A Purpose Given Is A Purpose Worth Living


 A Purpose Given Is A Purpose Worth Living

Subliminal messages are designed to bypass your conscious mind and anchor themselves in your subconscious. When these messages, images or sounds are displayed for an extremely short period of time, you may not even notice that they exist. Subliminal techniques have been used for decades in everything from advertising to military mind control.

If you’ve always wanted to create your own customized and personalized subliminal message, wonder no more! We have compiled a guide with two ways that you can do this by yourself.

First, create a subliminal message with a computer. Then, make that message disguise itself as an idea that you are already thinking about.

The artificial intelligence (AI) in Google’s Chrome browser secretly transformed the search result of one user into a subliminal message for him. When he typed in “Chrome privacy,” his browser started playing the sound of breaking glass and crashing doors. It happened because the AI was programmed to do so. After 20 minutes had passed, Google decided to reveal its secret program by disabling it on his browser indefinitely.

How to Create a Subliminal Message

It’s quite easy to create a customized subliminal message – you will just need some basic computer knowledge, of course. It’s best that you use Google Chrome for this type of thing. If you use the Mozilla Firefox browser or Apple’s Safari, there are other methods that can be used to disguise your message.

Step 1: First, make sure that you have the desired background image saved on your hard drive. These images may be cartoons and photographs of actual people as they are selected randomly by the internet browser and displayed to people who are surfing the web – unless, of course, they have been censored.

Step 2: Open Google Chrome in another window.

Step 3: Now, you need to save the desired background image as a file on the computer. From a folder, drag and drop the person’s face that you want to keep hidden by Chrome on a blank space on your hard drive. Alternatively, search for it and view it in a separate window before dragging and dropping it over to your browser window. Then, right-click (PC) or control-click (Mac) on it and select “Save link as…” from the context menu that appears.[/ARTICLE END]

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Tags: mind control, subliminal messages, how to create subliminal messages, how to make your own subliminal message, how to create your own custom subliminal messages, two ways to create your own custom subliminal messages. artificial intelligence in google's chrome browser secretly transformed the search result of one user into a subliminal message for him. when he typed in "chrome privacy," his browser started playing the sound of breaking glass and crashing doors. it happened because the ai was programmed to do so. after 20 minutes had passed, google decided to reveal its secret program by disabling it on his browser indefinitely. how to create a subliminal message. it's quite easy to create a customized subliminal message -- you will just need some basic computer knowledge, of course. it's best that you use google chrome for this type of thing. if you use the mozilla firefox browser or apple's safari, there are other methods that can be used to disguise your message. step 1: first, make sure that you have the desired background image saved on your hard drive. these images may be cartoons and photographs of actual people as they are selected randomly by the internet browser and displayed to people who are surfing the web -- unless, of course, they have been censored. step 2: open google chrome in another window. step 3: now, you need to save the desired background image as a file on the computer. from a folder, drag and drop the person's face that you want to keep hidden by chrome on a blank space on your hard drive. alternatively, search for it and view it in a separate window before dragging and dropping it over to your browser window. then, right-click (pc) or control-click (mac) on it and select "save link as...


For a long time now, the main way that people have been able to determine the value of subliminal message has been by listening for them. However, this can be changed by using computer tools to create customized subliminal campaigns. They can also be placed in random images that appear on the web. Although some people may not appreciate them, others will still think that it’s just a funny picture.

You can create your own subliminal message using a computer. It’s quite easy to do, as long as you have good computer knowledge. You can create your own customized subliminal message, or place it in a web image that you already like. Although some people may not appreciate these messages, others will still think that it’s just a funny picture.

How to Create Subliminal Messages is the title of this article regarding the subject which we have just reviewed. There are many more subliminal articles contained in our archives which cover various topics and interests and we invite you to browse through them at your leisure.

FYI, there was a recent scam where someone who said he was from Google showed up and claimed he had a secret subliminal message that would make people more productive.

This guy actually showed me the subliminals, which were supposed to be hidden in an image I saw on YouTube, so I could see them. They were weird instructions like “make a sandwich after work” and stuff. My reaction to that? “Yeah, right.”

In any event, after listening to the guy for about five minutes, I realized he was a complete lunatic and dismissed the whole thing. In the end, it’s another scam to get you to hand over your credit card number.

