About Your Work

Today’s day and age is different than ever. People are moving at the speed of light and living in a constant state of overwhelming information overload. It seems we can never get enough time to process everything that’s going on around us. With this information coming in so quickly, it’s human nature to get distracted from their goal and lose focus on what they are ultimately working towards. So where does this leave you? How do you stay motivated to keep going?

This post will answer those questions for you, empowering your inner entrepreneur and making sure your dreams don't slip away out of reach as easily as they sometimes do when life gets busy with work, family, friends, etc.

Before you get started, you should know that there will be something in this post for everyone. I've found that there are four main types of people who have come to me looking for answers: the drop-outs ( the ones who quit ), the plateau-ers ( the ones who haven't seen results after a certain time ), the ones with bad habits and finally, everyone else. I've helped all of these types of people get going and stay moving toward their dreams.

The one thing they have all had in common is they weren't getting over a small hump or they were too overwhelmed to see how simple it really was to get what they wanted from themselves.

You see, when you really look at the way to succeed it's not that difficult. All you have to do is answer one simple question: What do I have to do? You see, after a certain amount of time ( usually a year or two ), what's working won't work anymore. You'll hit a plateau and there will be no more growth unless you make some changes. Here's where the problem lies: most people want immediate gratification and they don't want to put in the work needed to get it. They don't want to do what's necessary for long term success and so they keep moving from one thing to another.

Sometimes, you have to take a step back from what you're doing and look at the bigger picture. You'll see that all of the things that are going wrong in your life are just symptoms of something greater. There's no point in trying to solve one issue without seeing how it fits into the bigger picture. When you look at what's holding you back, it's usually because there is some kind of negative thought pattern or broken belief system making itself known in your life.

This is where self-awareness comes into play. Sometimes we need to stop and get honest with ourselves about how we feel about what we are doing. Don't be afraid to ask yourself if you really want to do something or if you have a false belief holding you down. You see, some of us have negative beliefs about what we are capable of and this is why our lives lack the results we want. But if we stop and really think about our lives, evaluate where we are, where we want to be and how to get there, then we can start moving toward what's most important in our lives.

When I say taking a step back from your work , I mean spending some time evaluating your situation. Here's a simple process you can use:

1. Make a list of everything that is going right in your life and everything that is going wrong.

2. Look at what has been successful and what hasn't. Where are you getting the results you want? Where aren't you getting the results you want?

3. Once you make your list, ask yourself: If I don't change anything about my life, where will I be in one year? In five years? How old will I be? ( answer: fill in the blank ) .

4. Once you have seen that you aren't moving forward at all, ask yourself: What will it take to get where I want to go? Instead of thinking about what you don't want, think about what you do want.

5. Once you've asked yourself these questions, create a plan from it. This is a new way of looking at things and sometimes we need a little help in changing our perspective. It's not easy but with practice it gets easier.

Once you've taken the necessary steps and set up your plan for success , then comes the next step in your journey: staying motivated for long term success .

Motivation is what keeps us going when we hit a wall of dead ends. It keeps us focused and on track when we are getting lost in all the noise around us. It helps us pull out of any bad habits that are holding us back from getting to where we want to be .

Before you get started, you should know there will be something in this post for everyone. I have found that there are four main types of people who have come to me looking for answers: the drop-outs ( the ones who quit ), the plateau-ers ( the ones who haven't seen results after a certain time ), those with bad habits and finally, everyone else. I've helped all of these types of people get going and stay moving toward their dreams.

The one thing they have all had in common is they weren't getting over a small hump or they were too overwhelmed to see how simple it really was to get what they wanted from themselves. Once you have the plan and you know what you have to do, it's easy to lose motivation . You get stuck asking easy questions like: Why should I keep going? How will this help me? What if I fail again? The truth is that most successful people ask these questions at some point and they aren't afraid to face them head on. But if you are feeling discouraged, it's important that you use your answers to motivate yourself. How you ask yourself these questions will make all the difference in the world.

You see, when you really look at the way to succeed it's not that difficult. All you have to do is answer one simple question: What do I have to do? You see, after a certain amount of time ( usually a year or two ), what's working won't work anymore. You'll hit a plateau and there will be no more growth unless you make some changes. Here's where the problem lies: most people want immediate gratification and they don't want to put in the work needed to get it. They don't want to do what's necessary for long term success and so they keep moving from one thing to another.

Sometimes, you have to take a step back from what you're doing and look at the bigger picture. You'll see that all of the things that are going wrong in your life are just symptoms of something greater. There's no point in trying to solve one issue without seeing how it fits into the bigger picture. When you look at what's holding you back, it's usually because there is some kind of negative thought pattern or broken belief system making itself known in your life.

This is where self-awareness comes into play. Sometimes we need to stop and get honest with ourselves about how we feel about what we are doing.

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