Anxiety Panic Attacks – Anxiety Self Help


 Anxiety Panic Attacks – Anxiety Self Help

It's hard to know where to start when someone you care about suffers from anxiety panic attacks. Often, the person will try not to talk about the things that are bothering them and they might become more isolated. Other times, they'll act impulsively by using drugs or alcohol.

We’ve put together everything you need to know about anxiety panic attacks so you can help your friend on the road back to happiness. We're also giving you 10 tips for helping them overcome these attacks and regain their happiness!

"10 Tips For Helping Someone With Anxiety Panic Attacks" is a post all about how we can help people we care about who suffer from anxiety panic attacks.


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About the Author: Anita is a blogger, writer, writer and when she isn't writing about anxiety panic attacks, her main priority is being an awesome wife to her husband. She is also an active member at Anxiety Panic Attacks and Anxiety Helpers. Sometimes she does the occasional interview for various topics and websites that are related to anxiety panic attacks or anxiety help. She is also an avid reader of all kinds of books on depression, anxiety panic attacks and self help such as books on bipolar disorder, OCD etc. She enjoys writing about self help online because it gives her great satisfaction.

Photo Credit: Anita Goodin





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About the Author: Anita Goodin is a freelance writer and blogger. She was born in Pittsburgh PA in 1982. You can contact her at or visit her blog at . Her articles have appeared on numerous sites, including,, and She is also a contributor to the network.

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... [ARTICLE START] Anxiety is an extremely complex mental health issue. It's not just a mental health issue, it's also a physical health issue, and while there are medications that can help, it can't be treated by just popping pills and hoping for the best. Anxiety attacks and panic attacks can be handled by conventional and alternative methods. The first thing to know is that panic attacks are not just a bunch of neurotic one-time occurrences. "You may feel as you were going to die or faint and you won't be able to get out of the building, subway or bus without getting off," said Jehoshua Soloveichik, M.D., psychotherapist and author of the book Anxiety: Overcoming Its Twelve Roots. There are actually a number of disorders that could cause you to have an anxiety attack or panic attack. Anxiety attacks occur when there is an abnormal fight-or-flight response in the brain (the same one responsible for hyperventilation). When you experience this sensation, your breathing speed increases, your heart starts to race. You may feel dizzy, shaky, or feel like you're going to faint. Panic attacks go beyond typical anxiety attacks because they have a number of causes, and the roots of panic attacks may be different for each individual. People who suffer from panic attacks usually don't know what is going on and begin to feel as if they are in danger even when there is no danger. Anxiety disorders can sometimes cause people to develop health issues such as an irregular heartbeat and chest pains.

Conclusion: Anxiety panic attacks are a real problem. If your friend or loved one suffers from this condition, try to help them by educating yourself on the subject and learning how to talk to them calmly about their condition. Don't minimize what they go through, and don’t forget to practice patience while they recover...

How To Get Help Or Advice For Anxiety Panic Attacks:

Comment By : Jack K. Hello everyone, my name is Jack K and I’m suffering from anxiety attacks for about 4 years now. I took medications for a prolonged period of time but I didn’t feel any changes with my emotional state.

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