Anyone Up For A Challenge?


 Anyone Up For A Challenge?

Is there something you've always wanted to try but were too scared? Don't want to seem like a quitter? Afraid of the adrenaline? Too busy with other things? Well then, we guarantee the perfect challenge for you!

We're encouraging all brave souls out there to take on a challenge (we've made some suggestions) and share it with us. We'll find links, videos and help you get through any tough moments.

Don't be shy, don't be a wimp and don't worry about breaking things (well, not things that can't be fixed). If you succeed in your challenge, we'll give you a special "I Took A Challenge" sticker and put it on the wall of fame!

We're also looking for stories from people who might have taken a challenge, but failed. Don't claim that you've never been in a situation with no easy way out. We want to read them!

So, if you've always wanted to try something, but were too scared or busy with other things – now's the time. Challenge yourself and share it with us! You can publish your challenge on Facebook, tweet about it or just email us.


Twitter: @MrYotk (use hashtag #ChallengeMistery)

Facebook: /MrYotk (post in a public group)

Yours sincerely, Mistery Challenge Team.


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Quotes and Queries "I was only going to tease him a little bit, but he started calling me names so I had to fight back." "Hey, how come you didn't ask my permission before you were born?" "Yeah, but if God is infinite then He has no beginning and therefore no creator." "I'm an atheist. Not that there's anything wrong with that!" "When I was 15 my mom told me not to stare into the sun because it would damage my eyes. Well, I did it anyway. My eyes were damaged for decades." "I was only going to tease him a little bit, but he started calling me names so I had to fight back." "Yeah, but if God is infinite then He has no beginning and therefore no creator." "I'm an atheist. Not that there's anything wrong with that!" "When I was 15 my mom told me not to stare into the sun because it would damage my eyes. Well, I did it anyway. My eyes were damaged for decades." Last edited by Bill Pearis; 02-27-2012 at 09:40 AM . Reply Delete
Herb: How do you know he's been ignoring you? He could just be lazy. Reply Delete
"I was only going to tease him a little bit, but he started calling me names so I had to fight back." "Yeah, but if God is infinite then He has no beginning and therefore no creator." "I'm an atheist. Not that there's anything wrong with that!" "When I was 15 my mom told me not to stare into the sun because it would damage my eyes. Well, I did it anyway. My eyes were damaged for decades." Reply Delete
"A friend of mine has this idea that we can stop climate change by riding bicycles everywhere. That sounds nice, but it still won't work." Reply Delete
"Let's do it! I mean, if it was good enough for Jesus, isn't that good enough for you?" -Atheist friend of mine to Christian friends wanting to climb mountains in Peru Reply Delete
My brother once told me I couldn't be a vegetarian because cows are such good friends with humans and would be sad if humans didn't eat them. This was after he'd eaten a hamburger. (I've been vegetarian since I was 12. It was the only thing I remember arguing with my brother about.) Reply Delete
"I'm an atheist. Not that there's anything wrong with that!" "When I was 15 my mom told me not to stare into the sun because it would damage my eyes. Well, I did it anyway. My eyes were damaged for decades." Reply Delete
"In Soviet Russia, drinking problem (alcoholism) comes YOU!" Reply Delete
I had this idea to do a great life for myself and make my family proud of me also. I started as a very young man in a very low paying job and have worked ever since then. I have raised a family of my own, I own assets and have been able to help those in need. I feel as though I am a good person but I am not sure if everyone is ready for what I have to say. Please let me know if anyone wants to hear my story. Reply Delete
"I was only going to tease him a little bit, but he started calling me names so I had to fight back." "Yeah, but if God is infinite then He has no beginning and therefore no creator." "I'm an atheist. Not that there's anything wrong with that!" "When I was 15 my mom told me not to stare into the sun because it would damage my eyes. Well, I did it anyway. My eyes were damaged for decades." "My brother once told me I couldn't be a vegetarian because cows are such good friends with humans and would be sad if humans didn't eat them. This was after he'd eaten a hamburger." Reply Delete
I have to say that all the stories here have made me cry (which is a good thing) except for the one with the twins. I'm glad that they're together. But what's interesting is that in all three cases, it's the child who suffers for the sins of their parent.

Conclusion? Children are more valuable than their parents. Reply Delete
"I was only going to tease him a little bit, but he started calling me names so I had to fight back." "Yeah, but if God is infinite then He has no beginning and therefore no creator." "I'm an atheist. Not that there's anything wrong with that!" "When I was 15 my mom told me not to stare into the sun because it would damage my eyes. Well, I did it anyway. My eyes were damaged for decades." Reply Delete
"My brother once told me I couldn't be a vegetarian because cows are such good friends with humans and would be sad if humans didn't eat them. This was after he'd eaten a hamburger.

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