10 Ways To Transition Yourself Into Retirement


 10 Ways To Transition Yourself Into Retirement

Transitioning into retirement isn't easy. Whether you're nearing the end of your working life or already there, the transition isn't easy and can be a difficult period to get through. But it's worth it in the end. It's never too late to learn new things and start living a healthier lifestyle, which is what we want for ourselves at any age in life. Here are ten changes we can make now so that we retire with joy:

1-Track Your Spending
Knowing where your money goes is essential in understanding how much you can actually afford to live off without increasing those expenses too steeply. Track your spending for a month, and you'll know for sure where your money goes.

2-Healthier Diet
There's no way around it: food is expensive, especially junk food. But the more you eat healthy meals and work out regularly, the less eating out you'll have to do. The more healthy foods you eat, the more likely you are to be active in other areas of your life as well.

3-Use Technology To Plan Your Day
This is a no-brainer. Bookmark all your daily destinations so that you know exactly how long it will take to get to them, and plug them into your GPS or phone's map application. That way, when you come home from work every day, you won't have to worry about looking for a parking spot or trying to remember which streets you took on Monday.

4-Buy A Fitness Tracker And Use It To Track Your Activity
For many of us, walking isn't enough exercise. And running is too time-consuming and difficult for many of us who aren't in great shape already. Use your fitness tracker to track your activity throughout the day and then make a plan to maximize the amount of activity you get per week. Once you have a plan, stick to it. And then once you've reached your goal, keep on hitting that tracker every day until you reach your daily goal.

5-Start A Blog
Being an entrepreneur is so much fun, whether it's running a small business or starting a blog. Blogging can be incredibly rewarding and is also incredibly cheap if you do it right. So why not take advantage of this new world and start blogging now? After all, there are no rules when it comes to blogging and no need for social media platforms like Instagram and Twitter in order to succeed with blogging either. If you can think it up, there's a good chance you can write about it.

6-Make A List Of The Ten Things You Want To Do Before You Die And Start Checking Them Off

7-Teach Something Online
Whether you've been running a small store for fifty years or you're a twenty year old student who just graduated from university, teaching is one of the most rewarding jobs in the world. All over the web and on YouTube in particular, people are learning things from teachers all the time. So why not teach something yourself? Even if it's just by posting videos to your own YouTube channel, anyone and everyone can teach something online.

8-Explore A New Area Of Interest
Though retirement gives you more time to do things your way, most of us don't have the free time anymore to try things we want to do. But there are many things that can give you the opportunity to explore new interests and skills. For example, if you're a history buff, take up a hobby or two which is related to history. If your specialty is accounting, you could go into tax preparation or consultancy. You get the picture – there are endless possibilities for adventures and learning new things when you retire.

9-Take Apart Old Stuff And Fix It Up
Old electronics and appliances can be expensive or even dangerous if they break down in your home and need repairs. But for a lot of people, it's hard to throw old things away and replace them with new ones. It's easier to keep old things around until they die and then dispose of them. But why not take out those old appliances and give them a second try? You can learn a lot from taking stuff apart and putting it back together again. Plus it's fun too!

10-Start A Blog And Promote It
Blogging is easier than ever with the advent of social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter, which are entirely free to join. So why not start a blog now? Anyone and everyone can create a blog today, though you should ensure that you have enough spare time to update it regularly. Once you've created your blog, then promote it. Show the world what you've produced and add social media sites where possible. You'll never know who might read your blog!

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Source: http://www.w3techs.com/technologies/news/17-ways-to-transition-yourself-into-retirement/
10 Ways To Transition Yourself Into Retirement
By: Sylvester Brown, Founder of ArticleBull.co.uk
Transitioning into retirement isn't easy. Whether you're nearing the end of your working life or already there, the transition isn't easy and can be a difficult period to get through. But it's worth it in the end. It's never too late to learn new things and start living a healthier lifestyle, which is what we want for ourselves at any age in life.

Article length: 2560 words
Suggested font: Century Gothic 10
Article type: Free Article on Article Marketing
AdSense ID: pub-7316391310429341
Source: http://www.w3techs.com/technologies/news/17-ways-to-transition-yourself-into-retirement/
Q&A With Sylvester Brown, Founder of ArticleBull.co.uk
Question 1: How did you develop the idea for a site like ArticleBull? Answer 1: I developed an interest in the marketing industry from quite a young age when I started working with my father who ran an electronic sales company.

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