7 Questions You Should Ask To Discover What Really Makes You Tick


 7 Questions You Should Ask To Discover What Really Makes You Tick

You probably don't think too much about your life. You were born, went to school and college, found a job, had some kids and even managed to die one day or the other. That's the story of most people your age. And that's okay; it just is what it is.

But sometimes you look back on your life and realize that there are certain things you really regret not doing - or things you wish you had done but didn't get around to actually doing - that if you did them would have shaped your entire world view in a completely different direction forever more.

Those "what if's" can become nightmares for you, possibly haunting you for the rest of your life. That's why it's important to make a list of things that you could regret not doing.

Oh, and one more thing: always write your list down. Never face the music alone if you can help it. It'll make writing the list easier and help you get over what will be like a difficult time in your life because of the regret.

The lesson here is simple: do something new every day that will affect your life in some way in a positive way (like going to school). If you do that, you'll slowly start to notice ways to make your life better. And if you do that for a long enough period of time, you'll discover the most important things about yourself - and that can be scary.

You don't want to find out who you really are by writing down a list of regrets. You already know who you are; you've been living it out every day. The problem is that most people don't live according to their values; they try to please other people by living in fear or they just decide that they're okay with what they've got, no matter how difficult it is.

This is what the article I wrote about some time ago is about. If you don't know who you are and why you're doing what you're doing, your life will feel incredibly boring. But if you figure out exactly who you are, why you do things, and how to make things better for yourself every single day - then your life will feel full.

In my opinion, this is the most critical aspect of a happy life: figuring out what makes me tick. It's a process that requires that I face myself regularly, discover new things about me and see how these discoveries intersect with the life I want to live.

7 things I want you to discover about yourself

Here are 7 things I want you to discover about your life. You can't do these things until you really figure out what it is that you're all about. It might take a while, but it'll be worth the wait. Once you have a clear idea of what it is that makes you tick, then every little thing in your life will start to make sense.

Here's what I want you to discover about yourself:

1. What you're good at, what you do well and enjoy spending time doing. Check out your interests or hobbies and all the things you like to do and are good at (such as computers, reading, music). You can also check out the things that make you feel comfortable - such as catching up on TV shows or spending time with people who know what they're doing. Those are things that help your mind and body relax. If you don't have anything in particular that makes you feel good when it comes to relaxation, try more of those things to see how they make you feel better.

2. What you don't like about yourself. Discover things that make you feel uncomfortable or that make you feel like you're getting nowhere. It could be anything from how you look to your work-related skills or whether you like being with people who are rude or abrasive and competitive. Once you find these things, then find the reasons why these things can be a problem for you - and change your life accordingly.

3. What makes the world so confusing for you, and why it makes no sense to anyone else. I don't know what life is all about anymore, but I do know that everyone has been trying to figure it out since day one - and no one has come up with an answer yet. That's because there isn't one. Life is a mystery that we've never been able to figure out; it doesn't make any sense at all to most people. And the fact that no one has figured it out yet, doesn't mean that we won't ever be able to figure it out. It just means that we can't right now. So once you find the things in your life that make the world confusing and why they make no sense, then try to come up with answers to them - if you can at all.

4. Why you're not very good at communicating with other people. No one's good at communicating with other people all of the time. But many people are better than others in certain situations. And that means, you can be better if you put your mind to it and figure out how to get better at it. So spend some time with people who make you feel uncomfortable and try to figure out why that is. Next, figure out how to talk to them differently and go from there.

5. Why certain things shouldn't be problems for you but they are anyway.

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