Advance Your Career by Selling Yourself


 Advance Your Career by Selling Yourself

 For many people, the fear of selling themselves and their skills can be a career-limiting move. But take heart: the more you sell yourself, the better your chances for success will become. It doesn't matter whether you're trying to land a new job in an increasingly competitive world or upsell products to clients - it's important to remember that self-marketing is as much about what you're offering as it is about how you present it. In this post, we'll not only show you some of the best ways to do just that but also give advice on how to avoid common mistakes along the way. You'll also be presented with strategies for successfully selling yourself that are based on real-life examples. Let's get started.
We'll begin by looking at some of the most effective self-marketing strategies - and what makes them so powerful. Then we'll look at some of the key mistakes to avoid when selling yourself and why they're so detrimental to your career prospects.
So, what are these strategies? Let's jump right in and take a look...
Personal branding is an essential part of modern marketing, but it can also prove to be effective when you're trying to sell yourself in the process of job hunting or meeting new clients. The best way to apply this strategy is to create a complete profile that provides insight into your strengths, experience, and where you want to go in the future. This is a simple process that can be carried out using the mass of online tools available today. If you don't have your own website, for example, there are a range of free websites that can help you create one - from WordPress to Tumblr .
Depending on what you use it for and how much traffic it receives, your website should be a powerful tool when it comes to visualising yourself and your goals for others. The more people who visit it and like what they see, the better your chances of success will become.
Here are some of the things you can do to make sure people like what they see:
Keywords : People who search for a specific topic are more likely to be interested in your services than those who don't. So, make sure you input keywords into the site that relate to what you do in an interesting and engaging way. Avoid using words that have been used many times before - people will simply move on if they can't find what they're looking for.
: People who search for a specific topic are more likely to be interested in your services than those who don't. So, make sure you input keywords into the site that relate to what you do in an interesting and engaging way. Avoid using words that have been used many times before - people will simply move on if they can't find what they're looking for. Portfolio: Make sure you make use of your specific experience in the portfolio section to further sell yourself - this should show off your best work and explain why you're the ideal person for a particular job. If you don't have any work to showcase, or if your portfolio is several years old, take the time now to add some new samples that show off what you can do now.
Make sure you make use of your specific experience in the portfolio section to further sell yourself - this should show off your best work and explain why you're the ideal person for a particular job. If you don't have any work to showcase, or if your portfolio is several years old, take the time now to add some new samples that show off what you can do now. Follow-up: Once you've finished making changes to your website, remember to keep up the momentum by writing personalised emails to potential clients and employers. In these short messages, try and highlight the value you can provide and how it's going to benefit them.
Once you've finished making changes to your website, remember to keep up the momentum by writing personalised emails to potential clients and employers. In these short messages, try and highlight the value you can provide and how it's going to benefit them. Blog: Whether it's a micro-blog on Tumblr or a full-blown novel at WordPress , you should create a blog to further explain who you are and how your skills can help others. In this way, if someone is interested in hiring you, they'll already know what they're getting before they make an approach.
If you follow the above advice, your personal website will evolve into a powerful tool for selling yourself - which will make it much easier to land new jobs or client work in the future.
In order to fully sell yourself through your website, though, it's important not to overlook some of the more common mistakes that people make. Make sure you take the time to consider how these might affect your new job hunt or business venture if you want to get positive results. Here are some that you should watch out for:
Avoid using gimmicky pictures or words when it comes to creating a personal brand - this is only going to turn people away.
Be clear about what kind of services or products you offer and how they relate to what people are looking for if you're selling yourself.
Be careful not to overplay your strengths - people can smell a sales pitch from miles away and will simply move onto the next person if they think they're being sold to.
Avoid overloading your website with too much information - it's important to keep things simple and easy to navigate.
Don't assume that others will instantly be interested in your services simply because you are - take the time to make them feel comfortable and endear yourself to clients, employers, etc.
The biggest mistake people make when trying to sell themselves through a personal brand is not taking the time to focus on what others need and want - rather than what they want. This is why your website is so important, because it can serve as a tool to show people what they're missing out on if they don't hire you. By following the tips above, you'll be able to avoid these mistakes and create a powerful platform that will allow you to sell yourself effectively.
Patrick Bet-David regularly hosts seminars and workshops to help entrepreneurs succeed at using the internet in their business. In his ongoing mission to educate online entrepreneurs, Patrick also produces free video training for the public on how to make money blogging and how to make money with YouTube . You can follow Patrick on Twitter @patrickbetdavid .
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Conclusion: Creating an effective website to sell yourself can be a long and difficult process, but it's one that will pay off in the end. Remember to take the time to consider what others need and want from you, rather than what you want from others - and make sure your personal brand represents this. By taking these factors into consideration, you'll be able to create a powerful website that allows you to sell yourself effectively.
No matter where you are in your career, we have resources to help. We recommend the following study materials for mastering your job hunt today! 1..

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