Balancing Masculine & Feminine


 Balancing Masculine & Feminine

Some say that women need to be more like men and vice versa, but what does it mean for our identities?

Check out this article for a discussion on the role that gender plays in society. It will explore how some differences between the two sexes don't really make them better or worse - just different.  In this article, we'll also take a look at whether there are any advantages to either side and what can be done moving forward.

What are the Different Types of Masculinity and Femininity?
There are two different types of masculinity and femininity. After all, no one is completely masculine or feminine in their beliefs, behaviors, and interests.
Emasculine is a term for someone who takes on traditionally masculine roles. This can include being a breadwinner or protector, for example. Femenine , on the other hand, describes someone who takes on more feminine roles. These can include being more sensitive or artistic in nature. The terms themselves represent just two examples of how people can identify with traditional gender roles. There are many other roles and identities in between those two extremes.
For the purpose of this article, I'm going to focus on the so-called "Traditional" binary of man/woman. There are others – queer and intersex – but for our purposes, an entire population can be described in terms of one or the other.
How Do Masculine and Feminine Feel?
Men tend to be more passionate, aggressive, dominant, and assertive while women tend to be more melodic, loving, compassionate, creative. That's a very general description of what is typically masculine or feminine. Of course there are a few exceptions but that's a general rule that exists generally across cultures and around the world.

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