The secret to happiness is an interesting question. One of the most common answers is that we need to like ourselves and our lives, find fulfillment in what we do, and have good relationships with others.
All three of these things seem achievable to just about anyone, but it can be difficult when you're faced with obstacles like emotional trauma or physical pain. So what's the answer? What will help you be happy today?
Read on for some useful tips on how to become that happy person that everyone else wants to be around.
1. Be grateful.
It's easy to get consumed with negative feelings like anger, frustration, or sadness. But it's important to learn to spot the positive in every day. A good way to do this is to think about all the things that you're thankful for. This practice can help you notice when you've found something that you're thankful for without even realizing it or needing an explanation as to why.
For example, if you're feeling great one day, take a moment and reflect on any beautiful nature scenes that took place during the day or anything else specific that made you feel great. Take 5 minutes to write in a journal, then read through what you wrote.
2. Focus on the positive things that happened in your day.
Instead of focusing on things that might have upset you, spend a few quiet moments at night to reflect on the positive things that took place that day. Did you have an uplifting conversation with a good friend? Did your boss notice and compliment your work? Did you enjoy your lunch break so much that it boosted the rest of your day? Pick one thing and take a minute to remember it and feel grateful for it. If you have time, add any details to your journal entry from #1 above!
3. Get enough sleep & eat right.
Besides the obvious, getting enough sleep and eating right will actually make you feel better physically. If you're not sleeping well or not eating right, try changing up your routine to fix those problems. You might be surprised how much it can help!
4. Take a break from social media & put your phone away for awhile.
I'll be the first to admit that I love using social media but being on it all the time isn't good for us, especially if we're trying to feel happier in life. Social media can make us feel bad about ourselves because we tend to compare ourselves with everyone else who seems happier than we are. The truth is that we don't know the whole story, and we're only seeing the parts of their life that they decided to share.
Remember, one person's highlight reel is another person's lowlight reel. Live your own life and you might be happier at it. If you really can't resist using social media, try setting a timer so you're not on it for too long…and try to make sure you're actually doing something there like connecting with people versus just wasting time mindlessly scrolling.
5. Think about the legacy that you'll leave behind.
It's difficult to have a bad day when you're thinking about how you want to be remembered after you've gone. What would it take to create a legacy of meaning and value? Spend some time thinking about what could make your life worthwhile, then figure out what steps you need to take to make it happen.
6. Change things up!
Are things in your life starting to feel routine? Try bringing new experiences into your life to give yourself that "new" feeling again! Try something new like a different activity or hobby, or even learning how to do something new with an old friend.