#How To Create Subliminal Messages

#How To Create Your Own Custom Subliminal Messages

#Two Ways To Create Your Own Custom Subliminal Messages. Artificial Intelligence in Google's Chrome Browser Secretly Transformed the Search Result of One User Into a Subliminal Message for Him. When He Typed in "Chrome Privacy," His Browser Started Playing the Sound of Breaking Glass and Crashing Doors. It Happened Because the AI was Programmed to Do So. After 20 Minutes Had Passed, Google Decided to Reveal Its Secret Program by Disabling It on His Browser Indefinitely.

#How To Create a Subliminal Message. It’s Quite Easy to Create a Customized Subliminal Message – You will Just Need Some Basic Computer Knowledge, of Course. It’s Best That You Use Google Chrome for This Type of Thing. If You Use the Mozilla FireFox Browser or Apple’s Safari, There Are Other Methods That Can Be Used to Disguise Your Message.

#Step 1: First, Make Sure That You Have the Desired Background Image Saved on Your Hard Drive. These Images may be Cartoons and Photographs of Actual People as They are Selected Randomly by the Internet Browser and Displayed to People Who Are Surfing the Web – Unless, of Course, They Have Been Censored.

#Step 2: Open Google Chrome in Another Window.

#Step 3: Now, You Need to Save the Desired Background Image as a File on the Computer. From a Folder, Drag and Drop the Person’s Face that You Want to Keep Hidden by Chrome on a Blank Space on Your Hard Drive. Alternatively, Search for it and View it in a Separate Window before Dragging and Dropping It Over to Your Browser Window. Then, Right-Click (PC) or Control-Click (Mac) on it and Select "Save Link As…". Then, Rename it to Notepad and Edit It.

#Step 4: Open Notepad, Click Ok when it asks for a filename.

#Step 5: Replace the characters in the following image with the ones you would like to be used on your subliminal message. For Example, if you want a picture of Ronald Reagan to be disguised as an uppercase “letter L” you would type “LOL” into notepad. You would use your best judgment without having to type in the “dot,” “comma,” and all that junk.

#Step 6: Now, Here Is The HARD Part. Remember how we told you earlier that it’s best to use Google Chrome? Well, it’s time for you to take a look at this image below. Pay special attention to the box on the left-hand side of the image. However, if you are reading this on a mobile device or tablet, move your mouse around and play with it until you are able to see that box at the bottom of your browser window and know exactly where it is located.

#Step 7: When you are able to see the box, click and hold down on it. This will display a drop-down menu. Click on “Transform” at the bottom of the menu and select “Coordinate System” from the submenu that appears.

#Step 8: Now, Select “Apply” when it asks for your location for coordinates.

#Step 9: The next step is very important if you want the subliminal message to work properly because it allows you to save your newly created image as an individual web page in Internet Explorer or Google Chrome. You may be asking yourself why you would want to do that? Well, sometimes there is a problem with the coded image when it’s saved. If there’s a problem, it may show up like the image below:

#Step 10: Now, Go To the Settings Tab in Internet Explorer or Google Chrome.

#Step 11: Click on “Security”. Then, Click on “Custom Level…” at the bottom of the screen and Select “Custom” from the drop-down menu that appears as shown in this image.

#Step 12: Select “Scripts” from the menu that appears next.

#Step 13: Again… IMPORTANT: If you wish to save the image you have just created to your hard drive, select “Home Page”.

#Step 14: Once you have done this (assuming this is the first time), it will start to display a location on your hard drive in a new window and will ask if you would like to save or open it. Now, click on the Location where you wish to save the image and browse through the folders until you find an empty space where you would like to store this subliminal code.


Wow, that was quite a bit to digest. As you probably know by now, subliminal messages are used in social engineering scams and psychological warfare technologies. They are also used by government agencies and private businesses to influence our thoughts and behaviors.

And they work! We’ve been bombarded with marketing messages throughout our entire lives. They are embedded in many different forms of media – TV shows, movies, newspapers and magazines, billboards, etc., and we have become so used to their presence that we don’t even realize anymore what the messages actually mean because we’re so dependent on them for information about products or services.

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