Are You Successful?


 Are You Successful?

Are You Successful?

If you are working towards a goal and not achieving it any time soon, there's a good chance that you're not successful. In order to be successful at anything, it takes an extra effort to learn about what needs to be done in order for you to achieve your goal. What exactly is the definition of success? Strive for excellence with these guidelines. By the time you retire from your career, have children and pass on the torch, have achieved complete financial freedom or amassed enough wealth such that they are living on a different planet — if this is what defines success then I think we all agree it's been well worth it.
— Wayne Dyer
Are You Successful?
I don't think that some people know how to be successful. They think that financial security and luxury is what defines success. I respect those who have attained this level of success, but I don't respect those who have not yet become successful at living their lives as they want to live them. Life is a journey and once you're on it, you can only do the best that you can and trust that others will accept you the way you are. This doesn't mean we should slack off and try to be someone else. It means we should create our own path towards success — one which we believe in wholeheartedly instead of trying to fit into somebody else's mold.
Success is an attitude — it's not about a pay increase or acquiring material possessions. It's about creating the life you want, without compromise. This doesn't mean we can't be successful financially, or have a lifestyle which affords us the comforts of home and land, but it does mean that we should create a life for ourselves where we truly live our dreams and goals.
So what exactly is success? If you struggle to answer this question, then I think the first thing to note is that success is relative. It's all about living your purpose in life and not simply pursuing financial security or other material pursuits. Success can be found in many things such as relationships, family and friends, health, education and physical fitness. It's about what serves your life and what you live for. When you begin to define success, you will find that the boundaries of success are limitless.
What I find amazing is that some people have such a narrow conception of what it means to be successful. Success is not defined by a job title or salary grade, but rather by more qualitative terms such as money and power. Success is being able to help others and make a difference in this world, being able to provide for oneself and one's family, contributing and sharing with others — these are the things which truly define success and separate us from our fellow man.
What is Success?
I define success as living a life in which you are happy and completely fulfilled. It's not about being rich or getting everything you ever wanted, but rather it's about feeling proud about who you are and what you do for this world. What makes me successful is knowing that I have lived the life I wanted to live and that I have left my mark on this world. This may mean helping others, giving back in some capacity or even saving the lives of many people through helping fund research for some kind of disease or health condition.
Success also means being true to one's self — not trying to be someone else just because material success can be attained that way. It's about creating a life for yourself which completely encompasses you and your beliefs, dreams and goals. It's about having faith in oneself, knowing that one is capable of accomplishing anything — and it's not about trying to fit into somebody else's mold — but rather embracing who they are inside.
I understand what success looks like because I've experienced it my entire life: I've had the freedom to express myself however I wanted, helped others and contributed by saving the lives of many people through helping fund research to find cures for some kind of health condition or disease. This is how successfully I live my life — and this has nothing to do with financial security or fancy cars and flashy homes. Success has everything to do with helping others, providing for oneself and contributing to this world.
What makes me successful? It's the fact that I've lived my life doing what I wanted and have never looked back. I've always had complete freedom in my life, was free to express myself, provide for my family, save people's lives through research and contribute to this world in a way which I'm proud of — not just for what it brings me but because it allows me to make a difference with my actions.
My current definition of success is simple: To be successful at anything you need to work hard at learning about the process that you will use in order to achieve your goal or purpose. If you are truly successful at anything, you will find success by working hard to learn about what you need to accomplish. This is the only way that you can achieve true success — by being effective in what you do, not just striving for excellence.
Success Theories
In my view there are many different theories which explain success: The first is that we should all strive to provide for others and help make the world a better place. This is my main goal with everything I do; it has taken me this far and I don't plan on stopping anytime soon. Another theory of success is derived from a quote by Martin Luther King Jr.: "If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward." The idea here is that we all must persevere and continue to move forward no matter how difficult it may become — this is the only way to achieve true success.
Another view on success is the idea that we should be true to ourselves. What I mean here is that everyone must make their own decisions and live their own lives. What works for one person will not necessarily work for another — and this means that we are all different. We have different opinions, beliefs and goals and should live our lives based on these things, not trying to be like others. We should never try to fit into somebody else's mold, but rather nurture our own dreams, hopes and desires.
Once you know what inspires you to be successful you will find fulfilment in your life — and the achievements will follow. It is important that we distinguish between material possessions such as money and land and those things which truly bring us happiness; too often we confuse money with success when they are completely different things entirely.
Don't try to become successful based on what others want you to be — instead it is more important that you become successful because of who you are inside. It is important that you know who you are and what you stand for before you can be successful. You must figure out what makes you happy and what brings value to this world.
You will find that success is never as bad as people make it out to be. When things don't pan out or don't go the way you planned, it means that maybe your plans were not ideal in the first place; however, we should not look at failure as something catastrophic — it's simply an opportunity to learn more about ourselves, our goals and the process in order to achieve them. Failure is a theme with which we are all familiar and it has led to many successful lives through our own efforts.

I don't consider myself to be either successful or unsuccessful. I have achieved a lot of things in my life which have helped me live the life I want to live and are the things which I am most proud of. At the same time, I don't think that my life is perfect or that it will be perfect ever — and this is something that everyone faces. It's not about what your goals are in this world, but rather about what you want to accomplish with your actions and how you will go about accomplishing them. It's not about what people expectations are for you but rather what you expect from yourself.

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