An Immensely Rewarding Philosophy I'd Like To Share With You


 An Immensely Rewarding Philosophy I'd Like To Share With You

This life is filled with many different opportunities, questions, and rewards. There are many who achieve health as a reward for their hard work in the gym, success at work as a reward for their hard work in the office, or even just feeling good about themselves as a reward for their hard work of being themselves. But what I want to share with you are some thoughts on contentment that I have come across in my life. The more time I spend reading the Bible and other spiritual texts like Eckhart Tolle's "A New Earth" or "The Power of Now," the more I find myself thinking about contentment and what it means to be truly happy.

I'll start with some of my favorite quotes on the subject. I'll share a few as they relate to happiness and contentment, but also some that focus on the meaning of life and how we are to be living it. Hope you enjoy!-

"There is nothing in the world more worthless than a dissatisfied mind." – Thomas Jefferson

"Happiness is not a goal; it is a by-product." – Dale Carnegie

"Look at life through the windshield, not the rearview mirror. You will never know what is good until you try it. And you will never know what is bad until you try it." – Ed McMahon

"In the long run, we are all dead." (after Albert Einstein said "nothing lasts forever")- the Buddha

"All that I know of happiness I owe to having been happy myself as a child. When one has not had luck in this world, one cannot be ungrateful for what comes later." – Oscar Wilde

"Happiness consists in a quietly expressed confidence in our own capacity to deserve happiness." – Charles Bukowski


Hi! It's Dylan Lambert from Sports Educator . I'm here to discuss something that I've been learning a lot more about in my own life and it's called contentment. What is it? Well, contentment is the act of being happy with what you have and not worrying about what others have or if you have enough.

It's easy to get caught up in the pace of life or the things we want that we forget to be thankful for what we do have and focus on what we are grateful for. Contentment can be living in the moment, being satisfied with your family, work and opportunities as a kid that you had when you were younger, or simply finding joy in the day-to-day things around you like nature, family and friends. Contentment is a mindset; it's all about having a positive outlook on life and not taking things for granted. It's also about focusing on what makes you happy and focusing less on the negatives in your life.

If you're interested in living a more content life, here are some tips to get you started:

-Be thankful for what you have instead of worrying about what you don't have. Whether it's learning to appreciate the things that you do have or to be thankful for your family and friends, being grateful is the first step in being content.

-Stop focusing on what's wrong with your life. Happiness is all about leading a positive life and focusing more on what makes you happy, not what makes you miserable, will lead to a happier outlook on life.

-Take action, start making changes in your life and make improvements when faced with an obstacle. Your happiness will increase by making steps towards happiness just as the river always flows from it's source to the sea, so should your happiness.

-You only have what you think you do; don't let your mind trick you into thinking that there is more to life than what you currently have. It's easy to get caught up in the things we want and worry about how much better they could be, but if it were easier it would probably already be yours!

"Happiness is a choice." – Eckhart Tolle

"Happiness cannot be pursued; it must ensue naturally from a disposition to do what makes you happy." – Albert Einstein

"Those who desire another thing should not look for happiness where the others imagine it. It does not matter where one looks, there are those who seek for happiness everywhere but nowhere. Those who talk about happiness, those who seek for it in wealth, power and lust are in error." – The Buddha

"The secret of being content lies in appreciating what you already have. It is a daily practice that can radically change your life. Spend some time thinking about the gifts you already have – it may be family, health, friendship, or perhaps something as simple as an umbrella or a pair of shoes. If you appreciate these things and focus on them rather than on what is lacking in your life, then when difficulties arise (and they will) they will not be quite so overwhelming. You will be able to see them for what they are: a temporary block in the road, not a dead end. "- Dr. Joe Vitale

"There are two primary choices in life, to accept conditions as they exist, or accept the responsibility for changing them." – Denis Waitley


Hi Everyone! This is Chelsea and I'm back with another exciting blog post! Last time I wrote about how I've been re-falling in love with running and mentioned that I am a huge fan of podcasts. Today, I'll be sharing my top picks for fitness podcasts and why they are great! Now, you can workout to these while you run or use them to motivate and inspire you as a person. So, let's get right into it!-

These are some of my favorite but there are a bunch more out there. Here is an article that has a ton of them listed out if this one doesn't do it for you.- Radio: This website is really helpful for anyone looking to get into fitness whether your goal is muscle building like me or just getting healthier in general. With this podcast, you can listen in to learn about things like yoga, circuit training and high intensity interval training. The hosts are very motivating and so far I haven't found a show that I don't like.

2) Runner's World Show: In this podcast they discuss topics specific to runners and those interested in running. It's great for motivation, inspiration and general knowledge on how to run better or simply become a runner.

3) Strength Running: This podcast is all about running form and cross training. If you haven't ever done it before, cross training is a great way to develop endurance without over-training your legs or joints. It is a great way to stay healthy, work on your form and get in shape all at the same time!

4) Strength Running and Yoga: This one is similar to Strength Running, but it's all about yoga. The host has been an accomplished yoga instructor at a top yoga studio for years and shares his knowledge. I've been doing yoga for almost a decade and I appreciate his tips and information both new students and those who have done it before.-

5) Art of Manliness: This podcast is like a men's fitness version of Girls Gone Wild.

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