life is so hard. I always think to myself, why can't things be easier? Why must we go through so much pain and struggles? What is the purpose of all this craziness in our lives? However, I can say with certainty that everything happens for a reason. Everything has its place and has a meaning. We just need to open our eyes to see it. The things that happen to us are either meant to help us grow or events that we need to go through on our way. Either way, we should always try to find the good in everything and now worry about it.

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