Acts of Kindness Benefit Everyone


 Acts of Kindness Benefit Everyone

What are your thoughts on the kind-hearted people in this world? Do you think there's less good will in our society than there was back in the past?

We've all seen videos of random acts of kindness that, depending on your views, can have a profound effect. Whether it's helping an elderly person cross the street or donating money to charity, these and other actions have a profound effect on those around them. As one example, if you're down and need help physically or emotionally then just watch this now:
In the news recently was a story of the kindness of a man who stopped to help an elderly lady on her way to work.  
"The couple was out for their morning walk when they came across this dog sitting on top of a woman," said Shelly. "The woman was crying and had obviously broken her foot or ankle because she couldn't move."
"We have seen people (that live near us) walking around with bags of food for someone that is struggling, but we never thought it would be something like this," said Shelly. "We didn't think we'd be that lucky. We were stunned. To witness something like that, it's so amazing."
"It's a very unfortunate situation and we can't imagine what the two people went through before they met this man," said Shelly. "But, I think if we all do little things for one other it builds up, and when we need something that's really big to come along, it gives you strength to get through it."
"He took my daughter (Samantha) out of her wheelchair, and he was so gentle with her," said Shelly. "That was after he carried (Carolyne) out of the van. We never thought anything like this would happen to us. It already has. It's life changing."
It is stories like these that remind us that there are many kind-hearted people out there. Not only have this couple been helped by one of these people that do good deeds, but also the entire community. If you're looking for a little inspiration to become a better person then watch this video:  Doing Good For Yourself and Others
I had been thinking about this video earlier today and how it relates to what I want to get across with my blog posts. Then something else came along, right on cue. It was an article talking about how doing good things for others can greatly benefit yourself as well.
It talks about how doing kind things for others makes you, both mentally and physically healthier. Some of the examples it gave are that being kind to someone else can release endorphins which help elevate your mood and also lower blood pressure. On another note, being kind to others can also help you get to sleep better.
It explains further that the act of doing a kind deed for others can improve your self-esteem, bring out the best in you, and give you a sense of purpose. The act of doing good for others is a wonderful thing because it raises awareness in those that surround you and it helps people realize how important helping each other is.
I think most would agree that there is too much bad will in our world today which I discussed fully in my post: Man vs. Mano Esq   where I told the story of how I was bullied by other drivers while trying to cross through an intersection on foot.
When watching the video I mentioned above, I was reminded how I wish that people would do nice things for others like that lady's husband did. It made me happy to know that there are people out there doing good deeds for others because it makes me believe that there is still good will in our world today. But, bad will always seems to stick around and sometimes the bad outweighs the good in some unfortunate ways, like what happened to me at the intersection referred to above.
However, I do believe that there are many good-hearted people out there doing good things for others, and I know it will only get better from here. Sometimes people need to be reminded of the good will in our world.
In conclusion…the world needs more acts of kindness!
Thank you for reading this blog post. Click the  below link  to read some more great articles about Amazing Kindness !
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Do you know what the near death experience is? It is when a person is on their death bed and then they have an out of body experience and see what it looks like to be dead. In this video, a lady talks about her near death experience. I don't know if she really had one but it was still interesting to watch. Here is the link to this video: Near Death Experience
In my previous post ( click here to read ), I talked about how being a cat can be more fulfilling than being a human. Today, I want to discuss that further as well as touch on another important topic which is what we should all strive for in our life.
I remember my previous post got a lot of great feedback from a lot of people. One comment that really got me thinking was one person who said,
"I have had the same thought since reading this blog post. I believe everyone is meant to fulfill their purpose or goal in life regardless of who they are. Instead of trying to be someone you're not, you should identify what it is that you uniquely bring to the world and do your best to find ways to utilize it in some way. It sounds like a cliche, but it's true. It's also important not be afraid or shy about reaching out to those who appear different than yourself and learn something new from them.

Conclusion. I believe everyone is supposed to find how they can use their talents and abilities to bring about positive change in the world. In truth, the person that helped me get this point across was a lady named Ann. I remembered meeting her at one of my book signings, and she came up to me. She mentioned in passing that she was struggling with how she wanted to live out her life and had been thinking about becoming a nun for awhile. Her reasoning for doing so was that she had heard about how nuns were usually very different from the society around them and yet they still brought forth positive change which made a lot of sense to me since being a nun is what I used to think would be fulfilling my life on Earth.

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