"Secrets of a Positive Attitude"


 "Secrets of a Positive Attitude"

"If you think in positive thoughts, good things will happen to you."

This is the simplest and most obvious explanation of the law of attraction. The key is to think positively, and consistently, so that your intentions are aligned with your reality. In other words – if you believe that losing weight and having a better body will make you feel happier, then it's more likely that this will actually happen. If on the other hand, if you believe losing weight and getting in shape will make people laugh at you, then it's more likely that this interpretation of events is what comes true. (Just a little insight into the nature of belief and how it impacts your world view...)
Of course, much of what happens in life is just hard to explain. After years of study and research, scientists have found that thoughts are simply forms of energy, which you can measure by using an electromagnetic device called an electrocardiograph. This technology allows them to see the waves created by our thoughts as they pass through our heads. The longer we think about an idea, the stronger those waves get. All we have to do is measure their strength and then look for consistent patterns of correlations between these waves and our perceived outcomes.
The good news is that by doing this research, scientists have been able to solve some of the most difficult problems in medicine, neuroscience and psychology. So now we know how thoughts work, how they relate to our physiology, and how they are directly linked to many health disorders. If a doctor can see a set of events occurring in the body as a result of some thought pattern or other event, then this shows that there's evidence that something like "attracting wealth" or "avoiding poverty" actually exists in the real world. The same can be said for "changing body chemistry" or "having luck." Basically, if you claim that something happens in your life because of your thoughts, then this sounds like evidence that it truly exists.
These are all examples of how thoughts are real, and ultimately having a powerful effect on our lives. We can say so with confidence because we know what to look for, and how to see it. For example: The British Medical Journal recently reported that a patient who received an electrocardiograph while they were thinking about their own death experienced significant alterations in their heart rhythm. What's more, the researchers discovered that these changes followed only one week after the event of thinking about death. This suggests that our thoughts can affect our health, at least in certain circumstances.
Another interesting example comes from the research of Susan Blackmore. She discovered that thoughts have a very powerful effect on your life by changing the electrical conductivity of your body. She discovered that when people are depressed, or else feel like they're having a bad day, they lose some of their body's ability to conduct electricity. The reason this happens is because depressed people have lower levels of serotonin in their brain (a chemical which carries signals between neurons). This is why they feel sad and depressed. But it's also why they have lower levels of electrical conductivity in their bodies. In other words, negative thoughts were causing this person to lose some of their body's ability to conduct electricity.
This tell us that the human body is much more sensitive to thoughts than we'd ever imagined. In fact, our minds are so powerful that they can affect every portion of our physiology and anatomy – even at a cellular level. This knowledge may be limited when it comes to seeing how all these pieces fit together in practice, but it still gives us an important clue about how the law of attraction works.
If your mind has such power over your body, then there must be a way to consciously control what you think about most of the time. If you can train your thoughts, then you should be able to take control of your life. After all, the brain is just a physical organ, which responds to the electrical signals it receives from the rest of the body. If certain chemicals increase the conductivity of your body, then you know that your thoughts must have played some role in this process. This means that if we want to start controlling our thoughts, and therefore our lives, we probably need to harness some chemical energy as well.
What's really helping us here is scientific research into psychoneuroimmunology. This field shows how our immune system controls much of what goes on inside our bodies at a cellular level. From a practical point of view, this means that we have a way to directly control our thoughts. If we can affect our immune system, then we can also control how we deal with the outside world. By thinking in a certain way, or by picturing yourself doing something in a certain way, you can affect how your immune system deals with anything that comes your way. This means you can control your health and wellbeing by deliberately changing how you think and feel.
If you'd like to learn more about the science behind these ideas, I've included links to some of the best research online. The scientific data shows us that thoughts are real – and so are their effects! Click here for some fascinating examples of "the power of positive thinking.
For more information about the work of William James, click here .
If you'd like to learn how to use a crystal pendulum for divination, click here .
Learn about how gemstones are used for healing, click here . 
And if you're interested in psychic and paranormal research, check out this page. "I've written quite a few things on the scientific evidence behind psychic phenomena, and it's all thoroughly researched. I'm also not shy about my beliefs. I'd probably say I was a psi-conducive skeptic."
The Divination Duo: Using Crystals and Pendulums If you've ever been curious about using pendulums or crystals for divination, then this fun book is definitely worth a look. It's written by professional expert Emily Carding, who's taught thousands of people how to use these two tools for future telling. Now, her work is available in this well-designed digital guidebook that you can read on your computer, phone or tablet. It's called The Divination Duo .
Before you buy any pendulum (or crystal) for divination purposes, I recommend taking a few minutes to learn more from the free video below. It'll give you a better idea of what's involved in using these two tools. There are plenty of beginner's books on pendulum divination, but this one is probably the most entertaining! More About The Divination Duo
The book includes many other topics as well, such as: • Easy-to-follow tutorials for how to choose the right divination crystal • Simple exercises that make pendulum divination easier • Ways to shield yourself from negative energy whenever you're using your pendulum • How to focus your thoughts so that you get more accurate answers from the Universe • Expert tips on how to use the pendulum for spiritual growth and development
I'm very impressed by Emily Carding and everything she does.

Conclusion: The Law of Attraction and the Science of Thoughts
The law of attraction is much more than a theory. In fact, it's actually a mathematical formula. It's as precise and perfect as anything found in the physical world. This means that your thoughts have power – however, this doesn't mean that everything you think about will come true.
So what does this mean for you? It means that if you want to take control of your life and start living the way you'd like to, then changing your thoughts is probably one of the best places to start. If you don't like the way things are going in your current situation, then it's probably time for some new ideas.

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