Run For Glory TV Series : How To Protect Yourself From Negativity


 Run For Glory TV Series : How To Protect Yourself From Negativity

It's no secret that we live in a world with a never-ending supply of negativity. We can't avoid the tabloids, the trolls, and the trolls who masquerade as tabloids. Sometimes it feels like we're under siege.

That's why it's important to always keep your head held high, love yourself relentlessly and remember that you are not alone in this fight against negativity.
 In fact, there are certain guidelines for handling negativity that can help you stay strong and prevent the haters from getting you down.
 For example:
If you find yourself dealing with a lot of negativity, try to focus on the following strategies:
1 . Remember that most people just want attention.
2 . It's not worth it to get upset over the thoughts of others.
3 . Focus on what is important to you and ignore the rest.
4 . Don't let your anxiety or stress drag down your mood; instead try to use it as fuel for self-improvement.
5 . Take a deep breath and remember that everyone is living their own lives, just as you are living yours.
6 . Avoid the people who bring you down, even if they're family.
7 . Learn to avoid toxic relationships with people who bring out your worst qualities.
8 . It is better to avoid certain situations than it is to cause a scene.
9 . Never apologize for anything that you believe in.
10. Never allow negativity to control your mind and emotions; instead use your positive attitude and inner strength to help you get through negative situations (and there's something else I want to point out: a bad situation is only a bad situation if you decide it is a bad situation).
11 . Keep your chin up and remember that no one stays negative forever.
12 . Focus on what you have – and don't dwell on what you don't have.
13. Learn to forgive as well as you should.
14. Don't let people and circumstances get you down, especially people or circumstances that are out of your control.
Positivity can help us prevent negativity from affecting us; but there's one more thing we can do to protect ourselves against negativity: we should not fear their power nor the amount of time they may have to affect our lives. We should not fear them because when we're nice to them and remain positive, they like it, enjoy it, prefer it (they will often go out of their way to encourage it).
15. Don't let their opinions of you affect the person you are or the person you will be.
16. Realize that nothing lasts forever; so don't let a bad situation or negative people keep lasting forever in your mind, either.
17. Remember that true friends are hard to come by – and even harder to replace.
18 . As long as we remain positive, there is nothing they can do to us that will last forever; no matter how much time they have, it is worth it to fight against the negativity -- we are not afraid of them anymore (and since we're not afraid of them anymore, they make us laugh).
19 . Use their negativity as a reminder of why we should always be positive.
20. Remember that everyone you meet has a story and has good in them, even though they are like a few bad people who are trying to bring us down.
21. Realize that when the negativity is gone and you look back at this moment, you'll see how far you've come from how far things could have been (and so, it's never too late to change).
22 . Realize that things can always get better; no matter what happens or how badly they affect us, just remember, things can always get better.
23 . And when things seem to be at their worst, there will always be somebody there to suggest alternatives.
24 . No matter how bad it may seem, no matter how much time you may have left or no matter how bad a situation may get, it's never too late to change your mind and take control of your attitude.
25. When things are negative and you feel like your positive attitude is slipping – think about the people in your life who make you feel loved, thought of and appreciated.
26 . When things are negative and you feel like they're winning – think about the people who are on your team; there is always someone out there who will have our back (and we should never let them down).
27 . When things are negative and it seems like nothing is working – remember that it's never too late to change our minds, to change our thoughts and change the situation.
28 . When things are negative and we feel overwhelmed – try to focus on a better tomorrow instead of the problems of today; tomorrow will always be a better day.
29 . When things are negative and it feels like there is no end in sight – remember that no matter how many bad things may happen, we always have the power to bounce back stronger than ever. 
30 . Try to see the situation for what it really is and realize that negativity can never last forever.
31 . Remember that it is easier to deal with a situation if you don't take every bad comment or every negative event too seriously, as long as we remain positive.
32 . Declare war on negativity by not letting them win in your mind.
33 . Declare war on negativity by remembering that they cannot stand up to your own inner strength.
34 . Declare war on negativity by remembering how powerful you truly are when you go through something and realize how strong we are when we go through something and come back out better, stronger and more determined than ever. 
35 . Declare war on negativity by remembering that all things are possible to us without even trying.
36 . Declare war on negativity by remembering how bad those things will get if we don't change our minds.
37 . Declare war on negativity by reminding ourselves of how wrong they are and think they are.
38 . Declare war on negativity by thinking up positive stuff that is always going to be there.
39 . Declare war on negativity by realizing that we're never alone.
40 . Declare war on negativity by remembering that it is never too late to change our minds and our lives.
41 . I've learned that when in doubt, I should always try to make someone else happy.
42 . I've learned how to overcome my fears; in fact, they're not even fears anymore.
43 . I've learned how to smile more (I can't stop smiling). 
44 . I've learned how to laugh and be silly (I can't stop laughing). 
45 . I've learned how to make others laugh without fail (I can't stop making people laugh). 
46 .

It has been said that a negative person can never make someone happy. But I think if you have a positive attitude and stay positive, you can be the best kind of influence in another person's life.
When I was young, my mother always told me that whenever I was faced with a problem or felt threatened by something, the best thing to do was to remain positive and think about the things that are good in my life – and even though things seemed bad at first, if I focused on those things instead of what seemed to be bad at first; if I stayed positive instead of getting caught up by what was negative, they would eventually work themselves out, because most of the time...

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