A Construction Resume Will Show Off Your Technical Knowledge And Qualifications As Well As Your Related Experience.


 A Construction Resume Will Show Off Your Technical Knowledge And Qualifications As Well As Your Related Experience.

There are many times when you may not have the internet access you need. This can be for a few reasons, from someone's internet connection going down to them being in an area without any service. When this happens, there may be a number of problems that make it impossible to access the internet; so what can you do?

Well, first things first - try checking your cables and other cable connections. In general, cords with cross-wires should at least provide some signal and let your computer connect to the internet. If that doesn't work, restarting your modem and router (if possible) will sometimes fix this problem.

If this doesn't work, the next step is to try running a free tool called Windows Network Diagnostics. This can let you know if the problem is with your computer or with your connection.

Open the Start menu, point to All programs and then click on Accessories. From there go ahead and click on Command Prompt. If you are using Windows Vista or Windows 7 go ahead and skip to step 5 for you will need administrative privileges for this procedure. Otherwise, continue with this step. From the menu bar of the Command Prompt Window select “Run as administrator” from the drop down menu located at the top of your screen in order to gain administrative privileges when opening any program which requires these rights for any reason whatsoever. This is important in order to install, uninstall or run any programs which require administrative privileges in order to function correctly.

Now copy and paste the following into the command prompt: ipconfig /all (or router -all) This should display a detailed list of your computer and your connections. The ipconfig /all (or router -all) may take several minutes to complete so be patient while it runs. If you are unable to complete this step successfully, then there may be a problem on your network preventing you from accessing the internet and it will require some troubleshooting and a possible call to technical support in order for you to fix this problem.

This article was written by Mark Shepard. He has been working with computers since his teens, and is now a tech at one of the largest computer shops in the United States. He likes spending his free time on his computer, especially when the weather keeps him inside.

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/internet-articles/er-r-internet-disconnected-try-these-fixes-1898606.html

I have done something similar to this article and it was a helpful way to troubleshoot a slow internet connection and I plan on using it for future slow connections. It was only a suggestion but it did work.

Thank You to Eric Sorenson for his article on the 12 top tech problems. He has done an excellent job of summarizing the twelve top tech problems types of issues that arise over and over again in most companies, either online or locally in our offices. I am going to post some of these here as I read them; so, just click on each one below to be taken to that article and continue reading as it is listed.

I would like to comment on his first blog article on Tech problems. It is a nice introduction and I am a bit confused as when he suggests that you remove all routers in your house, he says “this is not simple, nor recommended;” however, it does make sense with the IP addresses and such. He also suggests trying to change the IP address for your computer, but I question that; I recall doing this once and restarting my computer partially solves the problem.


There is a multitude of problems that can affect a business; they are all interconnected, and when one issue affects one without the other, then there may be a problem. The importance of the internet in today's society cannot be understated and most businesses cannot survive without it. As with many things, there are always steps to take to troubleshoot an issue before it becomes a major problem within your company. It is important for online managers to take some time to go over some key points.

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