Be Happier In A Month


 Be Happier In A Month

Do you often feel like you're settling for less than what you really want in life? That your dreams are on the back burner while life just happens? You're not alone.

If your New Year's resolution is to be happier, here are ten tips that can help. They'll make a big difference if you stick with them - and they're so simple that anybody can do them! Give yourself a hand and start feeling better today.

1.  Write down what you want.  Life's a lot easier when you know exactly where you're headed. Don't be vague - be specific, and do it in writing. You'll get to your destination much faster.
2.  Set goals. Don't make things up as you go along in your life or just drift through the years letting life happen to you - that's not working with life, it's working against it. When there are no goals, there is no forward motion!
3. Take action now .  You'll never get where you want to go if you're sitting around wondering what to do or wishing you had the right inspiration to get moving. But your brain sees action - inaction - as the same thing. So take action - and don't stop just because things aren't going well.
4. Learn from your mistakes .  Not just learn, but learn how to avoid them in the future. We can't change the past, but that doesn't mean we can't always do an informed guess about the future based on our past experiences. Keep coming back to those mistakes over and over again, until they become a memory - then they won't be a problem anymore!
5. Be grateful .  Don't just think about things going wrong. Think about all the things that are going right, too - or even just one thing that's going right. When you appreciate what you already have, it'll be much easier to move forward and get the rest of what you want.
6. Make a point of saying "thank you" .  It's amazing how so many people say "thank you" when they get something, but never say it when they give something away to somebody else! That reminds me...
7. Help others .  You won't believe how good it feels! It's easy to forget how good this really can make you feel until you experience doing it on a regular basis. If you're feeling down but you know that somebody else needs some help, get up, put on your big-boy pants and help that person! 8. Take care of yourself .  I know it seems obvious, but a lot of people don't do it as well as they should. There's a difference between taking care of yourself and being selfish - take care of yourself by doing something nice for yourself every now and then. If your body is healthy, your mind will follow! 9. Surround yourself with positive people .  We're all different, and we're all going to get into our own little ruts here and there. It's important to be around some people who'll keep you moving in the right direction. And don't put too high a premium on getting along with everyone - you can always say no! 10. Believe that anything is possible .  It really is possible, as long as you take action - nothing's impossible if you just try!
Bob Proctor is the author of The Power of Intention: Howu To Live A Law Of Attraction LIfe ( and The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment ( His latest book, The How of Hiking, can be found at
Bob has been a guest on ABC-TV's Nightline, NBC-TV's Today Show and countless radio shows around the country. He is a public speaker and teaches seminars around the world. For more information on these topics or to reach out, visit
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Date: 03.01.12 Title: Made in America (How to win your first million, while you're still young)
OK, this is going to be a little different type of post and I'm only writing it because as I was looking through a few online groups today, I saw some ask the question, "how do I make my first million?" This got me thinking and so here we go… Now before I start, let me say that this is not going to be a short blog post. In fact, the first two chapters are going to be quite lengthy and I'll cut the rest in half. But first, let me take a little time to explain why you should care about making your own money. I know most people ask about this question all the time and for good reason. First of all, if you're a young person getting out of school and starting your career, chances are you haven't made enough money to get a decent start on what life is going to throw at you in the future (and on top of that there's always taxes).

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