5 Great Ways To Start A Super Conversation In A Group Situation


 5 Great Ways To Start A Super Conversation In A Group Situation

Do you want to break the ice in a group setting, but don't know how? We've compiled a list of simple, lighthearted questions that can be used to kickstart an awesome conversation with anyone.

We'll give you five easy steps to start a conversation in any group setting:

1. Ask people who they know and where they're from.
2. Compliment them on something about their appearance. 
3. Use open-ended, conversational questions to get the conversation going. 
4. Read body language cues to determine what might be interesting for the other person and make sure your attention is focused on them as much as possible (ideally, try not to talk more than about ¼ of the time). 
5. Compliment them on their conversation skills (even if it's not true).
5 Easy Steps to Start a Conversation in Any Group Setting
If you encounter someone while out, at a store, or even if you're sitting next to someone at work, here's how to start a conversation:
1. Ask them who they know and where they're from. 
Ask an open-ended question about what brought them there. Use phrases like: "Hey, I'm [your name]. Who are you here with?" or "How do you know everyone here?" to get the conversation going. 
2. Compliment them on something about their appearance. 
If you're wearing a scarf, compliment the colors, or if it's a hat, tell them you love the way it looks on you. Compliment them on the clothes they're wearing, and ask what brand they like. Then inquire about their style and how they'd describe themselves to others (for example: "I bet you've got a lot of people at school who would love your fashion sense"). 
3. Use open-ended, conversational questions to get the conversation going. 
Ask questions that can't be answered with only a few words. For example: "Where have you traveled?," "What are your thoughts on the current situation in China?," or "How would you describe yourself?"
4. Read body language cues to determine what might be interesting for the other person and make sure your attention is focused on them as much as possible (ideally, try not to talk more than about ¼ of the time). 
If they don't seem comfortable, or aren't responding, consider telling a short story about yourself that relates to their current situation. This can help them feel more at ease and allow them to open up about themselves. 
5. Compliment them on their conversation skills (even if it's not true). 
Even if the conversation wasn't that great, compliment them on how easy they are to talk to and how you can feel yourself getting better at striking up conversations. This will help encourage them to open up more in the future.
Now, you know how to start a conversation in any group setting! 
If you want some extra advice specific for your personality type or what you're looking for from the interaction, see here . You'll learn about each of our strengths and weaknesses.
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Share this with someone who needs a kick start! Not sure where to begin? Try these easy ice breakers .(c) Copyright 2016 Perfect Happens For You. All rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
Source: http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/perfect-happiness/201205/5-great-ways-start-super-conversation-group-setting
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About the Blogger 
Dr. Bryan Bledsoe is an Osteopathic Physician who graduated from the University of New England in 2010. He currently practices as a Hospitalist who is passionate about evidence-based care and helping others create a balance between professional and personal life. You can follow him on Google Plus, Twitter , Facebook , or ask him questions on Quora . Check out our Resources page for links to some of our favorite sites, books, and apps:
Photo Credit: Photo by Nicolas Raymond/Flickr Creative Commons CC BY 2.0
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About the Author: Dr. Bryan Bledsoe is a physician and an author of Science-Based Medicine blogs . He graduated from the University of New England in 2010. He currently practices as a Hospitalist who is passionate about evidence-based care and helping others create a balance between professional and personal life. You can follow him on Google Plus , Twitter , Facebook or Ask him questions on Quora .


Everyone loves to feel special, especially when you're flirting or trying to start a conversation with someone. The key is to not take the compliment too far. Being flirtatious can be fun and it's okay to smile and laugh at a joke, but going too far can make the other person uncomfortable. If you want someone to open up more, be sincere and thank them for their compliment. Remember that compliments are just as much about them as they are about you- just tell them what they've said! 
Try these conversation starters if you're looking for a new way to start a conversation:
1. Card of Thanks - simply write out your appreciation for something that this person has done or a certain topic they mentioned.

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