A Career Built On Character


 A Career Built On Character

In the tech sector, where software engineers are needed more than ever before, character may be more important than competence. But what does that mean for your career? We’re here to tell you.

What is Character?
The word "character" comes from the Latin word "caracter," meaning a distinctive mark or stroke in writing, and this refers to a person's moral features or traits. It can also refer to a series of lines or type that make up an image on computer screens and televisions. In this sense, character can be defined as being unique and distinct from others in some way.

How is Character Manifested in the Workplace?
The term "character" can also be used to describe someone's job performance, and it can refer to the quality of work that a person does on a consistent basis. Someone with good character will be trustworthy and honest, and he or she will also follow company rules and protocol. On the other hand, someone who has poor character may commit unethical acts or say things that could get him or her fired.

What Does Character Have to do With Your Career?
In today's tech-driven economy, it seems like there are tons of opportunities for software engineers, computer programmers, data analysts, IT specialists and other professionals in the tech sector. We're not exaggerating when we say that there are more jobs than engineers to fill them. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, tech workers are among the highest-paid employees in many major industries, which is why every year technology companies report having a hard time recruiting qualified candidates.

The problem is that many of these positions require a lot of technical know-how and hands-on experience in programming and software engineering, and there aren't enough traditional education programs in this area to meet the demand for employees. So what's a company to do?

First, you need to make sure that you can find enough people with at least some experience or knowledge in the field. But then you have to look for people with good character.

In an article for the Harvard Business Review, author Marc Prensky says that "credible people are more important than smart people," and that in an environment where collaboration is vital, skills like listening, honesty and integrity are especially important. He explains that the best way to determine whether a candidate has the right kind of character is by first asking him or her to perform a service for you. If he or she does it well, then you know they have good character and are likely someone you'd want on your team.

Another good gauge of character is to find out how someone might handle a problem in the workplace. You can ask a candidate whether he or she would be able to stay calm under pressure, how he or she would handle conflict and how he or she would react if there were an issue with a project.

As Prensky points out, "Character is not about being great at something; it's about doing your best consistently and reliably." And so for those of you who are looking for a job in tech, that means finding people who have character and then helping them become even better at their jobs.

As one of the most ambitious, hard-working and driven professionals in the tech sector, you'll get your chance to shine.

Our Programs:
Since 2002, Rocky Mountain IT Academy has taught over 5,000 people how to code and develop web technologies in our Denver-based program. We believe that when someone starts learning a new technology or skill at an early age, it not only improves his or her natural talent for it but prepares them for more career opportunities as well.

We offer programs such as:
Java Programming, SQL Database Development, Microsoft .NET Development (C#, ASP.net and VB), Mobile App Development, Linux Administration, Web Design and various Web Development languages like HTML5/CSS3 and JavaScript With these types of programs and technologies in demand across the tech sector, we have options that can easily fit into your schedule.

If you're ready to put in the hard work to start building a successful career in technology and computer programming—or if you just want to keep your skills sharp—join us today at our program in Denver or online. To register for one of our exciting courses or for more information about Rocky Mountain IT Academy's courses, please visit www.rmita.com or call 720-449-0170 today.


Title: A Career Built On Character
In the tech sector, where software engineers are needed more than ever before, character may be more important than competence. But what does that mean for your career? We’re here to tell you. What is Character? The word "character" comes from the Latin word "caracter," meaning a distinctive mark or stroke in writing, and this refers to a person's moral features or traits. It can also refer to a series of lines or type that make up an image on computer screens and televisions. In this sense, character can be defined as being unique and distinct from others in some way. How is Character Manifested in the Workplace? The term "character" can also be used to describe someone's job performance, and it can refer to the quality of work that a person does on a consistent basis. Someone with good character will be trustworthy and honest, and he or she will also follow company rules and protocol. On the other hand, someone who has poor character may commit unethical acts or say things that could get him or her fired. What Does Character Have to do With Your Career? In today's tech-driven economy, it seems like there are tons of opportunities for software engineers, computer programmers, data analysts, IT specialists and other professionals in the tech sector. We're not exaggerating when we say that there are more jobs than engineers to fill them. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, tech workers are among the highest-paid employees in many major industries, which is why every year technology companies report having a hard time recruiting qualified candidates. The problem is that many of these positions require a lot of technical know-how and hands-on experience in programming and software engineering, and there aren't enough traditional education programs in this area to meet the demand for employees. So what's a company to do? First, you need to make sure that you can find enough people with at least some experience or knowledge in the field. But then you have to look for people with good character. In an article for the Harvard Business Review, author Marc Prensky says that "credible people are more important than smart people," and that in an environment where collaboration is vital, skills like listening, honesty and integrity are especially important. He explains that the best way to determine whether a candidate has the right kind of character is by first asking him or her to perform a service for you. If he or she does it well, then you know they have good character and are likely someone you'd want on your team.


"In an era where collaboration is required, character becomes even more vital. Character is about being trustworthy and honest, and these are some of the most important qualities in a tech professional."

For those of you who are looking for a job in tech, that means finding people who have character and then helping them become even better at their jobs.

As one of the most ambitious, hard-working and driven professionals in the tech sector, you'll get your chance to shine. 

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