Apprenticeship - The Best Training In The World


 Apprenticeship - The Best Training In The World

In the past, apprenticeships have been thought to be a "last resort" for people who weren't qualified for college or a technical degree. This couldn't be further from the truth. Apprenticeships are an opportunity for people of any background or age to learn a skill and get paid doing it.

Learning from somebody who's got years of experience in their discipline is one of the best ways to enhance your skillset and gain knowledge. A lot can be learned on the job by following instructions, watching what someone else does, and asking questions when necessary. This can make an apprenticeship the best training in the world.

But what is an apprenticeship exactly? An apprenticeship is a specific type of education program that allows someone to learn a profession by working with someone who's got many years of experience in that field. Apprenticeships are often used when students are planning to become tradespeople or are considering getting a technical degree.

The length of such programs will vary depending on the kind of work you choose and how long it takes you to complete your training. Typically, an apprenticeship lasts for three to four years, but shorter programs may be available depending on your field of interest.

There are two primary types of apprenticeships:

Industrial or technical training. This type of apprenticeship takes place within a company to ensure that the person continues learning the trade upon leaving college. It typically involves working for an employer for at least six months, and sometimes as much as two years, before starting an apprenticeship with them.

This type of apprenticeship takes place within a company to ensure that the person continues learning the trade upon leaving college. It typically involves working for an employer for at least six months, and sometimes as much as two years, before starting an apprenticeship with them. College-based training. This type of apprenticeship is typically offered at a college or trade school, and you'll be able to get your degree while learning the trade.

The most important thing to consider before enrolling in an apprenticeship program is to make sure that the program you choose is accredited. There are a number of professional organizations that will accredit specific apprenticeships, ensuring that you're getting the best experience and training available.

Now that you know what an apprenticeship is, let's take a look at some of the benefits of enrolling in one.

1. Apprenticeships are Affordable.

Apprenticeships are sometimes considered a more affordable option to college. This is because students don't pay tuition or rent like they would in a degree program, and they won't have to fork over money for books, which is another common expense that student incur during their education.

Some apprenticeship programs will cover books and other resources you need along with tuition fees or stipends, which can even lower the financial burden of attending an apprenticeship program to a reasonable cost for some students.

2. Apprenticeships Provide Specific Training.

While some students are able to learn from their own experience by reading books, practicing with tools, or looking up information on the Internet – any of which may or may not be good for you – others want a way to get the most out of their training.

In an apprenticeship program, somebody can show you how to use specific tools and equipment, or explain how certain jobs are done in great detail. This is because they've already been there and done that before, so they can make sure you're learning from experience rather than just reading manuals or watching YouTube videos.

This is one of the best ways to get training that's specific to your area of interest, so it's not surprising that a large number of apprenticeships are in technical fields.

3. Apprenticeships are Usually Free (or Low-Cost) Due to Training Provided by Employer.

The reason apprenticeships are affordable is because an employer will usually pay for your education, in whole or in part. This means you won't have to worry about paying for tuition or rent, which can save you money and time while you're trying to become a tradesperson or get a technical degree through an apprenticeship program.

In a lot of cases, employers will even provide you with tools and equipment to make sure you stay on track and do the work correctly. You'll also be able to learn from specific instructors who've got years of experience in their field, so you can ask them any questions you need answered.

4. Apprenticeships are Good for the Economy.

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics has estimated that there were 3 million apprenticeship programs in 2012 alone (source). This represents a huge number of jobs that would normally fall through the cracks because they don't offer formal education in these fields, and there's an abundance of people who have found success training themselves through apprenticeships.

This figure is expected to rise each year as more schools see the benefits of apprenticeships and start offering these programs. The American Association of Apprenticeship Training (AAAT) reports that there were 6,000 employers in 2012, or nearly one per job – and it's estimated that half of those employers are creating new apprenticeships to meet their needs.

5. Apprenticeships Can Help You Land a Job.

Who wouldn't want to land a job after getting a degree? It offers a way for you to earn money for yourself and be independent, so you can support yourself through college or get started on your career plan.

An apprenticeship program can help you secure a job at the end of your coursework because it gives you the tools and experience necessary to get the work done. This means that you'll be able to do what's necessary in your position and show that you're capable of doing more.

6. Apprenticeships are a Great Way to Earn a Degree.

If you want to be able to work in a particular industry, there may not be many degree programs available for that field. An apprenticeship can help fill this educational gap somewhat by giving students a way to earn their degree as they learn the trade, which is particularly helpful for technical areas where there aren't many other educational resources available.

Some apprenticeships will allow you to get a degree from the school that you're attending, and there are plenty of opportunities to do so, whether in your field of expertise or something else. In some cases, you can even get a part-time job and still complete your degree requirements while working full-time.

7. Apprenticeships Provide Training while You Enjoy the Activity.

Apprenticeships give students an opportunity to enjoy themselves as they learn new skills, which can be a fun way to learn and make new friends. Many apprenticeships will also offer team activities and other ways to help students get involved in their workplace that many students simply wouldn't experience without an apprenticeship program.


Hopefully this guide has given you a better understanding of what apprenticeships are, some of the benefits that come with attending one, and why you might want to consider enrolling in one. Apprenticeships offer a lot for students who want to get a degree or move into a specific field, so it's worth looking into.

If you'd like to learn more about apprenticeships in your area, take a look at the Occupational Outlook Handbook from the BLS here. It gives you access to several resources that will tell you who is currently offering apprenticeship programs in your area, along with the education that's required for those programs. You'll also be able to learn more about salaries and growth potential for each program.

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