A Medical Transcriptionist Resume Will Highlight Your Unique Skills And Qualifications


 A Medical Transcriptionist Resume Will Highlight Your Unique Skills And Qualifications

Medical transcriptionists type out medical records and reports from doctors into a medical record. This career offers a good work-life balance, flexible hours, autonomous work environment, and the potential to work from home or remotely. A typical day in the life of a transcriptionist may include transcribing portions of doctors’ dictations that are clean enough to understand without any input. It may also include organizing notes and adding pertinent information to patient records.

A resume for this job should emphasize specific skills including excellent written communication skills, accuracy in spelling and grammar usage when typing reports for others, patience with repetitive tasks (as required for transcription) proficiency in Word processing programs such as Microsoft Word or Microsoft Office Suite or OpenOffice.org, proficiency in dictation and transcription programs that include Dictaphone, eScription, and Speechpad among others. If you have previous work experience as a transcriptionist, or have completed training for the job under supervision of an experienced medical transcriptionist, this is the section you should highlight on your resume.

A medical transcriptionist should be detail oriented and able to follow instructions to the letter. This is necessary to ensure that reports are as accurate as possible. A good resume for this job will also emphasize your commitment to confidentiality; making sure that information contained in reports are not disclosed to unauthorized personnel or patients themselves. This is especially important as some records include information like Social Security numbers, personal financial information and other sensitive details.

A medical transcriptionist should also be well versed in spelling and grammar usage. This ensures the quality of reports are top-notch and that they match the standards required by the medical field. It is a good idea to highlight any courses you may have taken in this area.

If you have completed your training requirements for this job, with satisfactory results, including a certificate of completion, you should include this in your resume. If you are still undergoing training at present time, it may be better to state such on your resume as relevant experience. If you have been out of training for a long time, and have not yet obtained certification, it may be better to state such on your resume as previous experience. Medical transcriptionists often take courses that allow them to update their certifications. As long as a resume for this job highlights your relevant skills and experience, your overall presentation is likely to impress interviewers and employers.

It is a good idea to highlight on your resume employment relevant experience and skills gained during training. This demonstrates that you are dedicated to continuing your development as a medical transcriptionist and will be able to bring value added expertise when applying for the job you are applying for.
This is a very rewarding career and one that offers great potential to anyone looking for a job with a considerable amount of flexibility. The job requires excellent writing, grammar and spelling skills, this should be the focus of your resume. If you are currently training for the job, it may be better to highlight your previous experience and related skills gained during training as relevant work experience.
As a medical transcriptionist, you will be transcribing doctors’ dictations and may also need to provide key information on reports. If so, this can be achieved by highlighting skills such as understanding of excellent written communication, emphasis of accuracy in spelling and grammar usage when typing reports for others, patience with repetitive tasks (as required for transcription) proficiency in Word processing programs such as Microsoft Word or Microsoft Office Suite or OpenOffice.org, proficiency in dictation and transcription programs that include Dictaphone, eScription, and Speechpad among others.

Medical transcriptionists should be detail oriented and able to follow instructions to the letter. This is necessary to ensure that reports are as accurate as possible.

A Medical Transcriptionist Resume Will Highlight Your Unique Skills And Qualifications
To get more information about medical transcriptionist resume please click here

Medical Transcriptionist Resume Writing Tips
To prepare your resume for a career as a medical transcriptionist, there are certain points that need to be taken into consideration. A medical transcriptionist works in the healthcare industry, meaning that most of the work is done in an office setting. The applicant needs to consider this before he/she starts writing his/her resume.

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