3 Positive Steps to discover the purpose of life.


 3 Positive Steps to discover the purpose of life.

There are many different ways to answer the question of what our purpose is. To some, it could be to make a positive impact on someone’s life. To others, it could be to serve as a better model for humanity. And still others may feel that their purpose is simply spiritual or religious in nature. Whatever your perspective on the question may be, one thing remains true: we all have a purpose and we will ultimately find it out.

It is common for individuals to search for their purpose throughout their lifetime. One of the best ways to discover our purpose is through a series of positive steps. In this article, I will share with you three simple steps that will help you discover your purpose and what steps you need to take next.

Step 1: Identify Your Purpose
It may seem a little obvious, but you need to be aware of your purpose for seeking it out and curing yourself from the disease of confusion. As I mentioned above, many people are confused as to why they have come into this world or have had any life at all. But it is not as hard to figure out our purpose as many people think.

Examples of a Positive Purpose
There are many different examples of positive purposes. Some of my favorite purposes are to serve others, make a positive impact on the world, or be a better example for humanity. We already know that we have life for the purpose of making a positive impact on someone’s life or serving others. And we see this in our daily lives when individuals demonstrate and live out their purpose in meaningful ways for other people.

Another purpose may be a spiritual or religious one. I don’t think that our purpose is exclusively religious or spiritual, but there is truth to the fact that many people’s purpose come from their spirituality or even their religion. But it can be any number of things that we feel give us strength and are ultimately a positive thing in our lives.

A third positive example would be to make a positive impact on humanity and improve the world at large. Many people seek to make the world a better place for everyone, including their children, next generations, and countrymen. And one common trait among these people is their desire to leave something greater on this Earth than they found when they arrived.

We can see that our purpose can often be connected to the type of person we want to become. In this way, you may want to ask yourself what traits you would like others to associate with you or consider how you can serve as a better example for humanity.

Step 2: Become What You Seek
In life, we need to be willing to become what we seek. When it comes to our purpose, we need to be willing and desirous of becoming what we are seeking. It is common for individuals to search for their purpose and not try to become what they are trying to find. But this is one of the biggest mistakes I think people can make.

As Mahatma Gandhi said, “Be the change you wish to see in the world”. Many times, we simply want a purpose but don’t want to do the work or become what we are hoping to find or be. In life, we often need to take actions that go beyond our comfort zone even when there is resistance and obstacles along the way.

Examples of Becoming What You Seek Examples of becoming what you seek can be found all around us in everyday life. It is in the people who become entrepreneurs and take a chance to start their own business. It is in the people who become activists and try to change something they don’t agree with. And it is found in the people who do everything they can to live out their purpose as a positive example for humanity.

These are all examples of becoming what you seek. People do this every day and it isn’t always something that makes them wealthy or famous. Sometimes, being your purpose means volunteering at your local church or dedicating your time to helping others during your daily commute on public transportation. This can be our purpose without having a great impact on others with money or fame.

Step 3: Allow Yourself to be a Beginner
Many people are prepared for the career or position of their lives but wish to avoid the difficult and intimidating steps that come along with it. For many people, our purpose may be to start a business and form our own company, but we begin with only an idea and do not have any assets or job security to support our business. And that is where many people fall short of their purpose and are scared off by this step.

It is common for individuals who do not take on a high level of risk to become overwhelmed by the responsibilities and obstacles they encounter along the way. But this is what we need to be prepared for in life.

Examples of Being a Beginner Some examples of not being a beginner may be in someone’s career. Many people feel as though they do not have the type of experience or professional training that is required for their career. Therefore, they often avoid taking on the challenging steps to advancement in their careers due to familiarity or comfort with the unknown.

It is also common for individuals to avoid taking risks when it comes to becoming our purpose. They might feel as though their idea for achieving their purpose is too great and unrealistic, or that it would require too much time and financial resources to begin with. Many entrepreneurs also feel this way before they pursue their dreams of becoming a business owner.

The reason for this is often because we do not want to take on the challenge or risk of facing obstacles and setbacks on the way. And if we do not take risks, we often do not become what we are seeking or our purpose.

One example of someone who was a beginner was Abraham Lincoln. He began his life as a humble lawyer and public speaker but had dreams to become President of the United States. But he had no political experience and was often criticized for his views by more experienced politicians. By the time he was elected president, he had overcome many challenges in his life and had been rejected a number of times.

Step 4: Face Your Fears
Many people lack the courage to undertake their purpose. They lack the courage to do what they are seeking because they are afraid of their possible failure or failure in life itself. No matter how successful we may think we are, or how much money or fame we desire, there will still be failure on our path. And it may come from any number of sources including weather, natural disasters, financial failure and others that most would not consider.


So what are we seeking? And what does our purpose mean to us? Our purpose can be expressed in many ways and has been the subject of great debate, philosophical thought, and religious belief. But the answer to our question at the beginning of this chapter may be more obvious than you think.

We are all seeking happiness, peace and security. Many people have a sense that life has missed its target on them somehow. We have become individualistic with our wants and needs to such a degree that we feel ignored in society or depressed when others don’t seem to listen. In reality, we are seeking something greater in life but it is hard to pinpoint exactly what that is.

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