A mouse can help you recruit - 194,350 recruiters cannot be wrong?


 A mouse can help you recruit - 194,350 recruiters cannot be wrong?

You’ve seen the ads for cold-caller companies that offer to make all your sales calls for you.

Or maybe you’ve received a call from one of their reps, pitching you on their services. You might be wondering: Do I really need help recruiting? Aren't qualified recruiters hard to find? Aren't they expensive?

Absolutely not! The answer is no, no and no. It's time to stop making excuses and start talking with a recruiter today! Meet four people who will tell you why they have outsourced their recruiting needs to experts at recruitment agencies:

- "I just can't find the right person."   "My hiring process moves too slowly. I spend too much time trying to find qualified candidates!"

- "I am maxed out on my headcount. I can't hire anymore employees."  "I don't want to risk hiring the wrong person for my team."

- "We understand what we need to do, but we're not really sure how to do it."  "We've got a great idea, but don't know where to start finding and hiring the right people. We've been too busy getting our business up and running."

- "My experience with the last few recruiters has not been good."  "The first few recruiters we've worked with simply do not return our calls or emails. We are feeling ignored. We need someone who will work with us."

If you relate to any of these statements, then it's time to…

Speak with a recruiter today!

This is where a recruiter can help. Recruiters find talented candidates and match them to companies that need their skills. The good news: they charge a flat fee (or take only a small percentage) for this service! So you won't have to deal with that hassling the candidate and the high costs associated with hiring in-house or through other staffing firms. Recruiters get paid when they fill an opening, so they're highly motivated to find the right person for your business.

They can also save you money. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) , employers pay an average of $3,600 per year to hire and train new employees. For example, if your factory pays $50,000 a year for five new employees, that's $2 million in added annual labor costs.

This is the cost of having a recruiter — paid to find qualified candidates and match them to openings in your company.

You pay only a flat $199 per month or your services fee depends on what you are recruiting for. Finding candidates who are linguistically and culturally compatible, skilled in new skills, willing to relocate and stay for longer than six months can be challenging. Also, finding an experienced Software Engineer can also be costly; one estimate by Dice found that engineers start at around $110,000 per year!

In addition, a recruiter costs less in recruiting direct hire employees than other typical hiring methods such as advertising recruitment postings or reaching out to the local work force through job fairs. This is because recruiters can reach a far greater number of candidates than job fairs or posting in newspapers or online.

Are you ready to find the best person for your opening? If so, look no further! You need recruitment services. That's why we have helped hundreds of companies like yours in finding and hiring the best employees.

Why are recruiters better than other hiring methods?

1) Recruiters can find and hire quickly all skill sets and geographical locations. If you need a Web developer, an accountant, a software engineer or staff nurses, they have access to the largest database of qualified candidates around the world e.g., LinkedIn, Indeed, Monster , Twitter etc.

2) Recruiters are better than job boards and newspaper ads. Using recruiters to fill an opening provides a higher quality candidate who is easier to hire. Recruiters use a tested recruitment process that filters out low-quality candidates. Recruiters also understand the questions you should ask and the scrutiny you should apply to the candidate’s resume and other information, before deciding to interview them.

3) Recruiters are better than staffing firms. Staffing companies typically charge as much as 30% of your employee's first year salary (with a minimum fee). They also require you to sign a multi-year contract before they will even consider helping you find candidates for your openings. The best recruiters work on a project basis, so you only pay for the work that is done to fill your openings.

4) Recruiters are better than internal recruiting. Internal recruiters are not focused exclusively on finding the best candidates for your open positions - they handle all types of employment functions such as training, benefits and payroll — in other words, they are very busy! Plus, unlike a recruiter who is paid only when he or she finds someone and places them in a job, internal recruiters have to spend time throughout the year finding candidates even if there aren't any openings. They may hold interviews with potential candidates but lose their interest when they don't get an offer letter (and hence they will never be placed).

5) Recruiters are better than outsourcing to an overseas firm. Many companies are turning to local staffing firms or greater overseas recruiters to find talent. But this is not always the best route. Most offshore firms will not provide references for the candidates they place, so it's hard to tell if you have hired the right person. Also, they don't understand what makes your company special and will often match candidates that are simply a "best-fit" rather than a "best-hire".

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