Love your family, work super hard, live your passion.”

There's a lot that we could say about how to live the best life possible, but today we are going to focus on one single idea — love your family. That's right, there is no greater happiness than the love and support you get from those you care about most.

That is why it's so important for us to choose to prioritize our loved ones over our own needs and career aspirations. This doesn't mean that we can't work hard or pursue our passions — it just means that should be done in the service of our loved ones.

Think of the time you took out of work to run errands for your family or to play a game of catch with your kids. Think about the times you stepped in for your children at school and made sure their homework was done. Your actions define what kind of father or mother you are, but remember — everything you do should be done in love.

So, how can you show your family just how much you love them? By planning for their future, setting an example by prioritizing yourself and being there for them every single day. Here are five simple ways to start showing what kind of dad or mom you're going to be:

1. Plan for the future.

It's never too early to start planning for your family's future. You can begin by opening a college savings account, exploring insurance options and looking into the finances of starting a family business or purchasing a home. You don't need to have all the answers — just make sure you have a plan of action so you know where your family stands on key financial issues today and in 10 years from now.

2. Set an example by prioritizing yourself first.

You will always be your children's most important role model, so you should always set an example of putting yourself first. You may want to take a night out with the guys or buy that new car, but those things can wait. Take care of the important things first — like spending time with your family and making sure all of their needs are taken care of.

3. Be there for them every day.

Every single day should be a day you plan on spending time with your family — even if it means missing the occasional event at work or skipping out on a gym session to go hiking together. You can't live your life for them if you neglect to take care of yourself — so take care of yourself. After all, when you're feeling crappy about yourself, your children are going to feel that same way too.

4. Respect them and their opinions.

Yes, you may want what you think is best for your family. But sometimes they may want something else — so respect their wishes and listen to their opinions. Children rarely know what's best for them — they just know that they need someone to listen to them and support them every step of the way on their journey through life.

5. Go the extra mile for them.

This doesn't mean doing things for them that you wouldn't do for someone else — it means doing things that make you feel happy and fulfilled. Spend time outside, cook a special meal, learn to play an instrument or volunteer at your kids' school. These small acts can make a big difference in how your children view themselves, their family and the world they live in.

Love your family, work super hard, live your passion.

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