Living with Joy


 Living with Joy

Having chronic illnesses can make our lives more difficult. Often times the struggle isn't what we want to put up with, but what we have to put up with in order to live a normal life. The only option is to adapt, and sometimes that results in moments of joy where at least some small part of your misery will be eliminated.

For example, when I'm sick I don't exercise as much as I should, because it's painful for me to move too quickly or work out too intensely when my lungs are not functioning properly. But then I get a little more energy and feel so much better that I start to want to go back to the gym, but every time I do it my head hurts and/or I have this strange feeling in my chest, which means that yes, I really do still have pneumonia. So instead of going back to the gym, what do I do?
I  buy  a new t-shirt (though it's probably not a new t-shirt at all) for just $5 because the old one is literally falling apart. It may not have been my original intent, but choosing to spend money on a shirt rather than exercise for an hour is exactly what makes me happy.
And I made that decision. 
Some people might judge me for making that decision, but it's my life and it makes me happy. Only when we're happy with ourselves can we live a happier and more positive life. The last part is important - living with joy doesn't mean that you'll always be thrilled to the highest extent possible, but if you're happiest when you do something that others might look down upon, don't feel ashamed because you don't have to be ashamed. 
So what do moments of joy look like? For me, it's when I'm on the phone with my boyfriend and he says something funny and I laugh out loud, even though laughing is painful for my asthma (I know I know... I'm an idiot). Or, when I'm watching  30 Rock  and I can effortlessly breathe and take note of how much I appreciate the characters' personalities. Or, when somebody compliments me on my looks and the only thing I can think to myself is "What a kind person!".
For others, it's when they get their academic work done way earlier than expected and spend their free time having fun with friends. For a third person, it'd be getting that awesome new phone they wanted for Christmas but didn't get because they had to spend it on other things.
For another person in this same situation... It might be something entirely different. We all have different ways of coping, and our coping skills will change as we get older, or if we have other kinds of conditions that stop us from doing things (like my friend with rheumatoid arthritis). But for me, for now, it's the little things that make me happy. 
Committing to living with joy doesn't mean you have to be 100% happy every time you do something. It just means that when you do something, take advantage of every opportunity to feel joyous!
Sit up straight and smile.
Write a poem.
Go shopping without thinking about how sick you are at all times.
Listen to music and move your body.
Hug somebody.
Listen to a podcast on the way to work.
Breathe deeply and feel proud of yourself for not letting your illness get in the way of your happiness! 
If we live to be happy, why shouldn't we commit every action of our lives to living with joy? If it's hard for you, then that's okay! Because it's not always easy for everybody.
This lifestyle change isn't about feeling 100% happy, because that might not always happen all the time , but it is about trying your best at being as happy as possible no matter what kind of situation you're in. 
And if you're even reading this, then I'm sure that you're a kind, thoughtful person who wants to make the world a better place. So why not start right here? By trying to live with joy and making your pain feel worthwhile in the end. 
Because we all deserve to live our lives with joy, every day of our lives.
Image source ( source ) - Photo by James Bowe on Unsplash
Created by: Kaitlyn Uyemura   aka The Happiest Person In The World!  | Website :   | Youtube : | Email : (just email me if you want to talk about anything, really) 
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All content here is for entertainment purposes and does not reflect my personal opinions on any specific matter or person. You can find more of my personal art here ! Questions, comments or concerns? Feel free to contact me at: kaitlyn@kaitlynyartistry.

Conclusion: If you're happy, be happy. That's the lesson I learned here and it's one that'll continue to get reinforced in my head.
If you have any comments or questions, please feel free to email me at! I love all the support I can get!
Now then, until next we meet...
K a i t l y n  
Note: All images are taken from Google Image Search and are not owned by me; if there are any problems with this post, please contact me at kaitlyn@kaitlynyartistry.

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