Ace a Job Interview


 Ace a Job Interview

If you're stuck in a rut, with no idea what to do next and no one willing to hire you, it's time for a career change. But how do you ace that job interview? Like they say, practice makes perfect. So here are some tips on what not to wear and when not to show up — just in case that 30-second Google search didn't already give you all the answers!

Besides looking good (which is important!), make sure your resume is fully polished; get your current location down pat; and research the company beforehand so that you know how their hiring process works.

Want to rule-breaker? Wear red. According to a 2008 survey by Michael Wall, an assistant professor of psychology and marketing at the University of Pittsburgh, wearing a red suit not only boosts your confidence but makes you appear more energetic, approachable and sexy.

And when in doubt? Leave it at home — that means your children. The last thing you want to do is become the topic on everyone's lips for the wrong reasons. Be prepared for anything, as well — you never know who might be there waiting for you! And don't show up late — if they were going to hire you, they'd wait. So do them a favor and come on time.

The most important thing to remember is that you must be yourself. If you dress professionally and act reserved, unless your personality is outgoing and outgoing people tend not to mesh, you may not get the job. And even if you do get the job, they'll hate you in the end because they'll know that they don't really like you.

So what you wear is totally up to you. But whatever you do, don't be late!

Title: Turn Your Facebook Into a Job-Search Tool

Author: Daniel Lemin | Contributing Writer for The Daily Reckoning

Publication: Daily Reckoning - Investment News/Analysis & Forecasts - The calendar is full of career fairs and job hunting events this time of year, but if you're not ready, don't go. Most employers care more about what you've done than where you've been or who you know — and they want to see it all on your Facebook page. Here's how to use the site as a job search tool. This article appeared originally in the Daily Reckoning .

Title: How to Add Impact to Your Interviews

Author: Jennifer Campbell | Contributing Writer,

Publication: - Job-hunting website CareerBuilder recently surveyed 522 hiring managers and HR professionals about the qualities they are looking for in employees, and more than a third of them described being able to add impact to their interviews as one of the most important quality that hires must demonstrate. "Those who succeed in this regard do so by showing confidence during their interviews, demonstrating enthusiasm for the job functions they express interest in and articulating what they believe their value proposition is," said Heidi Golledge, vice president of talent at CareerBuilder.

Title: How to Land Your Dream Job

Author: Robin Bultrowicz | Contributing Writer for The Daily Reckoning

Publication: Daily Reckoning - Investment News/Analysis & Forecasts - What did you do before you landed the job of your dreams? If the answer is "nothing," we want to know why. No one lands a dream job by doing nothing. We especially don't see this advice in women's magazines, which tend to discourage young women from taking risks and don't tell them how to land the dream job they want.

Don't become one of those young women who "settles" on a job they don't really want just to make ends meet. Dream jobs are often not in the same city as your job now. You may have to relocate or take a pay cut. And you'll need cash for relocation expenses and a down payment on your new house. Even if you land the job of your dreams, take a look at your new salary. Is it enough to pay for the lifestyle you want?

At least 150,000 people find jobs in retail every month. That's almost one new job for every 10 people who leave their old jobs or are fired. The career fairs are open to all job seekers, not just those looking for retail positions. Be sure to put your best foot forward, and say "hi" to the hiring manager. You never know when you might be asked back for a second interview or offered a job right afterward.

Title: The Daily Reckoning on Facebook

Authors: Paul A. Cantor | Web Editor - Daily Reckoning; Chris Martenson - Editor-in-Chief, The Daily Reckoning; Robert Arnott - Co-founder, Chairman of the Research & Research Analysis department at Research Affiliates, Inc., contributing author to Robert J. Kriegel's Wall Street Journal bestseller "The Little Book of Bull Moves in Bear Markets" and author of the New York Times Best Seller "Common Stocks & Uncommon Profits.

Publication: The Daily Reckoning - Investment News/Analysis & Forecasts - Our Facebook page is one of the most regularly updated financial sites on the social network. We post big market updates and analysis, compelling videos, breaking news and thought-provoking essays. We also discuss personal finance issues such as investing, retirement planning and paying for college. It's a great place to get your financial news fix! You can also follow the sites on Twitter and Google+.

Title: Job Hunting Hacks

Author: Alexandra Levit | Contributing Writer for Fortune Magazine

Publication: Fortune Magazine - Is there a trick to getting hired? Well, if you think of it as a "trick," then yes. It can be a difficult process. You have to perfect the art of the interview while trying not to fluster or fall apart under pressure. A lot of job hunters try to get out of the situation by lying, exaggerating or even faking their resumes, but those things always come back to bite you in the long run. The best way? Tell "the truth." Just tell your interviewer exactly what you're capable of doing and why you're right for the job.

Title: The Daily Reckoning on LinkedIn and Twitter

Authors: Paul A.


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Title: The Daily Reckoning on Facebook & Twitter

Author: Paul A.

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