A Sample Interview Thank You Letter


 A Sample Interview Thank You Letter

Write an introduction to a blog post titled "Campaigning for Civil Rights in the 1960's".

In the sixties, civil rights activists such as Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X organized campaigns to help African Americans improve their lives.  These campaigns focused on gaining equal voting rights, creating jobs for blacks, and providing fair wages for all citizens. There was also a significant move towards ending segregation in public places. The participants of these campaigns hoped that these changes would improve the livelihoods of African Americans and create equality among all members of society. However, many concerns arose about how people’s lives would be affected by these changes.

King, who is best known for leading the non-violent "Montgomery Bus Boycott" of 1955, was also at the forefront of these campaigns. This protest initiated civil rights in Alabama and inspired many other activists to join his cause. King’s peaceful methods of fighting discrimination angered Malcolm X, who believed that violence was necessary in cases where peaceful protests did not produce results. He formed a political party called the Organization of Afro-American Unity and encouraged African Americans to protect themselves by forming groups like The Black Liberation Army.

The successes and failures each activist experienced demonstrate that the issues surrounding civil rights were not as black and white as one may initially think. The various campaigns each focused on different aspects of the issues such as voting or employment, which each were important to some activists but not to all. Each movement seemed to rely on their respective members' beliefs and opinions. Thus, no one campaign was able to address every concern raised. Decisions had to be made about which issues were most important and how they would affect the African American community. The civil rights movements showed that these concerns should not solely be left up to individuals or groups because there was an entire population that was affected by them. The civil rights campaigns of today, especially with the election of President Barack Obama, show that there is still progress needed for people of color in America today.


"Finalist" (Silver Medal) - Pencils, Pencils & More Pens! Contest
The Pencils, Pencils & More Pens! Contest is open to all writers who enter the pencils.com blog. Finalists will be selected based on the following criteria: originality of content, clarity of text and organization, understanding of the site's guidelines and promptness with which entries are submitted. Winners will be given a free $100 gift certificate to use at pencils.com or at any of our other online retailers. All entries must be original work and must not have been published beyond the entry period in any manner prior to your submission. Entries become the sole property of pencils.com, and will not be returned.

The Contest is open to anyone who has a blog that is affiliated with pencils.com (pencils.com, mypencilsonmyknee.blogspot.com and other blogs).

Contest Period: The contest begins at 12:00 am Eastern Time on Friday, October 29, and ends at 11:59 PM Eastern Time on Saturday, November 19th.<br>
Winner Announcement: Winners will be announced within 2 business days of the close of entries.<br>
Winner Notification: Winners will receive an e-mail from us shortly after the close of entries. You must be a current subscriber of pencils.com blog to be considered for any prizes.

Judges: The winners will be chosen by a panel of judges, and will be selected based on the following criteria: originality, clarity of text and understanding of the site's guidelines.<br>
Entry Requirements: Entries not submitted in accordance with these rules are subject to disqualification.<br>
Entry Content: Your entry may not include any URL links or addresses, advertising or promotional material (other than our affiliates' URLs), or any content that is defamatory, offensive, obscene or otherwise objectionable as determined by us in our sole discretion.<br>
No purchase necessary. Limited to one entry per person, household or email address. Entries become the sole property of pencils.com and will not be returned.<br>
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Prizes: Winners will receive a $100 gift certificate to use at pencils.com or at any of our other online retailers (i.e., BBBOnline, Boogie Board Online, iMagine).<br>
Pencils, Pencils & More Pens! Contest Rules: http://www.pencils.com/blog-contests/pencils-virginia/rules.htm

The Letter Circus Contest, sponsored by the American Marketing Association, is open to all writers who enter the pencils.com blog. Finalists will be selected based on the following criteria: originality of content, clarity of text and organization, understanding of the site's guidelines and promptness with which entries are submitted.<br>
Winner Announcement: Winners will be announced within 2 business days of the close of entries.<br>
Winner Notification: Winners will receive an e-mail from us shortly after the close of entries. You must be a current subscriber of pencils.com blog to be considered for any prizes.

Judges: The winners will be chosen by a panel of judges, and will be selected based on the following criteria: originality, clarity of text and understanding of the site's guidelines.<br>
Entry Requirements: Entries not submitted in accordance with these rules are subject to disqualification.<br>
Entry Content: Your entry may not include any URL links or addresses, advertising or promotional material (other than our affiliates' URLs), or any content that is defamatory, offensive, obscene or otherwise objectionable as determined by us in our sole discretion.<br>
No purchase necessary. Limited to one entry per person, household or email address. Entries become the sole property of pencils.com and will not be returned.<br>
Our site may offer links to other sites that we do not control. We are not responsible for the content of these linked sites, and advertisements do not constitute an endorsement by us of the advertiser's products and services.<br>
Prizes: Winners will receive a $250 gift certificate to use at pencils.com or at any of our other online retailers (i.e., BBBOnline, Boogie Board Online, iMagine).<br>
Pencils, Pencils & More Pens! Contest Rules: http://www.pencils.com/blog-contests/pencils-virginia/rules.htm

On September 23, 2009, pencils.com announced that they will no longer be carrying the Kamakura Corporation pencil sharpener. In October 2010, the company announced that it will cease to sell any products made by the Kamakura Corporation in an effort to end the manufacturing of goods made in China and Japan.<br>
As of November 1, 2011, all pencils.com affiliates no longer sell products made by the Kamakura Corporation.

From September 2006 until August 2008, Pencils.com was a part of Better World Books (est: 2002), which was a for-profit company that bought and sold used books online, along with other services such as donating books to schools and non-profits.

Conclusion of business relationship between Better World Books and Pencils.com on August 31, 2008 after it was determined that the quality of products and customer service were dramatically decreasing.

In September 2011, Pencils.com entered into a partnership with Go!Go! Gourmet, a Portland-based company that sells locally-grown, organic food to retail outlets such as Whole Foods Markets.<br>
In 2012, the two companies joined forces to create The Pencil Project with an initial goal of purchasing 100,000 pencils for distribution at elementary schools throughout the United States in an effort to promote early learning through a fun activity that also provides health benefits.<br>
In July 2013, pen.

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