Aids To Quit Smoking


 Aids To Quit Smoking

To quit smoking, one must first understand and accept that he/she has a problem. Smoking is a habit that will cause poor health and happiness and it will never be worth the risk. One's body is made up of 70 percent water. When you drink alcohol in excess it increases your blood alcohol content (BAC), which can lead to poisoning, coma, or death. This happens because drinking too much alcohol decreases your brain's ability to balance ions, making you unable to control basic body functions. The heart is used to pump blood through the lungs and kidneys, where it is purified before being returned to the heart. If alcohol is consumed in large amounts over a long period of time, it can damage the liver and ruin its ability to regulate this process. Smoking has similar effects on the body as alcohol. The chemicals in cigarettes are highly addictive, just like many drugs of abuse such as cocaine or heroin. Nicotine targets the brain's reward system by stimulating a chemical reaction that mimics feelings of pleasure and excitement. The nicotine in cigarettes causes the release of dopamine, which triggers the brain's pleasure centers. In the short term, this makes you want to smoke more. However, in a long-term setting, this overstimulates your brain and causes serious damage that can take months or years to heal. The damage is permanent; meaning once you stop smoking there will always be a chance that you could relapse. [2]
How different is it? [3]
Nicotine is a stimulant and therefor highly addictive. It is not the only addictive substance found in cigarettes, but it is by far the largest component. Nicotine stimulates our bodies' pleasure centers, just like drugs such as cocaine or heroin do.
Tobacco smoke contains over 4,000 chemicals, to which we are only familiar with a few. A person can become addicted to any of the 4,000 chemicals that make up tobacco smoke. Some people have difficulty quitting cigarettes because they experience withdrawal symptoms such as headaches or feeling anxious and irritable while they are trying to quit. These symptoms are similar to the withdrawal symptoms of other drugs such as alcohol and cocaine. [4]
Why is it so hard? [5]
When you give someone a cigarette it removes the willpower that he/she would need to continue on in life without nicotine. Most people who smoke will do so for life. When giving up cigarettes the person must give up all of their good habits and positive activities that were connected with smoking. Giving up cigarettes is a very difficult thing to do because it means giving up one of the most important things in your life.
1. What is Nicotine Replacement Therapy?
Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) is widely used to help people stop smoking, especially those with more difficult-to-treat nicotine addictions such as cigarettes, e-cigarettes and snus. Most NRT products contain nicotine gum, patches or lozenges and are available from pharmacies, specialist shops or online from unofficial suppliers (www.nicotinereplacementrehabcentre .co .uk).
These products are designed to gradually reduce the smoker's dependence on nicotine by supplying a nicotine dose at a level that is usually lower than the amount delivered by cigarettes but higher than the levels found in NRT products. This controlled reduction prevents most of the unpleasant effects of sudden withdrawal as well as reducing nicotine craving and making it easier to stop smoking. The long-term health effects of using NRT products are not known, so it is important to be guided by your doctor or pharmacist in deciding how to use them. All forms of NRT come with several messages including:
·        Nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) does not provide a 'licence to smoke'.
·        NRT does not protect against heart disease, strokes and cancer.
·        NRT should not be used for more than a few months at a time.
Each product carries information about the amount of nicotine in the refill or cartridge, which can help you control your dose. If you have been receiving treatment from your local stop smoking service, you will be supplied with this information ahead of time. But if you have purchased NRT from a high street pharmacy or online supplier, it is important that you read the patient information leaflet carefully so that you know how to use it correctly and safely to help you give up smoking effectively.
2. The different forms of NRT
The main NRT products are patch, gum or lozenges. There are also nasal sprays, inhalators and a mouth spray. You should use the one your doctor or pharmacist recommends for you as there may be differences in how effective they are with different people and at helping you to stop smoking for good.
·        Nicotine gum is available in two strengths (4mg or 2mg) and comes in a pouch of 14 pieces. When used correctly, it helps to relieve withdrawal symptoms and control nicotine cravings between cigarettes. It can also help to reduce the number of cigarettes you smoke a day.
·        Nicotine gum is available on prescription or can be bought from some pharmacies and shops. If you are using nicotine gum to stop smoking, it must be used with another form of NRT, such as a patch, inhalator or lozenges.
·        The gum should always be chewed for at least four minutes before being swallowed, but it does not need to be removed from the mouth until it loses its taste or becomes soft. Each piece (or chew) of gum delivers a dose of nicotine. One piece is roughly equal to 15 cigarettes or one packet of cigarettes.
·        If you are using the gum to stop smoking and want to give up completely, aim to use it less and less until you no longer require it. Most people who have stopped smoking need only 15-25mg per day for the first few weeks after giving up, although up to 50mg may be needed for some.
·        The gum is also available in an extended-release form. If it is used in this way, more of the nicotine can be absorbed over a longer period of time. Lower doses are still needed for the same duration of time than for the standard nicotine gum. This extends the dose you need to take each day, but should not affect how long the gum lasts after being taken out of your mouth and either discarded or stored at room temperature (15-25 days).
·        Should you smoke while using a patch or inhalator?
The patch and inhalator are designed to provide continuous delivery of nicotine to stop smoking and help you to give up.

It is very important to quit smoking because it is a very dangerous drug that you do not need. The best way to not be addicted would be to try NRT products. You will notice almost instant results.
1. http://www.gkcpa .org .

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